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Everything posted by Fiamma_Verde

  1. Not really, Slu*, is kind of derogatory and the word as quite a bit of charge to it. Even if I know that realistically a bunch of the scantily clad toons on fleet are being played by males II'd still get a little offended with it being used in that way. It's an mmo. A lot of people are playing it, not just you. People want more options, and judging by the fact that you feel like you want to complain about it a lot of people like these options. Ignore them, and don't wear the outfits if you don't like them, but don't try to change other peoples play styles based on your own preferences and moralities. That said, there are a few inquisitor robes were the female version has the midriff sort of slap dashed erased. I really wish that the male version was available for my assassin. It looks a lot better and a lot more complete.
  2. I remember one time a friend was putting together a SM DP. I wanted to bring a new toon to heal (decently geared but no set bonus), we got the group together but couldn't find a second healer so I agreed to solo heal it on my overgeared main on the condition that I could roll on a set piece for the alt that I wanted to bring. Nobody had a problem with it until we started downing bosses and the guy in 66blues made me feel guilty about rolling, and the majority of the group backed him. It was a fun run but I really wanted the experience/gear for my alt. :-/
  3. Everyone's art is really inspiring. I wanted to contribute too! No colour for either unfortunately. My Twilek scoundrel http://imgur.com/gud9zsS And assassin http://imgur.com/tLM8sqE
  4. Winnipeg here too. Yes winter indeed sucks, but misery loves company. >
  5. I was kind of just listening to it in the background while studying, but from what I heard everything seems pretty accurate. I personally like the way the video is set up as he never really tells you to absolutely do something, but still hits all of the main points, and what works well with what, etc. Pretty much just some good, basic advice. Personally, buffed I like to have about 30% crit as opposed to 25%, but as he said, gear is kind of all to taste for healers anyhow. Talent tree looks good too. I put two points in Smuggled Med Delivery instead of Scar Tissue as I find it convenient at the start of some fights, but neither one is really a game changer. Scar Tissue might be useful for pvp, but scoundrels have a lot of survivability there anyhow.
  6. That's true, it would be nearly Impossible for someone who didn't know what they were doing. Maybe if they pvpd to 55 or something. On a slight tangent my guild decided to run ec last night for fail ops. A guild mate was leveling a vanguard who had just over 10k hp. Sometimes he would seemingly drop dead for no reason. When I took a look at his gear, he was in a level 17 chest piece. ^^ It was pretty funny!
  7. It's not specified whether or not it's story, nor are any attempts at communication mentioned. *shrug* Probably best not to assume.
  8. It's your thread, so do what you want but I just wanted to chime in and say requiring video proof of a kill is going to discourage a lot of guilds from posting due to it just not being feasible. The whole point of threads like these is to get as much community involvement as possible right? Edit: Sorry was on page 11 and didn't realize that there was another one before posing. I am a *******.
  9. That was nice of you to help out the tank like that. The set bonus is really nice for tk spec too. Give it a try if you haven't already! Though you're right, not having it for. 55 him isn't something that anyone should be worried about. So this evening I jumped onto my commando healer (whom I don't have a lot of experience with)' and zone into Mando Raiders. There is a sage DPS, sent, and vanguard tank. The first couple pulls are a little choppy, but I don't think too much of it and assume that it's just because I'm still learning the ins and outs of the commando. We get to the first boss, he stuns the tank, boss jumps to me as expected , I run a bit thinking that the tank will taunt, but it doesn't come. Boss finally stuns me and jump a back to the tank who is grouped with the DPS. Another agro drop, I get him back. This time I decide to face tank him, pop cooldowns, and just heal through, but pull him a little ways from the DPS, which makes healing them tricky. Tank doesn't taunt back. We make it through, but the tank then writes into group chat: Keep them together. You just make it worse by running. I write back: The boss/ red circle should be kept away from the group. ^^;; We get to the trash pull with the big room and the turrets on either side, and wipe a couple times due to me being new, and the tank standing 2o meters away from the turrets and rifle shotting them. Needless to say I keep grabbing all the adds that spawn in the back and the DPS easily pull the turrets. At this point I check the tanks gear. A few defense mods, accuracy, alacrity and power. I thought I was wrong about the shield generator at first so I linked it in guild chat before o got too exasperated. Unfortunately my fears were realised. It was a power generator with a defense mod, and defense alacrity enhancement....I wasn't sure if I should say anything but thought it would be rude, or making excuses if I called her out so I didn't bring it up (though I intended to whisper the tank after the flashpoint and see if I could help her with some gear basics$ Second fight is a little chaotic, tank find of focuses on the sorc while the BH and Agent run wild. Gil we pull three times, but die to enrage . The tank doesn't taunt when he jumps, but stands back and hits her basic attack. After we wipe she does tell us not to run or move out of the red however... We decide not to do the bonus after a few pulls, and die horribly twice to the last boss on the first set of turrets. The tank tells us to Los the boss so she can keep them all busy. I We decide to throw in the towel, tank leaves without a word, and I mention that it would have been nice if she'd a least had some tanking gear. The sage agrees so I guess she'd noticed as well. Me and the sage are ready to leave but the sent seemed really bummed about not finishing so we decide to try our luck with getting another tank. Get a new one in less than five minutes and we finished no problem. I never did get to tell the tank about her shield problem though ...
