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Everything posted by Nickodemous

  1. When u get to playing with the set, I would be interested in hearing how you manipulated it. It is certainly the most fun I have had in a while working with it and seeing the results.
  2. AWESOME! Glad you enjoying it! I was impressed also! I am busy leveling valor atm on a couple of my older toons so I have not had much time to play with it some more! Can’t wait to hear how u developed your set!!! CHEERS!!!
  3. ^This I have been only dabbling in ranked the past few seasons. Not good, not bad, just a whole lot of meh. I was able to get a few matches in the other night and did ok. To Septru's point, listen to everything the others have to say. Regardless of how it said, they trying to help you, help them, win. In the past, I used to ignore it. I am going to try to be much more active this season. As I explained to players the other night, I cannot make a dps guardian/jugg work in ranked if I DONT PLAY RANKED. I have to be all in or don't bother with it at all. The other players were receptive and did make suggestions which I appreciated.
  4. I know! Come on man, all I play (with the exception of a couple of immortal). I could not resist dropping a hint that veng, vig is the way to go in a (rage only) post.
  5. You sure are a passionate one about what YOU deem to be a negative. Hope your face, butt, and nuts are ok....seems a bit dramatic....LOL. In the end....who cares. I guess just your face, butt, and nuts...what a joke!
  6. I have been able to play with Reaping Strike, I prefer to save it and use it after the 6 second 100% crit window is over. Use it as a finisher. My suggestion though is use it as you see fit. You are correct....it is a heavy hitter. I just wish I was better at staying in stealth....lol....the good assassins can.....guess I have some more practicing to do.
  7. First, a merc heal to full bubble is pretty easy to notice when it has been activated. Don't hit em. Just force choke em and wait it out. Now, I agree that a dps jugg/guardian has its issues in ranked. It actually blows the mind considering how differently they play in regs. They are quite efficient in regs. The main problem is they are so damn easy to keep stun locked by good players. The key is to keep moving, as Trixxie said, mad dash is a good cc breaker. Force leap and the 4 second immunity to stuns is your friend also. Mad dash, and being able to leap to a stationary target helps.....100% dmg immunity for the duration of md and the 4 sec stun immunity after leap. There are many classes that can close on you quickly so it much more difficult to accomplish than it sounds. I think it would be great if a dps jugg could utilize the backhand talent as our immortal counterparts. Another stun could help.
  8. Also remember the game was forced out early by EA and their investors. The game was not quite ready to launch. That certainly put the devs behind the 8 ball at the get go!
  9. I am no Krea when it comes to an assassin\shadow! I try to stay in my lane with juggs and guardians. I just thought this set had some legs! Thought it was worth talking about!
  10. Will do, I will update as I play with it some more! Like yourself, I also like to experiment and this was a pleasant surprise! I will always favor dps Juggs/guardians but this was just too damn fun to keep a secret! I should add, it very quick! Need to practice a bit. I still mess up with rotation from time to time! Damn auto assassinate! Lol! Edit: I will update I on reaping strike also!
  11. Murderous Revelation Set (MR) - (2) +2% Mastery (4) Overcharge Saber/Force Cloak resets Phantom Stride (PS) (6) Using PS from stealth grants SHADOWCRAFT, increasing your critical hit chance by 100% for 6 seconds. Must talents - Nerve Wrecker - Targets controlled by spike/electrocute take 5% more dmg Reapers Rush - PS grants Reapers Rush, allows assassinate to be used on any target My Armorings/hilt 5 - 2% Alpha Strike - Increase Dmg done for 10 seconds after entering combat 2 - +1.2 Weapon Expertise 1 - +1% Force Sensitivity 1 - +2.5 Armor Penetration Also, remember, an assassin gets Amped Voltage - PS builds 3 static charge. So, to keep it simple, you have a 6 second window to unleash hell on a target from Phantom Stride. It seems difficult but it really not. My Rotation - (1) Phantom Stride - I receive the 100% crit for 6 seconds in combination with the stacked increased dmg from Alpha Strike for 10 seconds. (2) Spike - 5% more dmg from Nerve Wrecker (spike from behind) (3) Maul (4) Discharge - 3 static charge from Amped Voltage (5) Recklessness - 3 more static charge (6) Discharge (7) Assassinate It may seem like a lot but u can execute the 5 offensive moves during the 6 second 100% crit window. Tactical - Two Cloaks - Remember gear set automatically resets Phantom Stride so u can automatically get the 100% crit again. Now, during SHADOWCRAFT (6 seconds of 100% crit) you can pop off some 45k - 70k crits. As I have said, wicked burst. Also, you have two other stun locks....electrocute/low slash if u cannot get the player down initially. In my original post I explained about the op/skank.....yes I wrecked them both but I got lucky, their stun breakers had to have been on CD. So this is how it played out in more detail, for a better idea of how it all works. Was in stealth and mezzed the Skank, no cc breaker. Op popped on door, PS over to him: spike, maul, discharge, recklessness, discharge, assassinate....he was a goner. Cloaked and PS to Skank, spike, maul, discharge, assassinate and he use ED. I cloaked (why I thanked two cloaks). I used PS again and finished him off. I hope this helps.
