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Everything posted by Seriasx

  1. You keep going back to gear being your drive to play. For many of us pvpers we are not use to such concepts, for us we could be wearing a loin cloth and rock hammer and it doesnt even have to match. We literally could not care less about what gear we have on, purple, green, blue, we dont care. What we want is competitive gameplay, to acheive any sort of balance for compettiive gameplay to take place gear needs to either be removed from the game or it needs to be easy for everyone to aquire. This type of system is great for every play, be it casual, noob... all the way up to hardcore pvpers because the last thing any hardcore pvper wants is to win before the match even starts, hardcore pvpers not only want to win, but they want to win on even grounds so their opponents know that without a doubt they were just outplayed and beaten by a superior play as opposed to a superior geared player. There is no draw back to this move by BW, they saw what was wrong "new 50s being decimated by people who play 2-20x more often who built up an unstoppable gear advantage over their opponents. The only people against this move are people who think playing more often somehow gives them a right to auto win in pvp, good pvpers love this move, bad pvpers who have alot of time to play are going to have to learn how to play now and can no longer rely on their gear being the deciding factor. The move is great and could bring alot of people back for actual competitive gameplay. Personally, I cant wait! Op should change the title to, "Hardcore pvpers finally get competitive gameplay, yayyy!!!!"
  2. Gear progression works well in pve, it just doesnt work in pvp because instead of being able ti kill the weakest raid mob for the weakest set of gear and progressing through the content from say Easy mode > hard Mode > Nightmare with gear progression along the way we have to pvp with nothing as a fresh 50 vs. fully geared people and then on top of that you have to beat those geared players to one day have the same gear so you can compete with those guys and walk over other fresh 50s? It just doesnt work and is counter-productive to competitive gameplay
  3. No pvp will ever be based off 1v1, if it was then we would all be playing the same class cause there would only be 1 class
  4. Tanks are rediculously OP'd in this game, they have nearly the same dmg potential as pure dps specs with more survivability and utility. If you cannot suceed as a tank in this game then you should take 5 minutes to go through all of your abilities and see if your missing something.
  5. Against morons? Yeah were a great class if people are incapable of using terrain or their own abilities... If you can do meet those 2 pre-reqs then snipers/slingers are terrible and the worst class in swtor by a large margin. But please continue telling us what you think.
  6. I dont think you understand what the word equal means. All in all I'm not sad or mad, guess I'll just go back to my lolsentinel who will kill 95% of his targets in seconds using 5 buttons, yeah you have to use more vs. people who grasp difficult concepts like terrain and other classes abilities, Ill have to use 7+ on them, oh my~
  7. sentinels/maras are gods in pvp right now, add resolve to root/snare on top of that and we might as well just let them WZ against each other as the rest of us will just be getting in their way and possibly slowing them down for a bit...
  8. Add them asap, I'll pay up to $50 per toon. Do it before I quit and forget about this game.
  9. This is amusing, so not only can I have a 0% chance of killing a sentinel/mara on my sniper, but now I wont even be able to keep them off me? Nice balance BW
  10. Their main can supply the alt any extra needed credits, but you should be fine with just the pvp credits and maybe slicing.
  11. This, I saw the guy saying it doesnt work in pvp and giggled to myself. Been using it on ops and sents since I got it.
  12. It wont if only for the fact that biochem reusables required you to be a biochem, no such limitations will be put on armortech/synthweaving crafted items.
  13. yeah, should be a fun month to 45 days
  14. you are right, pve needs gear progression. I'm simply telling you that it doesnt work in pvp because you are fighting other people. How do you guys enjoy beating ungeared bad players? Seriously, how is that in any way fun?
  15. Pvers can kill dragon #1 for gear set #1, they can then kill dragon #2 for gear set #2. New pvpers have to fight "and win" against fully geared opponents, they are already at a disadvantage by playing less but apparently we need a bigger advantage? More importantly, how do you enjoy walking over bad, ungeared players? Have you ever been good at pvp before I cant understand how anyone could enjoy that type of gameplay.
