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Everything posted by Nickodemous

  1. Yes, you can skip everything but class stories. I have done this in the past, just doing class stories and planetary heroics. If you are not concerned with comp influence or ds/ls points, go for it. I am just a tad ocd when it comes to questing, lol! I have a tendency of doing all quests which, as a result, normally puts me around lvl 70 once I complete the entire class story. Then just off to Ossus.
  2. cant wait for you to make me look stupid
  3. um, no? I am starting think that the only ones who post here now are non pvp'ers
  4. ok, i was not there, dont really care either way. ...... you just lost how much i appreciated your posts....now they garbage...no respect
  5. You have me pegged. Playboy, genius, with millions. It was a pug, just so happens that there are times in which even premades have those "oh $hit" moments when they find out who they are up against. It is 100% ok to be good at pvp in this game.
  6. I just don't get it? Don't you want to evolve as a pvp'er and work with a group to be able to beat them? I could care less who I play against, I have no issue at all with a group of friends queueing up together. I am not interested in a "comfortable match", I want the challenge. No, I have not won all matches against premades because there are a lot of damn good players out there. I have won a lot of those matches though and that is what makes pvp fun.
  7. If you are referring to a match last night on SS, in which a pug when up against a premade in voidstar and absolutely wrecked them. Yup, I was there. Shhhhhh, I was on my vanguard.
  8. Kinda off topic but could help those concerned with premades, more experienced players, etc.... I play all classes, obviously better on some than others. This may sound totally ridiculous but here is what I have done in the past to improve my understanding of the class I am playing: Run heroics without a comp healer, just solo it. If you get stuck on a specific section, summon healer, and move on. Melee: You better get the mob down quick, helps with burst and learning rotation. Also, when to use and how affective your DCD's are. I am much better with melee so this style is much easier for me. Ranged: All about kiting, knockbacks, stuns, to take the mobs down. Helps learn most effective rotations and DCD's. I find that this experience is the most comparable to what it is like to pvp. Try it and see how well you fair.
  9. Hemophilic Slash - hands down the best 1v1 Tactical for a veng/vig spec IMO. It instantly refreshes all of your burns on target. Then slam away to spread.
  10. Kendra hit a lot of the strong points and is spot on with the tank spec assessment....very good. I am rather stubborn though and play vig. I have tinkered and tinkered with the spec and am doing rather well in regs. Depending on the map, like voidstar for instance, I can push 7-10k dmg now. The class still performs exceptionally well in regs and can be quite fun! As far as ranked, I have tried various armor sets, tacticals, and played with a wide variety of mods, armorings, and enhancements. Ultimately, I kept finding myself focusing more on trying to figure out different ways to stay alive which, as a result, sacrificed my dps (not good in ranked). So it just made more sense, in the end, to play as a tank which was not something I was interested in. The biggest problem for the class is the initial tunnel and 9-10 times YOU WILL be tunneled first. Vs a good shadow/assassin or an op/scoundrel (both worst nightmare) there is just not much you can do vs all of the stun locks. You get torn to shreds. I have had success if you can get a leap off and get the 4 sec stun immunity. 4 sec in ranked is an eternity and it does allow you time to get your rotation off to help teammates. The other thing that can help is Blade Blitz. When locked up, blade blitz out and leap back in for the immunity. That only works though if you don't have an op/assassin after you. If you are just looking to have fun in regs, yes, it is a great class. If you are looking to get into the ranked scene, no, there are just other classes that out perform the a dps jugg/guardian now.