  10. Hell no you didn't do anything wrong. I mean I'm sure if they said no with a valid reason (everyone should greed so that we all get a chance at it or whatever), you would have either respected their wishes or left the group. Though I don't know why people wouldn't want to help someone else out anyway, especially if they couldn't use the gear themselves. It's like asking before a roll if you can need on companion gear, most of the time people will say yes as long as they don't need it, and I've never seen anyone kicked for asking before! *shrug* I think you just ran into some jerks. On a lighter note, I ran into an interesting duo during a lowbie Hammer Station run today. They were both from the same guild, one was a Mirialan, the other Human (or maybe Mirialan with a different skin tone). They were both body type 4 and had similar/same face and were dressed Identically (as far as I can remember it was a gladiator top, the Markos Ragnos headgear, and the revan robes), 'cept one was dyed green and the other yellow. Both were named after vegetables. ^^ I thought it was pretty cute. That said they seemed pretty experienced. I mean the tank was using guard as a treat reducer. I think one of them was waiting for a companion to come back before he would use bioanalysis for the bonus area which was a little odd ^^;; He was counting down for it , 30 seconds, 5 seconds... then decided just to skip it. HAHA. Very friendly though.
  11. The story line romances have no effect on the relationships of RPers, just like each class story line doesn't have much effect on all RP. They're just little side stories, and I fail to see why you find it "creepy". Seriously, I'm an emotionally healthy adult in a long term relationship, and I enjoy a romantic subplot in games as much as I enjoy them in books and movies. I'm not a huge fan when romance is the main focus, but love and/or romantic relationships are one of those things that nearly everyone on this planet experiences (in one form or another), and it is a very easy way for writers to create an emotional connection between the viewer, reader, or in this case gamer. How is a romantic subplot in the story portion of SWtOR any different from Leia and Han in the movies?
  12. I don't know about the first part, but I will admit to dieing to and/or wiping the group due to the rock thing a few times. Sometimes the animation will go off but you won't actually be behind a rock. The best way to avoid this is to not consider yourself crouched until you get a buff. I don't remember exactly what it is, but I think it's a little blue and white icon.
  13. My first toon was female with body type 2. From the loading screen it seemed the prettiest, but when I started playing her it ended up bothering me that she was so curvy. Oddly enough made it really hard for me to relate to. Since then they've all ended up being body type 1. Female Type 1: My favourite, though I kind of wish she were a little shorter. Type 2: Chest seem to big for me to really consider her 'average', though she definitely has a nice build. Some of the faces seem a little odd though. Type 3: The most unrealistic. I've seen decently buff women before but never really of that particular shape. The most unrealistic I think. Type 4: The arms seem a little out of proportion, but otherwise It's really cute. It does kind of bother me that the males have an actual 'fat' model while women are just a little curvier. xD I think that this is a more realistic version of 2 though. Time for me to objectify the men a little bit Males: Type 1: The build itself doesn't bother me, but the head seems absolutely gargantuan compared to everything else. If it were a little more to scale this one would probably be my favorite. Type 2: Kind of reminds me of a male underwear model or something. Really fantastic to look at, but probably not a decent representation of the average Type 3: I guess this one works well for warriors, or troopers. Honestly It makes me think of the weightlifters I laugh at at the gym because they can't turn their necks, or touch their own backs. U___U; That amount of muscle is borderline creepy. Type 4: Kingpin! Nice for variety, though the six pack probably wasn't necessary.
