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Everything posted by Karaiblis

  1. It's been pretty easy to find information on ToR's voice actors, writers, artists, and such. But I know there is a Psychologist(s) involved on the team as well, and I kind of wanted to read up on their work. I am having a lot harder time finding the name/s of those involved, I have tried several search engines. Does anyone have the names, or could point me in the right direction for finding info about them? Thanks
  2. One more reason why 'I, Jedi' is one of the best EU books out imo.
  3. Visalia here, orig from Modesto.
  4. Yup, it feels weird. I'm not saying it isn't an unfair social taboo, but it definitley exists, and most girls will tell you it feels weird, not that it would stop them if they worked to get over it with reason and logic, but it would feel weird to begin with, and social reaction would be that it's weird.
  5. Not unless the prisoner is Revan, or another such powerful figure, it's not a nurturing or fix him type of issue.
  6. It's even more odd in that she is quite a bit older than him, and knew him as a little boy when she was an adult. Even worse as a member of the senate, she's going to be acustomed to men who are intelligent and mature being older. To choose a little boy I can only think it's because some drive for power in her; you dont become an elected queen midteens and a galactic senator before you are even twenty if you don't have a personal drive for power that's way, way, above and beyond any normal parameter, and Anakin is the most powerful force user ever seen, for him to be into her, maybe it spins her button.
  7. I adore Quinn, he's absolutely the yummiest personality, voice, lines, and eye candy of all, for five classes so far. Even-though I gave him to Pierce to control after the incident, if it could be resolved better, I'd take him back in a half a second. As it is, I like Cadera best atm.
  8. Yes, I get all you with the: it's really "Emotion, yet peace" retcons out there, and lore wise it fixes the problem. The issue is that it isn't written that way in this game, it really is "There is no emotion, only peace" and this is drilled home with every boring interaction with your Jedi related NPC's. So the question isn't 'why would you role-play a Jedi', just about everyone has wanted to do that, but 'why would you play a Jedi as they are presented in this game'. They are so much more boring than the Sith counterparts; and the interest I keep seeing expressed is people who have role-played that peronality into their characters, rather than it being included in the game story line. Role-play is fun, but it's more fun to get the play through the game storyline with it all acted out in front of you in cinematics, and it just lacks compaired to the Sith gameplay in that sense.
  9. Having messed up the chance to romance on one my characters I most wanted to follow the romance story arc on, I'd really, really, like to have this option.
  10. I'd really like more options to romance non-companion NPC's (not talking about the fade-to-black and then no further character interaction kind here), I mean like you can with Watcher 2 or Darmas Pollaran. Even if they don't all end well for you, I like that they carry through the story lines for a while. The one I really want on this list is Czerka's bad boy, Gayem Leksende (he wears black manliner and black lip-liner too, so let him go both ways I say).
  11. On Hoth an NPC says "We got caught with our pants down, and need someone to clean up the mess" Umm...I don't think that's the kind of mess I want to be cleaning up... Also, the first time I pulled out a certain female companion she said "My guns itch" I went "wait, wut?" She doesn't use guns, she uses a staff...what guns of hers itch? I'm stopping by the drugstore.
  12. It's because sex sells. Half the classes on the Republic side are celibate bores, who wants to play a hero who doesn't get all the side-girls/boys. Character interaction with your masters and many NPC's are bland and boring Republic side, Imperial side you have way more interesting interaction (I'm NOT talking about outright [flirt] options). If you want to talk back to Darth Baras, he banters with you about all kinds of really amusing stuff. If you want to be Ms. Submissive to Darth Scotia, he is approving. If you want to be Rarr, I'm the boss, you can cow or kill any number of NPC grunts (plus you can use shock collars, and choke/smash companions against the walls). If you want interesting tension, Darth Zash's verbal cinematics will provide. Republic side there isn't anything like it for at least half the classes, it's all respond with humility and get the 'Humility is a jewel in the crown of a Jedi' response, or be smart mouthed and get set down by a boring sermon. I know this is alleviated sparsely by a few of the companions in later lvls, but there's so much more interaction with just regular NPC's that is boring Rep side, and way more interesting Imp side. Imperial side girl: I have a bad feeling about this Bad**s Sith: I'll make you feel better, later. Republic side: girl: I have a bad feeling about this Pansy Jedi: How kind of you to worry This is also apparent in other ways: sexy accent Imperial > Republic, sexy clothing Imperial > Republic, sexy ship design/names Imperial > Republic, sexy ability animations Imperial > Republic, the list goes on.