  12. I will answer your questions with specifics about talents, alpha strike, and how it is all tied in with the set: I will have to get it written down first: I play so many toons now my old *** can’t remember the names of everything off the top of my head. I will update this soon.
  13. First and apology, I created this post on my work surface....and forgot my damn glasses at the office while traveling. I had no idea that I misspelled "Murderous" until now. Yes the set can be purchased off of the class vendor on fleet. I did a ton of research in regards to gearing my shadow and this set was never mentioned. It wicked fun/wicked good imo. The burst, if played correctly is amazing! Hope others have as much fun with it as I have.
  14. I completed this solo 3 times before the changes and 3 times recently without dying once on any of them or being able to select my own comp. SoV is easy now, not sure what the gripe is still?
  15. I would agree to some extent. Onslaught has its strong points and weak points. Overall though, I take Onslaught with a grain of salt because of Covid. I would like to think of myself as an optimist though and would like to think that the funds not spent on Onslaught, allowed the devs to direct that money towards the 10 yr anniversary! I, like many of you all, think that this game still has untapped potential. I think the devs know that!! We know that! On Dec 20, 2021....Greatness! If not, oh well, I will still play because I am that guy, who in the 70's, wore the same GOD DAMN pee yellow Chewbacca T'shirt to the theater 9 times as a kid!!!! I am, always will be, a SW fan! Guess I am less critical because of it!
  16. So, first lets start out by requesting a Valor level bump. With that being said....onwards! I have played a shadow with the DK (Death Knell) set for quite some time now....it ok....not exciting. Then, on a whim, I decided to roll an assassin to experience the story again....to take a break. When I hit 75, I remembered that I had the full MR set on my previously mentioned shadow. I have always been interested in this set figured what the hell...it had a cool name and an set bonus worth trying. So, I started looking at some armor penetration here, glanced at some weapon expertise there. THEN, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my mouse cursor pass over some Alpha Strike! As a result, I threw some Alpha Strike here, some more there, and then mixed in a couple of weapon expertise armorings for S's&G's! Not knowing what I had created, I decide to queue up for a reg WZ......once again for S's&G's! Got into a voidstar and like a broken record the assassin/shadow goes to guard a door. I sat there in stealth, guarding the door, did a little more guarding, started thinking about work and what I had to do in the morning, got back to guarding the door, and it happened. Out of know where, while I was drooling on myself from boredom, you guessed it, guarding the door.....an operative popped to cap. Waking from my door guarding coma, I gave a little shadow slide over too him. In about 5 seconds a dirt nap ensued. What was this? That was F#$%ing awesome! So back to stealth I went. As always in pvp, someone was a little pissed and brought a buddy....a skank,,,, Mez the tank, give a little shadow slide, while still in stealth, to my little buddy, dirt nap! Two Cloaks works....give a slide over to skank, burn him to almost nothing.....ED! Go back to stealth, thank you two cloaks, and finish him off with the slide + MR + Alpha! Point here people is that I have read several posts on these forums, on different help sites and it the same ole same ole.....got to go DK,,,,DK....DK is the best. Fact is, I am not sure there is another class, with this gear set, that can produce more burst. I am going to continue to work with it. Why, I have a tendency not to follow and like to do my own thing, PS.....if you are a follower it ok....did not mean to offend!
  17. As far as the two NA servers, I do prefer SS over SF. SF reminds me too much of the old Jedi Covenant/POT5 days. Back when Harb was a thing, I rolled a few toons on the server and found the game much more enjoyable. Currently, SF certainly is more populated than SS but I am willing to sacrifice constant pvp queue pops for the SS "peak time" pops if that means I have a better experience.
  18. Get used to it. I am done speaking in this forum because it like talking to a wall. One day you all will get it. Until then, get used to being ignored. We are the only group that has our own forum.....and it is a $hit show for regs and ranked. Good show all, good show. Nice to now we utilizing the power given....not very well at all.
