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Everything posted by Berronaxftw

  1. Thanks for the reply, yeah that makes sense, it's still a little weird to me, and I think they could've done a better job explaining exactly how we're landing right under the nose of such a powerful foe..
  2. Tried your suggestions and it worked, turning off area loot made it so I got credit when I looted the items.. Just weird, I did it on Monday and had no issues with it, but today it just wasn't working, til now. Thanks.
  3. Yeah this quest is currently bugged for me, no matter how many times I try resetting, abandoning & retaking, relogging or anything, it WILL NOT grant credit for looting the Control Chip & Battery Pack
  4. Sigh.. Ok it's not a bug, I'm just stupid, I left the conversation to check my rep status, and I forgot if you exit a conversation it resets everything from the convo, so I did lose the influence but still had the items. No bug here, just me being stupid.
  5. Yeah, I just collected 20 jaganath hides or w/e they're called from Hoth, I turned them all into Qyzen and obtained the required reputation, then all of a sudden in my chat box "your influence with qyzen fess has decreased by 10000" WHAT. THE. HELL?
  6. I can't wait to cut off xalek's head tonight, and dance around his corpse "you thought you were gonna kill me PUNK?! there's a new sith code in town, and i'll never die!"
  7. I would imagine it depends on which char you select the most [Flirt] options with.. My Inq was romancing Lana at the time, but I chose the dark side option because.. Yeah she didn't approve, made me sad
  8. Yeah so after I finished chapter 9, I get some quests to go back to Zakuul and recruit some followers, and other contacts.. Ok, I understand we returned to zakuul previously, but that was undercover, in a ship nobody would suspect, and it was before our characters face was plastered all over the local news. After finishing chapter 9 though, and I'm sent back to Zakuul to recruit some bug-face scientist, a gand I think it was.. instead of taking another undercover ship, I fly in MY ship? what? wont that raise a crap-ton of suspicion? why wasn't I shot down the moment I went into orbit around Zakuul? And why the hell is it ME going to zakuul? shouldn't I send 1 of my followers/recruits? as they don't have their face on a poster on every damn street sign on the planet... Lastly, how are we returning to the old storyline planets to meet our contacts?, resistance fighers and such. are we being smuggled in by the same ship we use to sneak into one of those Star Forges? or are we once again just flying there in our ship? because I would imagine if the planet is barricaded like the story suggests, it would be pretty gosh darn hard to get in.. once again why isn't this a followers job? Returning to the old planets and doing the old quests makes sense for me, it's accessing old content, like in WoW when you visit old content you can still do the old dailies, its like "frozen in time" so to speak (yeah sorry I went there and made a wow comparison, but I have played that game over a decade now so I use it for comparisons a lot ><) But going there and recruiting resistance fighters, it's obviously a post zakuul orbital station controlled planet, so that part makes little sense for me.. Urgh.. have I missed something? I'm giving myself a headache trying to make sense of it, I must be over-thinking it >< Edit: 1 last question, when we use "travel to alert location" exactly how are we getting there? I know most wont care about this but the little things bug me lol. wait I think I already asked this.. argh
  9. I'm also wondering this, I kneeled to him on my inquisitor, and accepted his power to save Lana & pwn Heskal, but I also accepted his power on the 3rd choice.. I didn't even try to refuse the power at the 3rd choice, but he would've taken over anyway? interesting.. Was planning to resist all his offers from now on, because the 3rd time I used his power, innocent people were harmed, and that goes against my characters moral code. Inquisitor Spoilers ahead.
  10. These posts annoy me.. just because you gut lucky and managed to find people to do the quest, doesn't mean other people will have the same luck, I've been advertising in general chat for 6 hours a day for around a week now, and have I had a single whisper? nope. Also for goodness sake.. I'm not asking for the entire game to be made solo, I fully understand the concept of group play, but this content is over TWO YEARS old.. it's no longer relevant, and for that reason it should be soloable, asking for 2 quests at the end of a SOLO quest chain to also be made solo is not asking for the entire game to be made solo, stop being unreasonable.
  11. I'm in a guild that's usually 40+ online at any given moment, not 1 of them wants to do this god-awful quest again, and I can fully understand why. These quests should've never been group quests in the first place, the ENTIRE quest chain is based around solo play until you get to that specific point, its ridiculous that such a LONG solo quest then turns into a 4+ requirement
  12. My mild ocd goes a little crazy when I don't do things in chronological order >< please let me complete these quests solo!
  13. How did you click all 4 consoles at once solo? Yeah proof or it didn't happen. And if you're talking about jumping on the moving vehicles, that's not the shrouds last stand, that's the quest before that, and that quest I did solo because it actually can be solod..
  14. I know I've been bumping a few old topics lately, but the reason is because the issues I raised are still a problem now.. I mean.. 2 YEARS later and this quest remains unchanged.
  15. I find it kind of ridiculous that they haven't been made soloable yet.. They're outdated content by, uh.. how many years & months exactly? Finding a group for them is near impossible, and the only reason you need to group up is to click some stupid terminals, seriously come on.. This is just like the Heroic Aurora Canon quest, there is NO NEED for them to require 4 players anymore, they are old content which hardly anybody does anymore, let us solo it.
  16. Yeah, I want this to happen I made a thread about it a while back - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8226521#post8226521 So much zone related dialogue we miss out on when we're mounted as well..
  17. I wonder if 3-way romances will happen, reason I ask this is because if you romanced a companion, then romanced Lana Beniko ect, Are you still married with your companion?(3-way romance) or did she/he divorce you? Oh and quick question: What's the acronym LI stand for? see it thrown around a lot, I assume its "Love Interest" but not sure.
  18. The lack of reaction from my spouse when my character flirts/romances another npc makes me think they get involved, open relationships ftw? Either that or your companion didn't truly love you and just married you for your credits:(
  19. Guess this idea isn't as popular now as it was 2 years ago ;p
  20. Only if you didn't select the option to kill her. Gotta live with your actions, afterall.
  21. Imperial accents cannot be beaten. Plus playing a "good" character as an imperial just seems to be a far more interesting story to me. I could see myself defecting to the republic on some of my characters though, as long as they kept the sexy imperial voices.
  22. Personally, I'd be happy if my inquisitor could use the imperial agent's ship, think that 1 looks amazing xD
  23. Hello once again! I've updated the original post with some new ideas for this feature, please read them and post your opinion!
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