  13. Most of all 'I, Jedi' by Michael Stackpole is the one to read, if you don't touch any other, it's the best. This is my favorite by a large margin. I reread it every so often, and still find awesome bits I somehow missed before. The X wing series is *very good*, they have a lot of action, and I'd say read them all (except you could skip the last tacked on book to the series, that's not really in the series, 'Starfighters of Audmar').
  14. The root cause of the controvercy with Revan's role in ToR (whether we dislike the current ending, or hope he stays dead) is scale. Revan's story was really good, epic to many who played him because Revan is not an NPC, but a player character, the epicenter of their personal story plotline. The addition of an NPC Revan into the ToR storyline as a footnote violates the most important necessity for a main character to satisfy audiences in this type of good vs. evil/corruption vs. redemption storytelling (on the KoToR and ToR side of the fence): à bon chat, bon rat. Whichever of the two roles we feel our own character tries to fulfill vs. Revan, it simply can not measure up in a storyline that must star our own character's epic tale. Hence, angry fan-boys on the KoToR side of the fence; and for me on the ToR side...well, I'm angry that it ruined a character who should have been relevant and important to our own storyline. Grand Moff Rycus Kilran, the Butcher of Coruscant, was thrown away to babysit this fan-boy revisit of a has-been character, and should have had an epic cat of his own. Personally, I hope Revan really is dead, and no other sacrifices to our character's storyline are made just to dredge up his ghost yet again, leave the past in the past for major characters. I know BW decided a cameo from him was required for their marketing, but they should have managed him as a true cameo: a brief, squeal inducing (perhaps even pants tingling), glimpse of what once was, rather than writing him into storyline that can't support his character without the intense story development a major character requires. If they do decide to revisit him, it should to be with the full development needed to translate him into a developed NPC, which his continued story would necessitate in this incarnation of the Star Wars universe, as there's no room for him in ToR as the player character he was, when this story is all about our current player characters.
  15. Edited out my response, I think I may just add to the mass of Revan threads rather than stick this here.
  16. Haha, Prime Directive has no place in the Star Wars EU. I'd site Audmar, as a world similar in nature perhaps to Earth, and what might happen should both Empire and Republic become aware of a resource rich, well populated planet. Considering we are on the outer rim, it would be difficult to hold governance for either side, so I expect there'd be a rather long tussle back and forth for domination that would consume all of our current nations under two or three banners.
  17. Well, male characters do have more than four times the options for one night stands, as well as significantly more than that in flirting options (so much for the male characters 'self-worth' eh?), so if you want it to be less obnoxiously prevalent you could play a female character, and not be bothered by those senarios so often I guess.
  18. Again, you seem to go on the offensive only for the things involving sexual conduct in females. Fine, I would call that "very self-assertive, and focused" as you say. Take a look at the Sith Vaverene(sp), who becomes Darth Alluress in the Smuggler story line, for an example of a female with strong self-worth in the game; she expects to rule the Empire. I think Thana is kind of weak personally; she has little ability to think rationally, rashly rushes into situations she shouldn't, betrays readily, can not accept the consequences her own actions lead her into, and blames others for her failures as well as claiming credit for victories she hasn't achieved. The storyline may toss her around a bit as you suggested, but she brings a majority of it upon herself, and it has nothing to do with whether she flirts or not.
