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Everything posted by Fiamma_Verde

  1. Your not undergeared, but you don't really have that buffer for screw ups that being overgeared gives. You just need a group that isn't in a rush and can play semi-intelligently. :-)
  2. Just because people are posting here doesn't necessarily mean that they play operatives. That said, I main a scoundral and do feel like there is some disparity ithe the advantages that operative mobility gives to pvp. I also know that two skilled players can root and kill me before I can even get a kolto injection off (if dodge is on cooldown), and that Emergency Medpack (surgical probe?) crits for about 5k so if I'm spamming it below 30% health I'm really just waiting for a cross heal. Relying solely on SRMP will get me crazy high numbers, but its essentially a vey powerful aoe heal that takes 8GCDs to maintain and 16 to set up which leaves me about one to do spot healing (or recouperative Nanotech which will net me higher numbers!). I also use them like a sage bubble to help lessen incomming damage, biut personally I feel like I'd be considerably more useful making sure that a specific person isn't going to die than I would be trying to make sure everyone is HOTed even if they're only taking some splash aoe damage. In PvE we're in a great place. Quick, reactive, smaller heals pairs vey nicely with either Mercs oe Sorcs and we can be effective aoe or single target healers depending on the situation. What I'm really worried about is that the pvp imbalance will destroy the spec in PvE which honestly seems to be par for the course.
  3. Giving the super low cooldown on dodge to one of the dps specs would help reduce operative survivability without messing with PvE at all. I don't think that the chance to generate upper hand is really required on Kolto cloud either as there are so many other skills that preform the same task, and it might make us have to stop to cast a little bit more which again would help reduce PvP mobility withoutt really hurting PvE.
  4. Yeah now when I'm levelling a healing alr I almost prefer when the tank tunnel visions.... I just Los them by playing ring around the Rosie with the crates. It makes it easier.
  5. The thing is, if you have them spamming surgical probe (what seems to be the consensus of their most op pvp ability), you have essentially stalemated them... If they are below 30% they probably aren't/can't waste a gcd on anything that could garner them more upper hand or on attempting to heal a teammate. Personally if anything is out of whack with operative survivability it's the low cooldown+cleanse on dodge. I feel like changing that would be an effective pvp nerf without harming the pve abilities of the spec.
  6. Wonder if it's triggered just by having any two below 50% regardless on whether the others or up or not. I'd like to see if our focus sent can still force sweep them all to death...
  7. Failing is just part of the process especially if you have a group of people who are new to the content or can't work well together. My advice would be to find a group of people you enjoy running with. I mean I just got out of wiping on Kephess for the past two hours and still feel fairly successful. That same night with a group I didn't like, or know would have had me ready to punch the monitor though!
  8. Why would you stop castinging it unless you're having trouble with energy? By the time you can assess that nobody will interrupt, it would be at the end of its cast bar anyhow.
  9. Not to derail the question, but what is wrong with the operative/assassin combo for this fight? I run an operative and we're coming up to this one so I wouldn't mind knowing what to expect.
  10. Although I was playing with the idea of trying out a defensive relic for pvp, operatives already have so many survivability tools that I don't think I'd be willing to trade power (it would be power right?) and raw healing which is survivability in its own for defence. I get enough crap for switching out power for a bit more crit. It's a cute experiment though. Nobody would suspect the well fortified agent!
  11. It's cheaper and faster than Kolto injection so personally I like to use it when I need to do some single target healing. That said, I'll typically only use it if I have three stacks of upper hand, unless I'm not anticipating an Emergency Med Pack (not sure about Imp mirror) follow up. Healing is really situational though, so mess around with it a bit and find out what works!
  12. Why nerf it? That would effectively give us two versions of HM which seems a little silly. If you're worried about gear, this tier will likely become available once the next one drops. NiM gives players something challenging to work for without restricting story content from anyone else. My guild can only dedicate one to two nights a week to progression ops (and more often than not we're subbing in new players due to conflicts), but we are improving and it's always super exciting when we down something new of figure out a new mechanic.
  13. The challenge isn't necessarily in killing mobs, it's in getting that perfect choreography down with your teammates. It always amazes me how much harder even easy content can seem with an unskilled group. Back on topic, I am really disappointed about this. Not so much about the reduced health (though that sucks too), but about the reduced damage. Healers don't have a lot of challenging fights, and this one was crazy fun even while continuously wiping. I guess it just seems a little uncalled for... ...
  14. I hate to say it because as a community I think that most of us want as many players as possible, but you are probably playing the wrong game. This is an mmo,and while there are things to do solo (Story aspects for one,) the main focus of an mmo is to play with other people. While it may not seem like a huge request, rebalancing the content to be soloable (when realistically most of it except for the operations is already) would divert attention away from developing the things that the majority of the player base actually wants.
  15. The thing about healing is that your effective HPS is going to depend a lot on your group, what healing assignments were given (if any) and how the pull was treated. As long as people are aren't dyeing, you're doing your job. A few nights ago we were killing time in sm TFB, and on the writhing horror our two healers were sitting at about 800 eHPS which was more than sufficient. Both healers are really good players, but there wasn't any damage to be healed through. Often I'll keep torparse open so if a pull feels more difficult than normal I can compare to see if much has changed from last time, and get an idea of what the issue was, but its not as crucial to get specific numbers as it is with DPS. It's more important to anticipate incoming damage, help mitigate when possible, and make good decisions on who should be healed and when. If you really want to compare, go to torparse.com and have a look. I wouldn't take too much stock into it though without knowing the exact circumstances of the fight. Was a sage able to salvation an entire raid for the length of the fight? Did a scoundrel SRMP everyone and Kolto cloud on cool down? High numbers don't necessarily mean a good healer.
