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10 Good

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  • Location
    Washington State, USA
  • Interests
    RC airplanes, golf and computer gaming
  • Occupation
    Stay and home Dad
  1. Thanks for all the info. Lots of good stuff to think about
  2. I like it. Commendation vendors are needed to give you credit for all your hard work but they need to be tweaked. Craft based schematics is a great idea. It actually gives the crafters a reason to get out in the world and be part of it. I love the modable gear but something needs to be changed about the Commendation Mod Vendor. Bop mods would be a start. Slightly lower stats than crafted would be another. Quest rewards in general should always be bop.
  3. Biochem is currently the largest flooded market. It's the only crafting class with a major game playing perk. Reusable artifact heals and stims are the only way to go. Blues with a 1 time use cost more to craft then they can really be sold for because all the mats are being consumed by implant crit crafters. The same goes for artifact grade medpac/stims. Plus there is no crit perk for those items so there is no chance to get a large recoup on as you would on implants. Hence the reason for the flood of implants. Everyone wants that lucky crit.
  4. Thanks. Are the artifact ones boe or bop?
  5. I'm only able to reverse engineer level 49 blue items up to level 49 artifact items. Where are the craftable level 50 schematics coming from? Do I need to reverse eng level 49 artifacts to get a level 50 or are they heroic mode ops drops?
  6. Here is why I feel the economy is in trouble for crafters. 1) If you do the math more credits can be made selling materials than in selling crafted items. 2) Mods that can be purchased via commendation vendors are not bop and I believe they should be. They are flooding the galactic trade market with mods that are sold well below what can be crafted. You will always lose money trying to match vendor mods which contain the exact same stats as crafted items. If crafted items had stats even a little bit high I believe it would help a lot. 3) On average, on the server I play only get about 5k to 10k profit on any crafted item Green earpieces cost 6,800 to crafts and sell for about 6k to 9k. that's a lot of work for a two to 3k profit. Blue earpieces cost 9,200 to craft and sell for about 4k to 7k because of vendor and loot drops with the exact same stats. If you proc a modable blue earpiece you can get about 10k profit. Why would you buy a blue item when for about 10k more you can get an artifact one? The green and blue craftable item market is dead. Artifact ear pieces cost around 26k to craft and sell between 20k and 40k. With the competition you are lucky to sell 1 or 2 a day netting you about a 20k average income unless you are undercut and sell nothing or are lucky enough to crit an augment mod slot. I just purchase a modable artifact ear piece for 40k while writing this. It takes about 10 reverse eng attempts to proc a blue schematic and about the same to level that to a purple. The problem is you sometimes proc a worthless recipe that contains a bonus like presence. You have a better chance at making money buying items that are crafted at cost and hoping to resell them for a small profit. Doing 2 heroic missions a day will net you more credits than all the profit you may or may not get from crafting. By selling same stat loot drops you can always undercut crafters and it's pure profit. In short I feel having crafted items with a slight stat bonus over items that can be bought from the commendations vendors would help crafters actually make their professions worth while. The thing is I really enjoy crafting but my boss told me once " you can work for free or you can drink beer for free". Now i need a beer.
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