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Posts posted by Apophis_

  1. EU was always canon.


    There was hierarchy, but as Leland Chee said few months ago, it was only to sort things out (so if some company wanted to release a card deck with movie characters, they picked G-canon character group etc.). Star Wars always had one consistent universe with some little retcons here and there, and some changes that Lucas wanted to make (in The Clone Wars, but in TCW we have more EU influence than you can imagine).


    New Story Team is created in order to expand the control of canon also over tv and movie projects, things previously controlled just by Lucas. I think EU is pretty safe, and I hope it will be mantaind. Sure, they can change some things in order to make new movies better, but I'm pretty sure they won't throw out games and books fans loved.


    For me Star Wars IS EU, I spent more time reading books and playing video games than watching films. Sure, they are the basics of Star Wars universe, but that universe was expanded so much that I really care more about Revan, Jaina Solo and Ben Skywalker than Luke or Leia.


    We HAVE TO WAIT for official annauncements, for some more info about Episode VII before we consider EU "toasted".

  2. I don't like it. I want more, but I'm afraid I won't get it.


    To be honest recent lack of conent is very annoying and I HOPE that BioWare will deliver. After 2 years of playing this game I really think that I should take a LONG break and see what happens...


    Also I hope that EA will give them more money and people to develop new content since new SW movies are coming out. May the Force be with them and new planets+class storylines...

  3. Guardian tank was my main for 1 year and a half. Then I realized I enjoy Sage DPS more so I started to play PvP just with this class. Then I loved Operative DPS, so as a Republic player I rolled Scoundrel DPS (since my Gunslinger was boring, I abandoned her around lvl 30) but at endgame I switched into healing.


    Then I realized I love all 3 so I have 3 mains...


    Of course I have a lot of other alts, but those 3 classes and roles are my favorites.

  4. Yesterday was the first time I saw a gold spammer on the Fleet on TOFN. I reported him, but he was standing there near GTN for more than 12 hours spaming (yeah, I ignored him after report, but when I was loging different characters I still noticed him).


    I think they should be faster when baning that kind of spamers. Maybe automatic ban after multiple reports?

  5. I have seen all stories in this order: Knight, Inquisitor, Trooper, Consular, Agent, Smuggler, Warrior, Hunter. I'm not sure if I'm able to rate them or sort them from best to worst. Every class story is somehow good and somehow bad, it depends on what you expect from the game and how deeply you know Star Wars lore (for example someone who have no idea about Mando'a will don't have any emotional attachmend to the use of this language in BH story).


    I will sort them in two tiers.


    TOP TIER: Jedi Knight (epic story with epic ending, feeling like KotOR3, The Emperor), Imperial Agent (great plot, amazing ending)


    MIDDLE TIER: Smuggler (great dialogues, terrible ending), Bounty Hunter (feeling of being independent, mandalorians), Sith Inquisitor (ancient artifacts, "Sith stuff"), Sith Warrior (releated to the Emperor, nice story), Trooper (feeling of being a trooper, but boring ending and too much focus on superweapons), Jedi Consular (mystic story, nice crossover with Imperial Balmorra, "Jedi stuff")

  6. Today they not only added new music in Galactic Starfighter games, but also I noticed new tracks in warzones and CZ-198, probably in other places too. It is really great addition, why it is not mentioned this in the patch notes!?


    Who is the new composer? The soundtrack is good, but sounds like created digitaly, not recorded with live orchestra. Still, would be nice to get a download of those, like BioWare did around launch when they posted a lot of tracks on their Facebook and swtor.com (+ the soundtrack from CE).

  7. Do you guys think PvP leveling is viable? Was sort of debating queing for warzones while doing the planet main mission and class. Do you guys think that would be good or would I become underleveled eventually?


    Yes! Sure! Do that, especially if you like playing warzones. I think this is my favorite way to gain experience, and also by playing PvP with different classes you learn a lot about the class mechanics and names of the abilities, so it is easier to defeat enemies by knowing their weaknesses and what exactly should be interrupted :)

  8. Do what you want. You still get gear, commendations and credits as rewards, and some quests are really fun (if you are into lore, story and voices).


    I used to do EVERY quest, but now since I have a lot of alts I'm usually doing only class quests and main planetary storylines. Today it is also A LOT easier to gain experience (a lot of perks, consumable boosts, bonus for subs etc.).

  9. Revan is great! If you know the story of KotOR I and II you will really love the book. It's nice bridge between those 2 games and SWTOR.


    Deceived is also great, it's a bit releated to one of the CGI trailers and have nice portrayal of Darth Malgus. It also gives some backstory to the Treaty of Coruscant.


    Fatal Alliance is good, I really liked it, but it's more a standalone novel than previous ones, the story have no bigger impact into SWTOR except for Satele Shan that appears over there, and Hutta.


    Red Harvest is a prequel to Death Troopers and if you like zombies you can read it. Good novel but not really releated to SWTOR, just set in those times.


    Annihilation. Novel by Karpyshyn that could be awesome (and should be) but it is not. I was really dissapointed. Not that the story is bad, but a book that is set after all class stories and events in SWTOR it should be more connected to what happened in the game, and it is not. It's more a standalone adventure novel with some family drama of Satele and Theron Shan, nothing more.

  10. If you guys are looking for CGI Star Wars, you should watch The Clone Wars. Yeah, first seasons are wooden, but the evolution of the visuals (and script and everything) is AMAZING. For example look at this fight scene, almost as epic as SWTOR trailers:


    And they are making new show called Star Wars Rebels (release set to Fall 2014) and I'm sure it will look even better.

  11. I play since Early Access and I remember old Ilum Open World PVP. I loved it so I spent A LOT of time there, few hours a day, we had mostly balanced fights and HUGE fps issues. It was lag-fest for everyone. But now, with the same hardware, when I played Open World PVP on Oricon (around 50-100 players involved, sometimes more, sometimes less) I had steady fps. Yeah, sometimes it dropped to 5-10, but it was mostly around 25, which is normal fps for me.


    I'm pretty sure they improved this engine.

  12. I have not spoken with Kira, Ashara or Elara for more than 1 year, and I'm scared to talk to my current alts companions because I don't want to "finish them" too fast. There should be an option to reset all chosen companion conversations after completing them. Why not? Is this that hard to implement? If we can't get new conversations just let us repeat those that are already in game.
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