  16. Probably, nice I love that word. You probably wear shoes while walking to your car and you probably drive home after work. Man that word is awesome, it says everything without saying anything. Well played~ As for gear, yeah I have a 50 sent in full champ and a sniper in almost full champ. Gear is great as a pve reward to kill dragon #2 after farming dragon #1, but pvpers dont kill dragons we kill other players so gear progression doesnt work. No one could possibly enjoy walking over ungeared players, the only exception to this would be if its like your first ever WZ win or you are just not very good at this game so you have to out gear your opponents. Pvpers do NOT want gear to be the how and why they just won a fight, they want to win the fight through superior playing ability so they can actually enjoy their victory. I can sort of see how so many people are begging for gear progression, the pve in this game sucks so you guys had no choice but to pvp or solo daily quests, take it from the pvpers, gear progression is terrible in pvp and flat out doesnt work if you want any type of competitive gameplay.
  17. Taking gear progression will help balance matches before they start, maybe you like walking into a WZ knowing the outcome before it starts but pvpers dont, we enjoy being challenged and having the closest matches possible, removing gear progression and forcing peoplt to learn how to play their own toon is only beneficial to all.
  18. The best pvp games never had gear progression through pvp, character progression is alive and well after 1.2. You can still learn how to play your class You can still try to grasp all the other classes and their builds You can still learn how to build a good premade through trial and error with various class builds You can still learn the game mechanics On top of these there are many advantages to removing gear progression "gear, not character", mainly. More even fights from start to end which will be exciting for both the winning and losing team. Gauge class balance as opposed to looking at abilities in a bubble with various gear/stats.
  19. Oh thats cute you think we care about getting gear as opposed to just using it as a means to an end, sorry but were not the ones who think purple gear with better stats then our previous purple gear is the greatest thing ever to happen in an mmo, were too busy trying to pvp competitively. Thats you~ We dont want gear to be the deciding factor for winning and losing, its a dumb system that is only encouraged by pvers who probably dont even enjoy pvp in the first place
  20. No, but I can do the first EM which will give me gear for the next EM all the way to HM and NM. Gear progression works well in pve as seen above. In pvp you have to fight against those with the best gear and you have to beat those players to get the same gear they have... This is a great system if you dont enjoy competitive pvp, if you enjoy competitive pvp, enjoy fighting close matches and dont enjoy being stomped by geared players or stomping ungeared players then this system is terrible as there is no balance whatsoever. Pvp should be decided by playing ability, class knowledge "both yours and the others, including their various builds", Game mechanics and knowledge of the terrain and what is happening around you while your fighting. Pvp should NOT be decided by who logs in more and/or got lucky with gear drops that they put on their toon and are now somehow better at the game... Its a dumb system that only terrible players who log in and play a rediculous amount of time enjoy because without that gear progression they couldnt even kill the casual who logs in ~4 hours a week. In short, every good, bad and new pvper hates gear progression because it decides the match before the match has even started, while people who play all the time and can barely grasp 4 buttons while staring straight ahead while ignoring everything around them want gear to decide how a fight ends because they cant possibly win without the gear advantage.
  21. So your not part of the crowd who needs gear rewards? Nice to meet you~
  22. I do play in the 10-49 while levelling alts, it is pretty fun and closer to balance than 50 pvp, will be nice once gear disparity is removed from 50 pvp.
  23. I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about the new guy who has no chance of having fun, the only part this change will affect for me is I'll be playing more matches that can go either way win or lose, those matches are fun, not knowing if I'm going to win or lose before the game starts is alot more fun than auto winning because of gear disparities. I think removing gear will help many of the no lifers learn how to play their class, they might even gain a basic understanding of other classes and their builds, altogether it will make for better pvp. Gear grind works really well in pve though
  24. Exactly, lots of pvers did wzs to get gear faster without group/raid pre-reqs. Now the pvp gear wont work in pve so those guys no longer need a gear grind from pvp, they can go to solo dailys or step up to Flashpoints. Pvp for gear doesnt work
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