  19. I am wondering if I messed up the option with Corso somewhere. I've always flirted with him when possible, but the last time was at like lvl 14. I am lvl 35, have my affection at 6300, and I am part of the way into chapter 2 (on Balmorra currently). We have done the mule quest, and the quest to save his little twi'lek friend, but he has not offered me Sparkles, nor spoken of any romance, the only convo's we have had are the same ones he has with men so far. If I missed the convo option to start a romance, I'd rather know now so I can restart, I doubt I'll have the patience to do it 10, or even 5 lvls from now. I know some companions have a single make it or break it romance line that is obscure, does anyone know Corso's? Other than that I like Torian the best now, but too many of them annoy with the 'did I miss it, because of THAT?!?' problem.
  20. I heard she beat Chuck Norris and his clone single-handedly, and i'm not even exaggerating!
  21. Vette is strong and capable, she has a shock color on because she's a SLAVE, and while you can break her if you don't remove it, you lose most interaction with her rather than gaining anything. You can not win her affection if you don't stop treating her as a slave, and you can't win her bed without commitment, she sticks to her personal ideals despite whatever situation life has placed her in, I do not see her as a fail in the female character strength department. As for the others, your sense of female 'self worth' seems to be tied to lack of desire, or at least repression of expressing any. You think Thana is strong because she did not flirt, but you admit your character continually flirted with her, does this mean your character has no self worth?
  22. She was young and still had a master at the time yes, but Malgus was also young and there with his Master at that point.
  23. Actually, Kieran Halcyon was an ancient ancestor of Corran, whose name was borrowed for Corran's 'undercover' identity to be a student at Luke's Jedi Academy. The person you are thinking of is Corran's grandfather, Nejaa Halcyon, who absorbed the blade of a lightsaber stabbed through his heart by an Anzati Sith, and then used the power to kill the Sith. Luke does mention that this power is very rare, and that his father had and used this ability, citing an example involving blaster fire and telekinesis that was in the movie. On the evening when Corran's ability is discovered at the Academy, after he channels the energy of a suddenly superheated volcanic pool the students were swimming in to lift another student clear of danger, and insulate himself, Luke warns that this rare and very powerful ability can quickly lead one to the dark side, and that it's better to let the power bleed off when absorbed. I assume that is how Satele got the power to Mary-Sue Malgus through a mountain right after she had absorbed his blade, and the power he channeled through it, as it's very similar to what Corran is able to accomplish during his showdown with Shala the Hutt; however, Corran's use of the power was channeled to shield a city populous, whereas Satele's use of the power for quick and easy destruction points to the fact that she has strong grey tendencies, as an apprentice in the forecomics this is demonstrated as well, also with her son, and through ancestry (blood will tell). That said, I hope we get to kill the ***** too, or I want my Malgus back! (Even though Kilran is my all time favorite, I realize he is not as important to the plot)
  24. As a female smuggler if you flirt with Skavac at the end of chapter one: "The best things in life are FREE, and I'm the best thing in the galaxy" I'm not sure that came out the way she meant it to come out, but then again...
  25. Do the male smugglers get the Sith female Vaverene at the end of the Lightwell class quest on Tatooine if they support the Sith against the Jedi? As a female smuggler I supported the Sith, and at the end of the fight was offered her 'company' as a reward. Corso got pissed and walked out like he does before any hanky-panky, she led me behind some rocks, and we faded to black. Afterward I had the option of telling her that it was totally worth it, or that she is disgusting, and later received an email from her saying she gets promoted to 'Darth Alluress' a name she admits is obvious. Considering how much tail male characters get vs. female, and the suggestive nature of all that between two female characters, I keep wondering if it goes even further for a guy. I have asked a lot of smugglers, but so far all of them said they chose to help the Jedi. P.S. Can anyone confirm for sure yet whether the female smuggler can do more then flirt with Skavac?
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