  19. Galactic Seasons.... Receive bonuses for conquest. Lets, as pvp'ers, look big picture here, just for a second. The devs give huge conquest points for completing the weekly based on wins. Devs also decide to give out participation conquest pts AND points a day for winning (1-3). So, on average, lets say a pvp'er, could get 200k conquest points a day. They add a lock out for the poo poo'ers (to prevent people to hop for easy wins) AND make every win 1 pt to help encourage a winning. Winning issues more conquest. Asking them to revert it back will affect their plans for conquest. I seriously doubt they will change it, there are a lot more players who care about conquest (just look at the conquest leader boards) than pvp. Sorry, just where we are at now. I have given suggestions as to how to complete the weekly on 3-4 characters a week. I have told you all how your "voice" could become more creditable. But instead, we who have our own forum, just complain...threaten un-subs...and consistently discredit the devs, because it only about us. There is not another forum like it. Why most stay away. I love the reads in the pvp forums. I am sure the devs do also. If I were a dev, I would sit with a cup of coffee in the morning, with a group of co-workers, and enjoy. Some good laughs would ensue because of the entertainment. If you want some credibility again, I suggest you all create some powerhouse pvp conquest guilds.....that included ranked teams, and solo players. Take advantage of the system vs crying about it....every....single....day. Let the premades flow....WIN. This is not a difficult concept.
  20. Oh, I have no interest spearheading the renaissance of the pvp community. I am content with pvp and just roll with it now. As I have stated in the past, I don't have any issues with the changes nor people grouping for premades. I do understand the concerns now though and simply made a suggestion as to how I thought the pvp community could help itself by trying to unify. Although I do still enjoy pvp, I just am not as passionate as I once was to partake in such an undertaking. Plus, it would take a lot more than me to fix it. With that being said, if the community started to make the effort, I would certainly try to help be a part of the solution. I know I often have a tendency to seem a bit self centered from time to time, but I would honestly like to see the pvp community regain its glory. I would like to see everyone enjoying it and having fun again.
  21. I cant argue any of your points. I agree. Over the years I have been involved with 3 pvp guilds and one that, although pvp was not its main focus, had a hell of an 8vs8 team. I can still name them and remember many, many of former guildmates/friends that sadly no longer play. Like yourself, I have watched the pvp community digress to the state it has become. Although I still enjoy it, the lack of a "community" has changed me over the years. I used to be a very outgoing player but now, pretty much keep to myself. I would consider myself a pvp hermit now, no one left on my friends list, and very rarely speak but for an occasional "gg" after a winning match. I have become a part of the problem. That is where the pvp guilds come in....there needs to be a resurrection of sorts.....a new beginning with the current community. We need to quit living in the past and hit the reset button. Until players decide to take matters into their own hands, move away from "how it used to be" and work to forge and new, unified, much stronger community, I am afraid threads like this will continue to fall on deaf ears. The community is to fragmented now to be taken seriously. One big powerful voice is much easier to hear than a bunch of chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp's. Hence why I suggested it might be the communities turn to make some changes. One unified voice is pretty hard to ignore. Edit: Valor level bump please!
  22. Man, leave Trixx alone! She and I may have had different opinions about various topics but I have always respected her passion for this game. With that being said, I went dormant for a bit (which most of you probably appreciate ) and did some server hopping. All I can say is, I get it. I get why some of you are frustrated with the current state of pvp. I am not going to point out/call out any servers but there are some GIGANTIC gaps in regards to players and their experience levels out there. That, though, is not the devs issue to fix. The changes implemented have absolutely nothing to do with the current state in my opinion. Also, as far as premades....I DONT BLAME THEM AT ALL. Hmmmmm, group with friends/guildmates to increase the chances of a win or the alternative. Group away my friends, group away. The thing that I see is needed the most on some servers....pvp guilds. I mean legitimate pvp guilds like years back. Some of you may remember them, you know, the ones you had to play your way in and, once there, the guild helped groom that new guildmate for success. They were not pushed away but were assisted in gaining the experience necessary to improve their skills. Pvp guilds used to form multiple premades nightly and there was nothing more fun than playing against a rival pvp guild. Regs/guild help could be used as a stepping stone for solos and success in solos could bump them to actual guild group ranked teams. Imagine that, several pvp guilds queueing multiple teams a night. Maybe, just maybe, instead of asking the devs to always fix everything .....it might be our turn, the pvp communities, to make the effort to better things. I think there are a lot of new players out there who want to learn. Accept them and help grow the community. Edit: I still would like to see the valor cap raised to 110!
  23. No worries, it not a deal breaker for me in the least. I just usually have a plan in mind, when I create a toon, about the end result and a wicked looking DS corrupted character was the plan. Oh well, I am going to finish him up with the hope that it is fixed. Thanks for the response.
  24. This is 100% correct. I just hate missing out on the 1000-1800 comp influence points, per quest, for the planetary missions. For instance, I just finished the 1st chapter with an assassin and Khem is already lvl 22.
  25. I unlocked the Nautolan species when it was released and am finally leveling one. I thought a DS character would be interesting but the DS corruption tab will not work. I have done some research and it would seem that the species cannot reflect its DS points/levels? Does this still hold true? If so, I have to admit, it would be rather disappointing. What is the point of leveling a DS Nautolan if you cannot display its corruption?
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