  14. It's really funny how people can have such different perspectives. I play a scoundrel and am generally paired with a sage, though I absolutely love healing with one of our resident commandos as well. That said, my most detested healing composition is two scoundrels (though for some fights it's nice). It could be that I haven't had a chance to work with one where we meshed well, but always feels awkward and clunky to me, tracking hots becomes a pain, and normally we're sitting on more than enough overheal, that two scoundrels becomes redundant and it makes more sense to switch some of that out for different utility or, variant healing styles.
  15. Yeah it almost seems easier in HM than in SM, so I wonder if it doesn't have something to do with being tuned for 16man. That said I haven't run sm since a couple days after it came, out and once on a differently geared operative alt. If it's relevant at all though, we normally have an smuggler and sage healing. I don't really know exactly what the sages do except that they'll put down a puddle once they get in. I normally pop pugnacity or my relic, then use kolto cloud while I get focused on the target. Personally I find it goes a lot more smoothly, and we end up with more cushion if I add two stacks of SRMP. Then I just kinda rotate between UM, and KP... Our tank probably knows better what I'm actually pressing and in what order xD
  16. Oh wow. Yeah if a "Tank" is a diva like that at level 10/11 I can only imagine what they'd be like at later levels... the sent and him probably have nearly identical defensives at that point anyhow.
  17. Specific stats will absolutely help a DPS reach their max potential, or increase a tank's survivability, but as one of our guild tanks put it, healing gear is to taste. As long as yours heals do what you expect them too when you need it,my pure doing fine. Personally I really like having some crit as it feels much more comfortable for me overall. Plus when a cunning/crit/surge piece drops during progression night the gunslingers never want it, so it's ripe for the pickings.
  18. To be fair, the living legend title is a legacy title isn't it, so that doesn't give too much information on how well you play the class. For myself I'm decent on my main, but could definitely use some work with my other toons. Maybe you are just using a skill that you shouldn't be using which is tipping people off? I know in guild we had a member with a shadow tank alt who didn't know that he was supposed to use telekinetic throw, and was using spinning kick on cooldown. Honestly I really don't know how well you play that character, but if people keep offering they might have a reason (or they might not). There is very little reason to complain about it on the forums though. :-/
  19. I don't know. Kolto infusion is actually pretty useful. It's faster than Kolto injection, has a nice base heal plus a hot attached to it. I don't use it unless I already have 3 stacks of tactical advantage, but following it up with a surgical probe will put you right back at 100% energy. Plus providing you have a few slow release medpacks (unsure of the mirror name) floating around, there really shouldn't be any reason to worry about proccing TA. I don't use it as much in a fight with a lot of movement since a strait up surgical probe is generally better, and I wouldn't suggest immediately following a Kolto injection with it (if anything switch the two around so infusion comes first), but it is not without merit, and is pretty good for burst healing a tank. Definitely play around with it when you get a chance!
  20. You're going to have a lot of overheal in a flashpoint if you're healing consistently. Especially if the tank is good and your teammates aren't taking a lot of damage. In this case Recoupedative Nanotech seems to be a big percentage of your healing. Maybe it wasn't always necessary? When healing raids I don't normally worry too much about overheal unless energy has been an issue, or I'm required to DPS a bit. I think a bit of overheal is inherant to the class and the abundance of dots. Normally I just like to make sure that my co-healer and my EHPS are relatively similar so I know that I'm not making them work harder than they have too. .Even then torparse can seem a little skewed since it doesn't count a sage's bubble or the added mitigation from a commando's super-charged kolto bomb.
  21. It does happen. The other night I was fooling around in concealment spec for the first time and decided to que for a FP. I qued as both a DPS and a healer thinking that it might be fun to DPS but not really wanting to since I'm sure I was all over the place in terms of attacks and rotation-- but I figured the que would pop with me healing. I was wrong. Instant pop and I was designated DPS. The guild I was running with was really nice though and didn't say anything about my derpy play, but I did come clean about not really knowing how to DPS. As for the run that the other guy mentioned. He didn't say anything about pulling before the tank, just that he was skipping stuff faster. Personally I like to stick with the group since it's easy to wipe during an accidental pull when everyone is separated but diva tanks need to calm down too!
  22. I don't know if ou have it yet, but things will be much easier once you get surgical probe, and surgical precision. Until then energy may be a bit touch and go. Just do your best to stay over 60% and don't be afraid to use diagnostic scan!
  23. Unfortunately there is no way to re something to get an orange one. Most will have an orange version available somewhere in game though!
  24. Yeah something like this probably wouldn't hurt us, but at the same time I don't think think that it really affects the real mobility issue as much either-- except for maybe slowing upper hand procs slightly.
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