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Everything posted by Steele_dk

  1. I think the OP is expressing the frustration of missing logic in 1.2 when we were used to in pre 1.2 that a daily reward meant small reward and the weekly reward meant the big reward. Having the 2 same quests reward the same now but one of the quests takes 3 times as long to do is not logic. I remember discussing this with my guildmate first day of 1.2 and we automatically then assumed that 99 from daily would mean perhaps 199 from weekly, or even more giving the sky high war hero prices. Boy was we wrong Bioware, logic you have, not in this game made.
  2. Lol, everyone calm down. There is a perfectly logical reason to why daily pvp rewards now reward the same as weekly and that is because
  3. Increased dps for 1 ability though only. Better to have increased willpower to buff the dmg of all your abilities rather than just 1. I suggest you go for 5 augmented pieces and wait for getting the set bonus transfered from purchased war hero stuff. Now to argue whether to put in expertise augments or willpower ones..
  4. DPS here. I can live without the set bonus for now. Crafting my Augmented war hero set and then i will transfer all my bm mods. Getting War hero set from ranked commendations? Dont have a year
  5. This, PLS BW, why am i forced to first buy a full complete DPS WH set for then having to buy 5 Healer set pieces because that is only where my mods i need are in?? Add a PVP mod vendor now But no rating though, everyone should be able to re mod their gear after their specs need, even the casuals.
  6. You cant buy any battlemaster items tho before you are lvl 50.
  7. Now tell me this doesnt look cool... wtb this as permanent look :/ http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8556/warheroplusinfection.png
  8. well i guess we could have it worser than say the Vanguards that look like a certain female oven making part
  9. As a vengance juggernaut i am starting to like this ability alot. A talent in the vengance tree adds further 15% damage reduction when Enraged defense is up. Paired with the little heal it gives this is a great defensive cooldown. It uses alot of rage yes, but it is a choice you make. I usually pop this together with enrage to ensure that i wont run out of rage to dps aswell and so far it is working really great. I first used it at the point of where i was close to dying but i think that is not the place where this ability really shines. When i start a new encounter vs someone else, i use it now at the beginning of the fight and save Saber ward to the end of the fight. The reduced dmg from the start of the fight often leaves me at an advantage and i have surprised many so far with being a much tougher target to kill than first anticipated. So i am fine with it. A rage Juggernaut though, i wouldnt want to use it i that much i think as it can end up using alot of rage vs little benefit.
  10. Okay so, dont CC until you guys use Undying rage, got it. After 5 tries to just get marauder to 50% before dying you finally manage to bring him down to a point of a maybe win: *Marauder pops undying rage* cast stun on marauder *Marauder pops unleash* err, a lil help pls? Dear OP, youre attitude is arrogant and youre are blinded and if not arroused by the even more buffing changes you got from 1.2 and I suggest you try being in the receiving end first of a marauder encounter and then we can talk tactics All i got from this is, do this when we does that but yea if he is this and this spec you wont stand a chance anyway. Dont mind being beat by a dual wielding melee class repeatly as a sorcerer, thats the way of the rock paper scissor world and i accepted that when i chose my class, but i really cant stand that the ppl behind the class think thats its because they are very good at playing. Wtb dispersion anyone?
  11. No, tested this first thing. As ive only heard and not tested my self, only the War hero armoring mod transfers the set bonus.
  12. This, though may i add to all the BH/Trooper healers here that tell their word on how it is now, you really needed a tune, you were way too tanked for a healer to be in balance with the other 2 healers. Sorc former healer here. (And pls dont give me bs about all my abilities, you cant line of sight a stun)
  13. I havent boxed up my Sorcerer completely, i still enjoy dpsing, but i have made a big red X mark across the healer tree now. No way that is viable anymore in pvp. Youre just number x in the number of sorc/sages being frustrated m8, dont beat yourself too much up about it, level up another char, try some another class when it gets too much, thats what i did.
  14. Okay, point taken here. The comparing of BM gear vs Crafted or just normal epic gear on trade market may have been a bit too much i will give you that. But its still the only gear we can get after recruit gear. A pve'er before 50 can: Buy blue items ready for 50, buy purple items if a person has made columi gear and put them on trade marked he can buy them aswell. A pvp'er before 50 can: Buy a lvl 40 blue set Hows that fair?
  15. I agree on the changes to medal system and its rewards are whack but this screenshot is also very rare occasion to happend. First of all, as people already mentioned this person dont have any kills. If you healing ppl that kills ppl you get at least a few medals from that. Second of all, his entire team didnt kill more than a total of 6? Either they were ******* or this is an extreme case of full premade vs. full fresh lvl 50s with green gear. Also you now get spammed with defender medals just standing at an objective. Clearly the person didnt do that aswell. So yea, i suspect he either sat in a corner with a friend to make this screenshot or he have no clue on how to collect medals in this game. As stated first tho, i do agree that even with the 8 medals met, a loss cuts your earnings a bit too much as it is now.