  11. I had to take a step back....I do not want to derail this thread from the OP's original topic but I did want to give everyone a little scenario: There is this baseball player named Ted and Ted is playing during the steroid era of MLB. Ted is a great baseball player, obviously, but wants to be better. Well, as a result of some "juice", average Ted becomes known as Mongo. Now Mongo is absolutely destroying the baseball!!! Team winning and Mongo is reaping all the rewards and benefits. Mongo is loving life! The other players in the league are starting to take notice. They start questioning Mongo and questioning whether or not the playing field is equal. Well, pretty soon MLB is forced to get involved. Mongo no like!! So Mongo and a couple of his buddies, who are doing the same thing, decide they need to have a meeting with the Comish of MLB. In that meeting, Mongo and the boys tell the ole Commissioner that the other players really don't know what they talking about....BUT....don't sweat it.....Mongo and his boys will help out. WE can tell you what needs to be done to fix the league! Well, the commissioner, who was absolutely enamored with Mongo and the boys decide to just turn the other cheek, make a few itsy bitsy changes to try and appease the rest of the players in the league, but....in reality....nothing really changed. In real life, MLB rooted out the Mongos of the league. They frowned upon the behavior and strived for a level playing field. Unfortunately, in the scenario described.....that did not happen. If a meeting like that occurred, shame on you all! In a competitive venue such as ranked, it has to be overseen by an impartial entity. Perception is not always reality but damn....sure seems shady.
  12. Did everyone read this? We have much bigger issues than what is going on in this thread if this is the case. What an arrogant ****!
  13. Super pissed Nick Is going to love your answer.....cause I am going to call BULL$HIT on everything you have to say.....pick it apart....
  14. All good! You were right girl!
  15. This made me laugh, stupid is was stupid does. Situations, like you have described have happen to me. I let it roll, like water off a ducks back now. The only time I get triggered now is when I get harassed. That when I lose my cool. Otherwise, I give 100% every match, always trying, win or lose. I have accepted that it is impossible to win every match....lol. That was a tough pill to swallow. There was this gigantic thing I had to get over....ego.
  16. Na Kendra, we cool! I am not upset with Trixxie either, she was right....It was 100% intended to be back handed. Should not have let the passive aggressiveness roll off the fingers. I was honestly trying to help people out though. What irritates me though is all this "I am done", "I quit", "queues dying", "reg pvp going to die of for casuals", "toxic pvp", mumbo jumbo. So, currently 7307 people have read this thread and if I was a new player/PVE'er reading this I would certainly avoid the dumpster fire that is consistently portrayed also. Just throwing this out there, but there is a lot more too people not trying out pvp, or avoiding it all together, than the changes the devs made. It could, quite possibly be also, the constant barrage of negativity about pvp, by pvpers, in the pvp forums. Could we, as pvp'ers, not be a contributor to the lack of participation? Things that make u go hmmm right? Lets say the devs bow down and revert the changes back to the way they were: 1) queue pops 2) log into match 3) people observe who on team and opposing team 4) leaving begins (no lockout) 5) start at a disadvantage and pray to the SWTOR gods that you get some good backfill to help 6) get rolled 7) receive that 1 gimme participation point for playing (only have 19 more to go yay!!) Just no....I could not imagine going back to this or why anyone would support going back to it. It makes no sense to me. Actually I get it, it the ole wz hop, with no lockout, until I find a group that will get me that win. That is not pvp people....sorry! I just refuse to agree with anyone that thinks reverting the current changes back would be a good idea. I am dug in on this one....lol. The devs do that....these forums would be off and running complaining about the next thing that they thought were unjust. It just how it is. I hate what has happened to dps juggs/guardians.....I don't complain about it daily though. I am glad I am not a dev.....you devs....certainly earn your pay.
  17. Ouch! Somewhat deserved because my last post was intended to be back handed! I was simply trying to let people know how I have been knocking out weeklies and I get a snarky post in return. Lets be real here for a second and honestly evaluate what was said: "Awesome, and it took me about two dozen WZs/Arenas to complete the last 3 wins I needed for my last weekly which in turn took more than two weeks to complete." Who is trolling who here? With that being said, just because we never see eye to eye trixx does not mean I am trolling. It just means I don't agree. EDIT: These are the type of comments though I expected. Why I had intended to stay out of this thread.....but like a DA....I dove right in.
