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Everything posted by Karaiblis

  1. Hmm, well I don't agree with the 'our' canon concept really, there's too much already done to disregard, it would be a shame to loose the rich lore that already binds the EU together; which is the whole point of setting the game in an established franchise, and not say, just creating Rifts2.0 out of whole cloth. I see your point with the Rakghouls, they piss me off so bad that I don't do storyline that involves them, other than what is absolutely required to pass through a class saga. They mixed werewolf fantasy in my scifi, and I do hate that. >.< On the other hand I don't quite consider the Czerka spawned Endless Empire to be zombies per se (corpses controlled by independent biological infection), they are more mind controlled vehicles for a sentient entity, which Palpatine did to people as well. I may be biased in this respect however, because Gayem Leksende is one of my most favorite characters.
  2. If you only accept the movies as canon, then there's no point in complaining about canon in the game, as it can't even exist by your terms. (Not even considering the fact that the movies contradict themselves) To see more of the Hutts than the single individual involved in the movies, you have to look at the EU, otherwise more than one doesn't really exist. There are several detailed descriptions of Hutt social structure in the short story collection novels that support the Mafia type structure or organization/rule suggested by some of the posters above. Ships were more often bought or captured rather than built in-house so to speak, military type installations were more often composed of hired mercenary forces (the hire may change but the force's command structure doesn't necessarily), even whole projects like doomsday weapon think-tanks. While feudal hierarchies are not terribly successful today, there are elements of which that have been in the far past (often when not crippled by vast differences in access to technological/scientific advancement, which the Hutt's don't appear to be).
  3. I've noticed that the syntax/structure of the Gree appear very simular to a poor written translation of Japanese to English, the type that occurs when the translator's main language is not English. The writers/directors use accents and idioms of several languages rather heavily in ToR, so I've often wondered if the Gree were designed to resemble that translation idosyncrasy on purpose.
  4. I expect that the writers found Darth naming conventions as amusing. I laughed pretty hard.
  5. And also Harkun for the SI, other then Leksende he's the one character I really want more interaction with.
  6. Well, I really want more to do with Czerka's bad boy Gayem Leksende, a lot more!!
  7. Count me in, I don't even want to run that story, because my character would just never make the choice to side against Malgus in that conflict.
  8. Oh I know, I tend to ignore the combat shouts for most characters too, but the concept on that one keeps me rolling my eyes (and I do like hearing 'That's right, I gotcha' in his sweet farm-boy drawl), Malavai's were easiest on the ears tho. Mako's are the worst, I have a hard time ignoring how annoying they get. I don't even notice Khem anymore, even though he is so big I click on him all the time when I try to loot so he talks more often than any other companion I use. I have resisted playing Jedi, but I've wondered about that droid a few times, as most droids I've come across in game are some tragic comingling of C3P0 and Jar Jar. *edit* I am considering picking up a Jedi for Doc, all the stuff I've read about him reminds me a bit of the doctor Ton Phanan from the Wraith part of the X-wing series, and I was always sad that he died without finding a girl after he tried so very hard with his cheesy cheesy lines.
  9. I liked Malavai best too at the start, but I think Bioware really really dropped the ball on fixing the story when they took out death as an option. Your character is married to a guy who tries to kill them, but Bioware doesn't let you divorce him, doesn't even let you get away from him with a restraining order (carbonite freezing) or anything, but forces your SW to continue sleeping in closed quarters with him, while he continues to send personal letters, which become really creepy after someone has tried to kill you. And no I didn't spoiler that, because it's so very screwed up it should have come with big red warning spoilers from the start. I think Corso is my favorite now, he's sweet, cool with my smuggler being the boss, and I love the blasters. The only thing that gets on my nerves with him is when he always tells enemies 'fight me fair' as if we don't pretty much start most fights out by ambushing, shooting first, and wiping the floor with the poor underpowered foes as it is. Thanks for the earlier info, I think I'll make a Bounty Hunter next.
  10. I was wondering if anyone could add to a list of SW curses and insults. Some friends of mine remembered a few while we were playing last night, but I know there are more. Glitbitter Sithspit Sithspawn By the Emperor's Black Bones Huttdrool
  11. Were the Hapans around during this time? I think I remember in the Courtship of Princess Leia that it was mentioned their civilization was 10k years old or so? They had over a hundred fully colonized worlds, were very wealthy, with advanced technology not available to others, and a strong well-built military that never fell to outside forces.
  12. I like Flashy the best so far by a lot, the A-300 Heavy Sonic Needler looks phallic in a 'needs a bath with a wire scrub brush before I'd touch it' kind of way. Does Torchy look anything like Flashy, and if you're a witch and keep it, can you still advance Corso as your romance, or is it just an affection hit? Is it true that you can get a second gun from Corso called something like Sparkles, and if so, is it an orange, and does it resemble Flashy at all? I'm looking for my perfect mate, and it is so VERY frustrating that you can not view weapons in the dressing room before purchase!
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