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Everything posted by SpankyMcFlych

  1. Getting the blue schematics is usually pretty easy. Much faster then getting the purple ones. If you're going for a tank piece start with the green one you'd want from the beginning and re it until you get redoubt, then take that blue to purple. Don't bother trying to take a blue piece that isn't the ideal to purple.
  2. I just got a lvl 35 orange bracer for jedi knights (heavy armor) off a random mob on balmorra and they sold for 100k within 6hours on the gtn. Methinks I shoulda priced it higher.
  3. I did notice when trying out an emp alt that their starting zone was much more condensed then tython, and leveling through the first zone seemed much faster. There were also 2 (or 3?) heroic quests vs 1, and 3 champion mobs vs 2 (one of which is unkillable solo at 11). Then there's the fact that armor on emp side all looks menacing and cool while repub get clown suits. Heck, take a piece of armor, try it on as republic and it'll look stupid. Try the same piece on as emp and it now has a totally different and awesome looking model. It's no wonder emp fleet had 180ish people on while repub fleet had just 110. And their starting zone had around 80 people while repub had 20 lol. And I think my server has a more balanced population then most.
  4. The devs should have cut all the voice acting for the random garbage filler quests we have everywhere and instead given a ton more lines to our characters and to our companions so we don't run into this. Either that or a toggleable mute option for companions.
  5. I've gone with the blue cyber crafted ship upgrades for my main (and all my alts) and only ever used the first rank of vendor bought ones. Worked fine for me. As for being able to craft the 3 and 5 ranks... wouldn't work unless they were superior to the vendor ones. No crafter would be able o compete with the vendor. Heck... even the blue and purple ship mods arn't worth crafting on my server as they sell for less then the materials cost. But honestly... I don't really see much future for space combat. Running the exact same mission, which plays out in the exact same way, for the nth time gets real old, real fast. Unless they revamp space to actually be controllable by players (which I can't see happening any time soon) it's always going to be a boring timed minigame on rails with limited appeal. Though I would like to see customization for our ships. Or the ability to buy other ships. More upgrades, where are the engine upgrades? oh right... on rails... and a timer. Can't really upgrade engines. But anyways there's endless bits of ways we should be able to upgrade our ships. They could add skills to skill up for space as well to add something to work on. And I want a turret for my companions to man to shoot at all the one-shottable fighters flying around and shooting me from behind. Heck they could give companions space experience and let them level up their space ability as well. Or they could give that stupid spacesuit social armor bonuses to space combat when you wear it heh. But anyways meh. As it stands space combat is a forgettable and rather boring (after a while) minigame. An infinite number of ways to improve it and make it a real part of the game. Good luck having any influence whatsoever over what bioware decides to do (or not bother to do) with it.
  6. Or we can sell the mats for twice what the crafted items sell for. And honestly... do we care as 50's about the piddle profits that might be made off lowbie crap when it's more productive to just run some dailies. Every time I think about maby doing some lowbie crafting to fill my crafting fix I have to give it up after pricing out the market for lowbie items vs the price of the mats they use.
  7. Don't go making up fantasy conversations. I don't like the mechanics of commandos and smugglers, I think they suck. I also don't like the cover system smuggler dps use, I think it sucks as well. Bioware obviously wants different classes to be different and I imagine some people must like the way those mechanics work. I don't. I do like the mechanics of how sages work. If they need to nerf specific things with sage so be it. I'm all for better balance. However I would not like it if they changed the basic mechanics of how the class works. Which is what a lot of you whiners are calling for in this thread. Sorry but if you think the basic mechanics of smugglers and commandos sucks (like I do) then pick another class to play morons. Don't expect bioware to change my class to work like yours mechanically because you want others to suffer as you do through crappy design choices.
