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Everything posted by Berronaxftw

  1. Title. please mail us 2 masterwork data crystals to compensate for the fact you haven't fixed this weekly quest. cheers. or maybe 3 since we never got that crystal from the first week of ossus either.
  2. So I had my first run of Master Mode: Crisis on Umbara today, and boy was it stressful. I main a tank and for me there's no fight more frustrating than one that resets aggro, because when the aggro resets it makes me feel incompetent and useless, and sometimes even if I taunt back straight away, group members think i'm crap because I "lost aggro" in the first place. Well anyway I get to the first boss(es) which is that Engineer/Assasssin duo. I know that the engineer has to die first and that I have to taunt him whenever he uses grapple because that resets his aggro, at first I thought that his shotgun blast was based on what target he currently was aggrod to, but I noticed even during a taunt duration he would still blast random people, I don't know if this is a bug or intended, but either way it caused quite a few wipes. What I think is bugged though is he was casting his grapple, it would get to 1.7sec then the cast would fail, then he would cast it again and the same would happen.. he would cast it 2-3 times before it actually fired, which made timing taunts really frustrating. Then we come to the 2nd boss, or the bonus boss I think? Alpha Slybex, another aggro resetting fight (sigh..) and this one seems to be resetting his aggro faster than I can reset my taunt, despite using wither on cd to reduce the taunt cd through my set bonus, frustrating but he goes down relatively easy, I just wonder if hes resetting aggro more than he should be. Next we come to Vixian Mauler and this is where I get really stressed out, he slams me and this produces a debuff with a red icon which knocks me down effectively cc'ing me and resetting aggro, when I get out of the stun I immediately taunt back, problem is a couple times he combo'd me with a silence as soon as I got out of the stun so by the time I was able to taunt a dps already got hit by the next slam which basically meant an instant death if they didn't pop a large cd, i'm not sure how to effectively deal with the silence here, it seemed like RNG? idk.. any tips on that would be appreciated. But the part where i'm thinking theres a bug on vixian mauler, is a few times after emerging from the slam stun, I would press my taunt, it would go on cd, but the boss would completely ignore me, the taunt failed and he didn't get debuffed, so I would have to then use my aoe taunt as well, and he would finally face and attack me.. though due to the long cd on my aoe taunt if this happened more than once in a row, it would result in a squashed dps. I have no idea why that happened, I pressed taunt instantly after the cc on me faded, but he kept smashing a dps.. bugged or did I taunt too early? I didn't see him with any buff that said he would ignore a taunt or anything. The Umbaran Spider-Tank decided he didn't want to move after reaching a certain point, he effectively got stuck.. made it awkward positioning with his firepools and his flamethrower, but the tank went down on the first attempt rather easily.. easiest boss in the dungeon in fact, which felt weird.. I'm pretty confused now.. and massively stressed out.
  3. Very frustrating that its not just GSF its WINS at GSF required for the weekly. Would've much preferred complete 5 matches as an objective over just win 3. But hell i'd just settle for the quest working! @EricMusco cmon bro, tell us you're aware of this issue
  4. This just happened to me while I was completing my dailies. Usually whenever I rotate my camera to look behind me, and then release it, it will just snap the camera back to its original position (behind me), but now its sometimes randomly rotating my character to face the direction of the camera when I release the button instead.. Spent about 40 minutes in game trying to find a solution by turning interface options on and off and relogging ect and nothing worked, only thing that fixed it was a complete game restart. Edit: searching around a bit more shows that this issue has existed since the game launched, so it's unlikely to ever be fixed
  5. All I've ever wanted is for my assassin tank to be able to dual wield 2 1h sabers. Using a single 1h would be acceptable as well. Assassin has been my main forever, love the playstyle, only thing I don't like about it however, is I hate electro staves and double-bladed lightsabers.
  6. Well it might sound sad, but for me this is game breaking. I have to do things on my characters in chronological order, otherwise it just doesn't feel right, I also would never use the recruitment holo communicator, as I'd miss out on story. Basically until this is fixed I can't even start playing the new expansion.
  7. Is this thread seriously going to hit 15 pages before it gets any attention from bw?
  8. I'm not sure but I think there's a livestream happening with bioware, or something like that. Hoping this will be addressed then.
  9. Her recruitment mission won't even appear for me, I did legendary DvL tier. It's really annoying how it seems these companion issues are just being ignored.. loads of threads 10+ pages and not a single response to even say they're looking into it yet.
  10. Were you eternal level or legendary? This bug seems to only be happening to players with legendary level DvL.
  11. For the love of the force, bioware please acknowledge us!!
  12. Bioware PLEASE acknowledge this bug and tell us you're working on it
  13. Same problem here. Legendary level completed, all story chapters completed, no alliance alert. I don't want to use the silly holo com thing, I want to experience her quest/. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=903701 11 page thread and counting and no response yet.. this is frustrating as hell.
  14. Bugged for me also. I completed legendary on 2 servers, and didn't get the companion recruitment quest for any of my characters on either. My mains are inquisitors that have fully completed the kotfe storyline.
  15. Yes I just found that thread.. it's on 11 pages now and still doesn't have a bioware response? they could at least acknowledge us. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=903701
  16. Title. I've completed the legendary level of the DvL event, meaning I did literally everything, and I got my rewards in the mail. But I don't have the alliance alert for the mission to recruit master ranos? I have some holocommunicator item like the one for Nico Okkar where you can summon him via that, but I don't want to use it, I want to enjoy the recruitment mission, but it just wont appear for me. I've completed every chapter available and by the description of my friends who did eternal level and got master ranos, I should qualify for the alliance alert, but it's not there? Shae Viszla is, but I've also heard people saying she's been bugging out too, so I'm even worried to start that one. Please fix this asap.
  17. Yeah I just noticed when I took my character through the KOTFE storyline that in the chapter where you get lost in the wilderness and have to fight valkorion, at one point he says to me "My son struck a fatal blow, had I not intervened you would have perished, perhaps I should have let you die then." But during the fight vs arcann I accepted valkorions power and blasted him off the station, so he didn't strike any "fatal blow" so why did valkorion say this? Is it some kind of bug? or does the conversation only get changed by alignment and not story choices? Or is it the same line for everyone? Just a bit confused here..
  18. Ah yeah wasn't trying for double rewards, was just wondering if it would merge and fully complete, for example. I did A B & C on realm 1, then did D E & F one realm 2, then I transferred from one server to the other, if my legacy would then combine to say I've done A B C D E & F so fully completed.
  19. sorry another question lol. Is it possible to do some of the DvL objectives on 1 server, and the other objectives on another, and when you transfer and they both merge it counts as completing it all? Because the new server I'm on I can definitely get into operations, but my levelling is a lot slower than it is on my main server due to all the goodies I have to speed it up on my main server.. So yeah if I could just get the ops done and then move back to my main server, that would be awesome, as the ops are the only reasons I'm doing this on a different server anyway.
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