  16. Personally I like hotkeys better for healing since I'll click the ops list to target, so key binding majorly cutdown on mouse movement, and generally makes me more efficient, and much quicker to react. Especially since I have a lot of instant casts. That said one of our guid's top DPS clicks, so I'm sure with the right setup it could work for healing too.
  17. Agreed. This is a little frustrating for me since I need two drops from TFB for my gear set, but must save my lockout. We have another healer who just returned to the game as well, who is in a similar position. I'd understand if the gear dropped were the same, but there is really no point as it stands...
  18. You need to down the earlier bosses before you can shuttle further ahead. It's very linear. On a side note, there is a bonus boss between The Writhing Horror, and the Dreadguard in 16man HM. You need to do some prep work though.
  19. The guy who presses the 'lore object' before the operations chief fight while it is being explained and organized. *whisles innocently* I'm sad to say that I've been that person twice, after completing to operation multiple times. xD I didn't know that you could be killed by your companion. Is the damage you take after leaving the nightmare equal or proportional to your companions left over hit points?
  20. I main a sawbones. Personally I love them for their high mobility (nice in pvp and certain boss fights), and their ability to practically bring people back from the dead due to EMP. Plus it's kind of nice being able to stealth out of a fight if it's going South. Scoundrels tend to be very reactive, while sages require a little more planning and knowledge of a fight IMO. I think that it may be easier to mend mistakes on a scoundrel too. That said, I much prefer being paired with a sage or a commando than another scoundrel.
  21. This is going to depend on the server. On The Ebon Hawk I get nearly instant pops, whereas I tend to have to wait on my tank. That said, war zones are oversaturated with healers.
  22. For me if a player is being abusive to another one I'll vote kick. If some on is unfairly kicked, I'll drop group. For inapropriately geared or under skilled players, I'll leave it to the discretion of the person who will have to pick up the other's slack. For instance, if one DPS is undergeared I'll leave it to the other to decide since they're the ones who will have to meet enrage timers. If it's a super soft tank the healer can decide if they're able to keep them up. Now a couple months ago I was on my healer and phased into Cademimu. First couple pulls were aweful, the tank would crumble in half a second, but I saw him using slow time so it took me a bit to check his gear (my bad, I know). When I did I saw that he was all in DPS gear with a shield generator (with DPS mods) equipped. I asked him if he had any DPS gear thinking that this was a pvp set, and he said that he didn't since he was just trying out kinetic spec. I was slightly over geared by this point, on my main, and it was 2 in the morning and figured that waiting for another tank would be futile so we decide to take it careful by ccing, waiting for cool downs etc. We did fairly well, though with no mitigation the tank could only hold one or two enemies while I face tanked the rest. We got up to the bonus boss, downed him with no problems, but a nice DPS piece dropped which he needed on and won. That piece was a good upgrade for one of our teammates that qued and waited in que as a DPS. He refused to trade the piece since DPS was his main spec. No ****. That was the last straw. It was too inconsiderate. We were carrying him through that instance, and going extremely slow for him. Even if tank wasn't his main spec, he qued as one (probably for shorter ques) and should have only needed on that if nobody else did. *Shrug* Bowdar tanked the rest of it, and we tried to have the DPS kite the final boss, but Risha was pretty lousy at removing shackles. Lucky a real tank joined in for the last boss.
  23. I know this drives me nuts! I heal and even when I say that I know what to do if the adds focus me everyone still insist on standing on the boxes. Guess that they don't realize how stupidly long it makes everything.
  24. This was in LI hm way back when, and was playing on my sawbones. We phase in and realize that one of the DPS was a sage in a complete set of recruit gear. The sage says that she's done it before though and the other DPS is experienced and over geared so we head out and down the mini boss and droid with no problems. Then we get to Sav Rak. Everyone reconfirms that they know the fight and we pull. Nobody gets booted off the edge but when he jumps up onto the pillars instead of going to her console the sage casts salvation in the middle and is healing. One of our other group mates tells them to grab the console, but they don't move so I start moving towards it instead. Luckly he drops down just as I'm about to click, but the sage's resources are now shot. Sage is DPSing but has little to no resource, so when he jumps up again I can't leave the middle to click the console since I kind of doubted their ability to keep us alive through the spit with recruit gear, no force and what I'm now assuming is a limited understanding of the fights. We enrage and all die a horrible screaming death. The Tank and DPS remind her to use the console, and I ask her what spec she is since I saw her casting salvation. She says "I'm off heals. This guy hits really hard so you need two healers. " O__________o I tell her to click the console and we'll be fine with one. She does so heroically, and the other DPS pulls the weight of a seer specced DPS sage in recruit gear like a boss for the rest of the FP. Pugging LI used to be so exciting. /nostalgicsigh
  25. You did the right thing telling them that you didn't know the fights, and it was their choice to bring you, and it was rude for them not to explain things to you. Although you shouldn't have clicked the shield without knowing the mechanics, the abuse was absolutely not justified. Some people are jerks. Don't worry about it.
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