  18. Awesome....I don't have this problem! Sorry you are having such a difficult time in unranked! The problem that I have with the whole premade, anti lock out, not rewarding a loss deal is....there seems to be a handful of you beating these drums. A handful does not...sorry...represent the whole. So don't misconstrue your thoughts on things and twist them into this some gigantic player base belief. It really not. Sorry! I do not agree with you! Ironically, I was able to play many matches this evening. I did not have a problem with a queue pop....in fact they were getting thrown out like candy! I also did not have a problem with premades....I won some and lost some....kinda how pvp is supposed to go? Right? I did not see any throwers that put me in a tizzy to make me want to leave! I did not worry about a lock out because I never considered leaving. I only won 4 matches tonight on the toon I am trying to push to finish the weekly! Heck, I don't care.....I will tell u all...it will be my next valor 100! Why this toon is being picked! Funny, I did not think the premades prevented me from losing! Their TEAM was better! As I said, I never contemplated leaving! Also, I am not personally wrecked because I did not win every match so I could complete the ever so difficult weekly. You see, regardless of your difficulties and hardship (which no one likes hurt feelings).....I just don't see it. Sorry....but there are those who were ment to pvp...then there are the others. The pvp regs are not flooding these pvp forums complaining. Just the handful in this thread.
  19. I have stayed out of this for various reasons but there are a few things I would like to say: 1) Welcome back BOB! I have always enjoyed reading your posts. Why? Because you and I have a similar point of few in regards to a lot of the topics here on these pvp forums. In this thread, I agree with you that players should not be rewarded for losses nor should the temp ban be lifted for unranked. I really have been enjoying myself on SS over the past few months and I truly believe the changes are working as intended. 2) I have read in this thread, several times, that ranked needs to just go away. Be dissolved more or less. Why? Although I don't play the amount I used too in ranked, the matches I have played this season have been quite pleasant. Yes ranked has its issues from time to time but so does unranked. There have been and always will be "bad seeds"! 3) As for rewards, I don't care whatsoever about the crates. My toons are all well geared and, to be honest, the only thing I look for are the 350+ pwr mods. I do care about winning though and helping my teams get those wins. I do like a good challenge, why I pug and enjoy seeing those ever dreaded premades. 4) I do honestly want to see the valor cap raised. As Sappharane pointed out, I did create a thread in regards to this. I would be more than happy to have valor points count again for a new title vs those worthless crates. Also, in that thread, it was suggested that a "valor" vendor be created with various skins, weapon shells, etc. What could be purchased off of the vendor would be based on your level. That would interest me quite a bit. I think the players who truly enjoy pvp need to be rewarded for their effort and time spent. I am going to tell you all a little secret about how I am able to complete the pvp weekly with 3 to 4 different toons a week. At the beginning of each conquest week I pick one toon that I am going to focus on getting the 10 wins to complete it (0-10). Then I have 2-3 other toons that are already sitting at 5-7 wins (these are super easy to complete). Once the weeklies are finished up, I set up 2-3 more toons for the next week (those with 5-7 wins). Then I start it all over again at the start of the next conquest. It is not very hard to complete the weeklies people!
  20. Veng/vig can produce some wonderful dmg. They just get wrecked though due to the onslaught of the tunnel that will ensue. Grit is worthless because, in most cases, you will never be up long enough for it to proc a second time. They not hopeless though. I have been able to win several matches but the situation has to be perfect for that to happen. Meaning, great healer, great tank, or great dps that peel. If you can stay up long enough to allow teammates to take out an opposing player, obviously, your team has the upper hand. That can be a daunting task though.
  21. Ranked from my point of view....."everybody knows my name" ! I love that title....Because u all hate it! It really makes me happy knowing that you all get so bent when I play! It really does! Knowing that I am that good, you all care that I am that good, and make it a point to let me know that I am that good by essentially not playing. Greatness is me...you all know it....thank you all for letting me know everytime I play!
  22. op, your post are boring...go get more bumbed with wow!
  23. It needs to happen, way over due!
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