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Everything posted by Nickodemous

  1. LOL! I know exactly what you mean. 90-100 "halfway" is actually a very long way. The "im so close" feeling does really happen!!
  2. Man you remind me of myself about a year - year and a half ago. I used to battle with Alex also but he was able to get me to see the light about Ranked and what it actually is. I honestly respect his opinion about it now and almost never question it. He has been right most of the time. What I cannot stand about all the forum ranked negativity is how it affects others from queuing. There is this misconception that the only people that queue are toxic, hateful, win trading, cheats. They read it here, take it as gospel, and avoid it all together. Its just not the case though. Don't get me wrong, shady things do happen from time to time but I can honestly say that the majority of players that queue are quite genuine. There are a lot more of them than you might think.
  3. I have to admit, I am impressed that you spent the time to crunch the numbers here. I get your point, it a grind. But what about those players who have already attained the valor needed and are still playing those toons on a regular basis? I just don't understand why this is an issue with folks or why people are worried about another grind WHEN WE ARE GOING TO QUEUE ANYWAYS. On SS, Clandestu has almost 1500 WINS. He was capped years ago. Do you see my point here?
  4. fijohijh[ fjlh[d ijgo[dg jdg...... <----me beating head on key board. Seriously, I agree with you 100%.....it means absolutely nothing. It could mean something though. The changes made are not going to be reversed, so......IF fewer people are queuing because of these changes (which I have not seen) THEN, instead of asking the devs to go BACKWARDS, why should we not think outside the box to encourage participation. I have thought about it all day and I really like the idea about making valor similar to renown gains. There is so much you could do with it.
  5. I would not be opposed to this. The current valor points system would have to be totally restructured though. Otherwise it would be an impossible grind. From my recollection, it takes roughly 600-650 wins (not including losses) to get to 100 and, remember, the current valor levels are scaled much higher as you progress. It could be set up though in a way in which Valor points were given for everything accomplished during a match. Like, 50 pts for a kill, 150 for solo kill, 250 for capturing a node, 50 pts for every guard level achieved during a match, etc.... I am just pulling this out of the air, but at least u could walk a way from a match with significant pts to make it work. There are two reward systems that could be implemented: titles at like 250, 500, 750, and 999 and a valor vendor could be created in which one could purchase various skins, mounts, weapons, and other items based on their vlvl. Nice for those who only frequent regs. At least valor could become somewhat relevant again. Have to admit though, it would probably be a whole heck of a lot easier just raising it to 110.....lol. It would certainly give players, like myself, something to work for though. Not a bad idea.
  6. OP, keep your chin up. Like every other aspect of this game, there can be good and bad experiences and pvp is certainly not the exception. I can say though, if you stick it out, there will be more good than bad. Swtor pvp can be really fun!
  7. On a much brighter note, hey...look at it this way....at least u only out 15 bucks....right? Also, I find it ironic that u subbed, leveled to 75, and post about your opinion of something you have been playing again for what? 2 days....lol
  8. A very good assessment....u get it. Why could they not do both though? I guess you could say I am a goal oriented person and would like to have some type of incentive to continue on with my older toons vs. leveling another to 100. Increasing the cap level would really not affect anyone except those who were interested in attaining the new level. I have several in the mid 80s now...yippie....another to level 100? Woooohooooo.....does not excite me anymore. I really enjoy ranked and have played more this season than I have since maybe 5-6. The times in which it pops though just doesn't jive with my schedule anymore so I cannot commit to it like I used too. PVP is just kinda blah right now. Stale.
  9. Heya folks! Before I get started, I want to make it very clear THAT I KNOW VALOR IS MEANINGLESS. With that being said, I really don't understand why it is still capped at 100. I don't see why every 2-3 yrs the level cap cant be raised by ten with the introduction of a new title or now flair. I have had 3 toons sitting at 100 for 6-7 yrs now and was on one the other night asking my self .... why? I would just like to see some type of incentive for me to continue playing my mains and at least continue to get some kind of reward for a win (valor points). Is this that pointless though? Thoughts? Just interested to see if I am the only one who wants to see the introduction of new titles/flairs.
  10. This, I just cannot believe I have to do this every time I log in. Download/fix is not terribly long, it the fact I have to do it again, and again, and yet again....that is frustrating.
  11. I experienced a wt'ing event a couple of weeks ago. Figured I would see if I get lucky and get a mid afternoon solo pop. I got into a match and it was obvious what was going on. Despite all this, why solo's? If mats were their main objective, why would they not be doing this in granked? The % of mat drops increase dramatically in granked. Just wondering?
  12. Welcome! I am an avid AM forums reader and a big fan of SWTOR. I like to spend 15-30 min every morning, with a cup of coffee, just to see what is going on in the community. I would consider myself more of a forums observer rather than a poster. I look forward to reading your interaction with the SWTOR community.
  13. I agree. I also enjoy other aspects of the game besides pvp. I actually like rep grinds, various events, working for titles, etc. So I get your point. As far as pvp and those that participate, they are a passionate lot! They are very competitive, hate losing, and can get rather triggered at times. Also, they can be a tad bit toxic, rather demanding, and be a little self serving. You know what though, despite all that, they are a damn fun group to spend some time with. All in all, they are probably the most vocal group in the game.....what is the old saying..... "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"? They just better at being "squeaky" than other groups. Probably why the pvp community gets such a bad rap sometimes. Edit: There have been several changes to the world of pvp in SWTOR recently. Not all content has been directed exclusively to pve. You know, the pvp changes that seemed to just have dumped fuel onto a fire for some? The same ones that have gotten some all whipped up into a frenzy. So much so that we totally avoid the pvp forums now and just jump straight into the Gen forums? The pvp community is an interesting one.....you gotta love em!