  16. Legacy gave pve'ers a lot of new options when they decide to make a new alt. Restrictions while levelling? Well you cant obviously do some pve content without the proper level. Other than that, you are free to do the stuff you like (PVE) PVP? You can enter pvp from lvl 10 to 49 without level requirement (though skills arent obtained before you reach your appropriate level (just like in pve) Restrictions: - Valor cap paired with level. If you like me made an alt to pvp on, your time on played in warzones wont reflect upon your valor rank once youve reached the cap on your level. At lower levels this means just a few games will cap you and you dont receive alot of valor which you earned from here on. As valor requirement has been removed from gear, you could argue this doesnt mean much, but as a true pvper, this still is kind of annoying, especially when youre making a new char and dont want it to seem unexperienced vs your main. - Credit reduced, comms earned in 1.2, new medal system Means that not only dont you get as much money to aid your income for time spent, but the new medal system also means that if its a loss you get little to no comms earned. This change affects all levels but especially the low levels as you only get 1 daily per day that only rewards XP. And needless to say, pvp games in pre 50 bracket can very often be a team full of 10s or a team full of 40s (to those that argue you must work for your win etc. etc. My point is that you dont often get a balanced team and it because of that is hard to win. Im not complaining about this though, ive taken my beating as a lvl 10er just as everyone else will have to) - Cant buy lvl 50 pvp gear pre lvl 50 Now this really makes me "tempered" When you are in your lvl 40s like me, youve got the full lvl 40 set already for you AND your companion and youre maxed out warzone comms, why dont they allow you to buy some pieces before you ding 50? All one can do now is buy ranked warzone commendations. I wont use them till MONTHS when im done with full BM gear and ready to get my first war hero piece. It is clear to me that BW intentions is to level through pve and enjoy the stories theyve made and such. And i have, its not like you could only level through just pvping before, but now with all these things packed around pvping pre 50 level, it just makes it clear that BW are very restricted on what you can do pre 50, and that shouldnt be the case. Suggestions: - Remove the valor cap If no gear requires valor rank anymore now, then why have it capped? Youve said yourself valor only reflects now the experienced youve had with pvp, then why not reward the full time you have spent in pvp? - Allow pre 50s to earn normal amount of credits. When do you need credits the most? When you level. Skills, mounts, and levelling your crew skills all takes alot of money. Not to mention now you have added the credit purchasable pvp set at 50, youll need an extra of 300k to buy that. and finally - Allow lvl 50 pvp gear to be purchasable from lvl say, 45 or maybe 48. If a person wants to focus on pvp with his char, why shouldnt he be allowed to prepare properly for the lvl 50 warzones? Pve'ers can just go buy stuff ready to go from the trade market and have that lying ready in their bags till they ding 50. Why shouldnt pvpers be able to do the same. And with restricting the purchases to lvl 45-48, you avoid the purchases to be abused and having ppl be in full BM gear when they hit 50, but you also give the pvpers a chance to not miss out on a lot of comms earned once the cap is reached. I want to PVP damnit, cant you realize that BW? *makes scene from platoon, extending arms in the air*
  17. I am in exactly the same situation m8 I have to farm 5xHead pieces to get my right stats as my standard BM has neither of my stats. And to top off the long grind ahead of you (too long) they reward the same amount of ranked warzone commendations from weekly mission as they do with daily mission, *** is up with that?
  18. I agree on the way BW upgraded gear to new expertise standards has been gimped. My new standard BM set (i put the original mods back in before 1.2) is now upgraded but my old mods i used with my kind of stats needed (Crit/Surge champion mods) did not receive an upgrade. I am now forced to use stats that completely doesnt benefit my spec (Alacrity) or use outdated mods without the extra expertise and been gimped that way. The new mods i need are in one of the War hero pieces, so not only do i need to get a completely set, but after that ill need 5 more pieces to get my kinda mods. Thank you very much for that Bioware! On the news part of these changes though you cant really blaim BW for you now having an non upgraded BM set. The patch notes for 1.2 was up for nearly a month and if you dont care enough to check for what changes there will come in what is known to everyone as a really big patch, then theres really not much more BW can do.
  19. Was talking about new class icons last night in guild and we all stopped to wonder about the new class icon for juggers. What the hell exactly is it supposed to be? Best guess so far is two flags or maybe two really broad swords lol Im just wondering sometimes how on earth these things gets through and logic minded staff of designers
  20. Already have, i have them both for my 1.2 spec. I just had heard someone say that combination of Eviscerate dot+Draining scream dot+Shatter dot+Force choke/ravage was a great combo. But i guess i can always test around and see for my self. Was just wondering if the dots where vital for anything else in our playstyle. Cheers m8
  21. Hey guys, i have decided to switch to vengance for pvp, and looking through the talent tree, the two dot talents Eviscerate and Draining Scream seems a bit (if not much) weak? 200 dmg and 133 total done. I am new to Vengance so please forgive my unexperience but would a vengance pvp spec with the dots be sinful? Would like to hear from experienced Venge pvp juggers
  22. okay heres the full screen: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/208/crithit.png/ as you can see i am full madness specced. as i said my critical multiplier is close to 78% and my dmg standard is 646, surge rating is 393
  23. sure m8, ill upload it as soon as i get home. All my Mods slots are modded after maxium power (ill get back to you on name of mods) and all my Enhancement slots are modded with the crit and surge mods, some are rakata some are just 56 (the crit and surge which only is available on champ gear). Furthermore, I am using Stalker implants and off hand because it gets me 32 willpower more from that move. Trust me, ive done alot of work to find how i could maximize everything to hit big, i even have all the datacrons incl. the 10+ stats to all just to get that more willpower. I believe the hit is possible with a combination of maximum expertise as i have, all the boosts from biochem and well, just plain luck. My second best hit have only been 5k so i can understand its a matter of everything aligning moment. I do not hit for this on average. -Steele
  24. Yea the crit seem a bit crazy for a sorc but none the less it hit I got the hit with Death Field using Willpower Stimpack, Relic power, Recklessness (Inq almost garanteed crit hit ability) and Adrenal power at the same time. My gear is completely modded into Surge enhancement and power in mods. I did not register the amount of damage i had at the hit time but i do have around 78% Critical multiplier I have a full screenshot at home to prove that my hit was in madness spec if you need.
  25. - biggest hit 7201 (post surge change) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/100/crithit2.png/
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