  8. There are in fact 3 schematics for blue willpower shields, acquired from the missions that can come back with various schematics (slicing ect). One is lvl 25, and I forget what level the others are (pretty sure the 3rd is 49, not 100% though). If you track down the names of these shields you can probably track down crafted ones, or the schematics on the gtn. Depending on how healthy your server is anyways. edit: err... if that's what you were asking for anyways. No clue what a kinetic combat jc is.
  9. Max affection companions with +crit to their mission type and max skill can still fail 340 schematic missions. /shrug
  10. what a horrible idea. The crafting system in swtor sucks, but this just makes it worse.
  11. meh. A good crafter keeps track of the pricing trends of the mats he uses to craft the items he sells, and prices them accordingly. Unfortunately in this game it's more profitable to sell mats to endless crafters who don't do so.
  12. I've found myself wishing for this very thing before. Too bad the GTN is another bit of the UI that's horribly unfinished and didn't include any of the advances in auctionhouse mechanics accepted in other mmo's over the past 10 years.
  13. Whatever needs to be nerfed will be nerfed. Whatever needs to be buffed will be buffed. Until then meh on whiny nerf threads like this. However I would like to point out that some people despise the regen mechanic for commandos and scoundrels. I hate the way you have to keep your resource pool near full to enjoy proper regen, and how if you get into trouble and drain down to nothing you're pretty much sol for regen. I also despise how small the resource pools are and how you can't increase them. This was an incredibly cheap way for bioware to simplify their balancing concerns but it removes an aspect of player customization. So if they decreased our force pool to 100, and gave us that annoying as hell regen mechanic of gimping our regen when we're below a certain threshold of force I would find my class much less enjoyable to play. If stuff needs nerfing then nerf it (conversely if stuff needs buffing then don't nerf others to suck like they do), but don't go and change core mechanics of my class to suck as badly as yours do because you don't like yours and want my class to suck just like it. If you didn't like the way commandos or scoundrels work then you should have picked a sage.
  14. They could just give the orange schematics we already have unique models and it would practically double the number we have at that. Considering half of what we can make (as armormech or synthweavers) are just reskins of the same model.
  15. Crafting isn't really a money maker. More of a huuuge money sink. Dump your crafting skill and get another gathering skill. Sell mats. Profit.
  16. I've seen that tips message about companion affection increasing crit chance as well, but if it does it's not very noticeable. There was also a dev post confirming it a while back but again that doesn't mean much considering forum devs are typically uninformed liars. For all we know it's supposed to work, but doesn't (like rest xp). Or it does work but only gives a 1% crit chance bonus with max affection. Until players can parse results and produce a statistically accurate analysis we'll never know for sure.
  17. I see a lot of people comparing two advanced classes (sage vs shadow for consulars) to two completely different classes in wow... which is patently wrong. Sage and shadow have the same resource, the same base abilities, the same companions, the same ships, and to top it off the exact same class story. They are the same class.
  18. These duels can only occur if accompanied by the fight music from star trek when kirk was fighting spock.
  19. Won't someone please think of the orphan kittens! Oh the humanity!
  20. ... people actually fall for that? I've been sorting through buys by unit price for ages. Not sorting ingame of course since their GTN sucks horribly, but sorting mentally. God... no wonder there's so many idiots selling single items in the GTN.
  21. I agree with that. The market is too small. Most of the time you can't find what you're looking for. Need raw mats? Chances are nobody is selling any. So the price never settles at any real equilibrium. Everything is hit or miss whether it will even be on there. Is my server dying? Have they set server populations too low? Who knows, but judging by the borked economy it's one of those or both.
  22. Something tells me you weren't really a serious crafter to begin with. If you were you would have realized that helm/chest/legs arn't really worth the effort anyways and would have concentrated on belts/boots/bracers/gloves.
  23. If you don't want dual specs in the game, then you need to let healers solo at the same rate as dps while doing dailies and other grindy type things. It's as simple as that.
  24. The mobs strength really ramps up compared to you and your pet during the latter half of the game. Happens with all classes/pets
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