  14. I certainly understand the frustration. WZ's seem to be rather streaky now. Meaning, one day I will win 4-5 straight, the next, loose 3 out of 4. I find myself logging quickly now during loosing streaks, to avoid the annoyance, and try again at another time. Just an observation though: During the win streaks, most players seem to understand the concept of team and can push decent dps. During those loosing streaks, it almost the exact opposite. So I ask? Is it the current newly implemented pvp system or is winning or loosing a match determined more by the luck of the draw? I think it has more to do with the later. Because I generally pug every WZ I play and can finish the weekly on 2-3 different toons a week, I guess I have a different opinion about things. I really don't think it as bad as some of you make it out to be.
  15. I disagree. You have made it clear that you do not pvp....fine...to each their own! What most non pvp'ers don't understand is STWOR provides a rather unique pvp experience vs. other games. The speed in which it happens. During my break, I decided to give WoW pvp another shot. It was painfully slow and just did not provide a very good experience. Hence, back to SWTOR. Point is that there are many people who enjoy many different aspects of the game and, if they have issues, are not told that they are "playing the wrong type of game". Pvp'ers have the same right to express their likes/dislikes similarly to every other player. I think most pvp'ers just see the potential this game has to offer and get frustrated. No harm, no foul.
  16. Yup, why I suggested that one watch their back. Defel splice may produce mediocre numbers but it better to say up in solos vs going quick and not help team at all.
  17. Or because I had forgotten to update my video card, which I did yesterday, and lag spikes stopped. Sucks getting old, I thought I had already done it.
  18. I think you may be on to something here... Ever since the last windows update, I have been dealing with a multitude of issues that I have never had to deal with in the past. A lot of launcher errors that I am unfamiliar with. As far as SWTOR, load in times have increased dramatically and random lag spikes. I normally NEVER have internet problems but I cannot seem to locate any specific issue. Windows keeps prompting a driver repair message, I don't see how this could be an issue.
  19. I don't think that this was exclusive to you this weekend. I experienced random server spikes all weekend which created serious lag for a few seconds....then went back to normal. It was not exclusive to pvp warzones also. This has only happened to me on one other occasion and it was before the last patch. Not sure if that is truly the case but it is the only thing I can figure. Normally I have no problem EVER with lag. This has only started happening recently.
  20. Nice!!! The spec is very functional.....just have to watch your back and be aware of what is going on around u.
  21. Carnage reminds me a lot of a dps guardian/jugg.....can pump some serious dmg if allowed. The difference is the ability to stealth out and knowing when it is appropriate to do so. Don't allow yourself to be put in a tunnel situation in which you experience a series of chain locks. Stealth and look for a single target away from the pack. Hit the target hard, then pred out unless no one comes to peal. Always look for straggler or a target with low hps. Playing carnage is similar to a real life predator in the wild, it preys on a target away from group or the weak (low hps).
  22. Hello there Kurvah, I just wanted to give you a shout and let you know that I had received your in-game message. Thank you for the response!! I am still in the process of considering joining a guild. I have not ruled it out but just taking my time with a decision. I had a couple of questions: I am a CST player that plays at odd times (weekends being the exception). I am an early to bed early to rise guy so I often play, during the week, in the early morning hrs. Most may not see me during the week....would that be an issue? I play on both SS and SF (been focusing more on SS though recently) and there are some things I would like to get accomplished with my SF toons. If I am gone for a short period to work on goals on another server, would that be an problem? Figured I would ask up front and honest about my situation.
  23. Welcome back Bonner! I agree, carnage is wicked fun. Since it is all I play, I have found the class to be quite effective in both ranked and regs. I run with both the fanged god form and defel splice genes. Which I choose, before each round, is determined by the classes on opposing team (first round) and whether or not I was the focus (second). As far as amps, I run with weapon expertise, 2-3 armor pen, and one force sensitivity to boost devastating blast a bit. As far as talents, the previous poster is correct. Use root talents and root breakers. There is a second leap talent though in third tree....make sure u claim it.....it wicked good against knock backs, op spins, and speed bursts. Yes fury is the meta....but damn it is something boring to play. Carnage is all about timing, and constant pressure, and knowing when to bail.....that comes with practice. They are healer and sniper killers and can be very effective against tanks and ops. Assassins/shadows are what you have to watch for, they can wreck you quick.
  24. I cant tell you what you should play, but I can tell you what class I prefer. I have a mando and a sage healer. I prefer mando. The heal to full bubble is very nice, there is a tactical that allows you to throw big heals on move, and the mando, imo, is just more "tanky". I do not have an op/scoundrel healer so no clue. Both the mando and sage are fun though and both can hold their own in pvp. I would just take some time and play with them all to figure out which class best fits your playstyle.
  25. Interesting. I just so happened to pop into the server forums and happen to run across this post. I am a 48 yr old pvp dinosaur . Although I am not interested in pve, I believe I could certainly help the guild, both pub and imp sides, with conquest objectives. I mainly run regs and participate in ranked. I have not considered joining a guild in years. Too many bad experiences in the past. As I said previously though, sounds interesting, something I might consider. I will think about it for a bit before I look y'all up in game. Just wanted to make you all aware that I might be interested.... PS. Mains on SS - Clandestu (pub) Maullin (imp)
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