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Everything posted by Wrakk

  1. Yet bioware somehow always ignores this fact and doesn't 'touch' sorcs or sages....Just LOL.
  2. Agree with you OP. There are many posts like this ( there is a reason why sniper/gunslinger is least played class in game ) yet Bioware just seems to ignore it. In fact they gave us a slight 'nerf' in the last patch...no comments on that
  3. Funny you mention it friend, just that happened to us yesterday after 6 tries on SOA in hardmode. After that i had to cope with wzs not counting, etc.etc.
  4. Are you a paid troll or what? DUDE, warzone daily wins are NOT COUNTING. You need about 10 bags to buy anything decent from champion goods vendor and now players have to go through suffering the impossibly laggy Ilum and THIS on top of it...you are joking winding up the op, right? Please tell me it is so...
  5. Dude! That is not the point! The answer to the ingame bug can't be ----> GET A PREMADE. Some people are too busy to play 63 warzones per day; and yes, as there are only 2 daily pvp quests - it is a big and gamebreaking issue, especially for frequent pvpers. People are known to DC in middle of winning the warzone, they can be on servers where imp/rep side is overpowered in pvp. What premade are you talking about? You mean half-premade with 4 people? you can be hardcore as hell but if other 4 people are n00bs - no premade will save you. I don't even know why i'm discussing this with you; if you were a pvp player you would understand what i was talking about and how important this 'gamebreaking' issue is...
  6. I hope people bump this to 'death'. This is just too terrible, unnecessary, gamebreaking bug that needs to be resolved NOW.
  7. Actually, i've never played an mmo where DAILY QUESTS were not UPDATING; warzone wins in this case; and we all know what happened on Ilum 1-2 days ago...terribad pvp, TERRIBAD!
  8. We should start 'speaking' with our wallets. If such a horrible and gamebreaking bug isn't fixed PRONTO, you know what we can expect in future...They act like it isn't even there. Disgrace for today's mmo standards...simply terrible.
  9. They suck. Simple as that. Hard to tell anything, i just get confused by this new global cd.
  10. This is simply not true. People logged in 'fresh', for the 1st time in day and simply got no kills updated AT ALL. They were just stuck at 0/150.
  11. Ok so this is the 'official' response i got when writting to customer service thread:
  12. It 100% doesn't. it didn't help me after i got killed for 5 times and i even relogged so don't wield with 'facts' that are not true.
  13. CAN WE GET AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT? ( guys post this in customer service thread, they have to answer u there )
  14. I don't get this, why do the kills just stop updating completely after a while? Killed around 50 people for no update...wth is wrong with Bioware??!?!
  15. I like how internet warriors just theorise about how gunslinger should really work. I would recommend to these same people to make one themselves and face all the problems that bother this very class. Sages and Commandos mostly overdps tha gunslinger on the lists in any warzone, you will rarely see the gunslinger at the top. On my server Sages/commandos/operatives are almost always at the top, while gunslingers usually place themselves and their dps somewhere in the middle...one word that would describe this class without further talk is - MEDIOCRE. Very few people play sniper/gunlsinger cause the class faces many important issues that can ruin the gameplay of some people: 1.) Low survivability; lack of cc that enables better kiting ( no hamstring ability to slow opponent for example ), medium armor; commando/bounty hunter retains high survivability for example aside doing enormous damage + casn have ability to heal themselves. You kick gs/sniper out of cover - and that player is pretty much as good as dead. Cover mechanic pretty much makes you an immovable turret. Yes, there are options for gunslinger to retain some mobility via the dirty fighting which actually opens a new set of problems: 2.) High energy consuming problems; horrible energy consumption, again the lack of kiting abilities + slight lack in dps in comparison to sharpshooter tree. You're pretty much uneffective in raids and pve as most of your damage dealing focuses on dots and you need a fast and constant stream of damage for Pve, bosses, etc. As well, we all know how expensive it can be to constantly respec. 3.) Shabby cover mechanics; I won't even start on how frustrating it gets when you're hammered by 3-4 melee and you're stunned and need to get back in to the cover 1st, then press hb and after that you can start dps while you're practically already dead. 1 sec animation is just the thing that could mean the difference between life and death sometimes, and yet while other classes remain mobile and cc you to death your 1st thoughts are usually how to hget back into cover before doing anything else. the problem is, you are usually dead by then. Many times, i've also noticed, that some of the abilities have a huge delay or just simply DON'T GO OFF. My mates were watching me play ( one is a sage and other one a vanguard ) and they admitted that they haven't noticed the same problem with their classes.. In overall, gunslinger/sniper is a mediocre class, that deserves some love from the devs if not a slight workover; yet all we get in the upcoming patches is a slight nerf for operations... Of to a bad start...
  16. It's way too expensive, don't see a reason why really. With each respec some ppl pay the price of rank 2-3 speeder...
  17. No. There are way too many bugs/glitches that need addressing!
  18. I can't belive this hasn't been fixed within 1 week from when people started reporting it.
  19. It's getting even worse; few weeks ago it would happen just on some occasions so i would need to win about 4-5 wzs to count for 3 needed wins for daily...These days it's pretty much 50-50 chance that warzone wins will update!!!! Are you aware of this bug?! Can't you hire some competent developers to fix it for you with the amount of cash your firm has at disposal ?! THIS BUG IS KILLING THE GAME FOR ALL AVERAGE PVP-ers and it's horribly annoying! IT SHOULD BE MADE A PRIORITY FIX!!!!
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