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Everything posted by Steele_dk

  1. Great video capture on how a sorc healer should play in pvp However, im sure that you have many clips where you also get completely squashed So for everyone watching, its not always as hard as it seems here to survive as a sorc, its sometimes much much harder And i think you can thank that other healer as i could see for saving your life a few times Keep making them vids Spacebarz, was good to watch (and nothing beats a voidstar bridge pull feeling hehe)
  2. 1. How do you think your Sorcerer spec is perceived by other classes? In pvp, reguardless of any spec, most people see sorcs as an easy kill. This often leads to sorcs being primary target even though they might not be the biggest threat on the battlefield. But everyone knows that sorcerers are pretty much easy to shut down and kill no matter what spec. Only talents in lighting spec makes death wait a bit longer, but that often means you are lacking healing talents or damage talents from other trees. Lighting is not viable in pvp. Nobody fears a madness sorcerer aswell in pvp as his dmg is too soft and slow. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I run a Hybrid, Corruption/Lighting spec. It is the only way to be viable as a pvp healing sorc atm. I like it but it feels wrong that i have to make such an off spec in order to not be a huge liability on the battlefield. Also i find my spec to be very weak on healing others. I can barely keep one of my teammates up if he is up against a potent damage dealer. The dps didnt have to sacrifice dmg to run his role, but as a sorc going with full Corruption spec i would just sign my own death certificate in pvp because of the missing root and mez talents. It is clear you have designed the Corruption tree after pve rules, but in pvp, long easy interuptable casting times, light armor, no defensive cooldowns and a regen system that removes your health, gives this class very poor chances of performing well on a teambased objective pvp game. And our opponents know this. Toughen us up pls or give us the tools to be tough for a duration to avoid the focus train.
  3. All we need is a melee version of the assasins force shroud given to sorcs: Force Shroud Instant Cooldown: 60s Removes all hostile removable effects and increases your chance to resist Kinetic and Energy attacks by 100% for 3 seconds. Pop this before force speed and no more stupid situations where you just sprinted away just to get rooted again mid sprint or pop it before melee get their vicious throw off and heal up over 30% again
  4. Aswell, thank you for a great read, there was a few things i learned here and a few things i am happy to know i have grasped the right way of this class. However, i still cant get to understand why anyone in a AP full spec would want a norse build with the other talents you can get instead I mean, 10 seconds less cd on a stun is not that attractive or will decide the outcome of an encounter. The less cd on interupt i can understand locking down a healerwise, but still not a gamebreaker unless you sole job is only to kill healers. And heres the most difficult reason i have aswell leaving out RS. The whole idea of dropping RS is as i understand it, too get a bigger window under your 12 second PFT timer cd but as you already put in comments following your guide, flame sweep adds also a stack and i have yet to go into a fight without having at least 3 stacks ready for the fight and still have 0 heat because out cylinder drops it fast. Sure i cant do that trick while i first engaged combat but the argument of dropping RS just for a few seconds more to build up PFT in dynamic pvp i find weird Id rather just do the armor ignore talent and do my tree the normal way, as an AP we are a bit lower compared to Pyros in burst and why not get the most dmg out of your abilities if you can? All of this 12 second window aswell completely ignores the possiblity of being stunned/push or otherwise stopped to do dps and i for one am not letting go of RS. Remember also if your teammate has already stunned or dotted up your enemy. Opening with ED+RS before 10m range is also very nice. Anyways thanks again for the read, well put together guide.
  5. Yea there was: •Players who are stunned or immobilized no longer appear to teleport a short distance to a new location on other players' screens. also they fixed another annoying bug: •Corrected issues that could cause players to appear to be stuck dead. now they just got a new bug to fix I dont mind the vents as much in huttball as you can just go around but the grapple teleport is annoying cuz it looks like you dont pull him in the first place and then i naturally walk towards him and then he suddenly appears behind me lol oh bioware
  6. Hey Guys Just for introduction i am still relatively new to powertech (lvl 45 atm) and i am in the Advanced prototype tree. I have 2 points left to spend in my spec and i have to decide between the 8% extra rocket punch dmg and the extra 6% railshot dmg Ive made a list of pros and cons to help me decide but this is where you experienced pt's could correct me if im wrong (pls do) Rocket punch talent pros: - Lesser cooldown on rocket punch, hence more times this talent will be added into my dps - rocket punch is already buffed in the ap tree aswell with 30% extra crit dmg Rocket punch talent cons: - rocket punch requires to be in melee range hence even tho its shorter cd, i could find my self in situation where i cant use rocket punch. - even though you can get 15% extra rocket punch crit from set bonuses, theres still a big chance rocket punch wont crit hence making the talent do lesser dmg as opposed to railshot Railshot talent pros: - Railshot can be 100% guaranteed to crit through talent in ap tree hence making the 6% do even greater dmg as its applied to base dmg (not crit dmg %) - Railshot seem to be doing more base dmg (plus the armor ignore) and my logic by natural is to buff the ability that does the biggest dmg even further? - railshot is ranged Railshot talent cons: - railshot has 15 second cooldown vs rocket punchs 9 - railshot needs to be set up first (apply dot) Sry to mindblow you guys over such a little matter, but its been bugging me now ever since my m8 (also powertech) asked me which talent is best for our spec Thx in advance p.s im a professional microsoft powerpoint presentator (jk)
  7. Jep, confirmed aswell from several guildmates aswell on my server. Vents just teleports you in random locations all the time. I dont have a knockback effect but my grapple (powertech) is the same, person i grap just teleports in front of me Hope they fix this soon (as it wasnt broken before lol)
  8. Second this, fleet is with all the ppl a bit laggy ofc but ive also experienced even when i am on a planet with only 60-70 ppl in the zone all my abilities have delays.
  9. For the record i think his name is Harkun And yes by god they made this npc really great, me and my friend levelling together just both wished we would go back and kill him Great voice cast for this guy.
  10. Thank you for finally listening to reason guys and showing that this feature was actually right to add in Its small steps like this that will end in a great game. Now, take the step further and show us you can crack the world pvp challenge. Or just give us 1 big warzone for normal warzones, 16vs16?
  11. I think that you will find lots of places where bioware has gone with the easy solution. Heres the two that makes me baffle the most on same topic: - Sit animation is the same (in fact i think most animations are the same) Might not be a "must" to have but still found it rather boring that whatever race you got you sit/animate the same way There was a fun element in wow that every race sat/waved/danced in different way, but in BW they just had a brainmelt on that part. Doesnt mean much to me but design wise this just facepalms me. Who here does not remember how troll dances. In swtor? Nothing is unique. Boring. - Character creation, same body no matter what race you select. Again very boring choices here. You basicly have the same body mass and height no matter what race you select. This while making you able to get a fat char no matter what race you select does again make the feel of uniqueness fall very much apart. In wow every race looks different. Heck you could even reckonize the race from far away, but in this game you basicly just only have 4 types of bodies. Smack a helmet on you and nobody will even know what race you are unless reading your target info. Again very boring. They should never had made it this way. The only thing i have seen is different on the races are small optional cosmestics such as implants on cyborg and tatoos on someothers. Red, blue, white, meh just the same body, its like bw decided that every race in the galaxy follows the same universal construction of bodytypes lol. I gotta give credit though to the increased number of emotes (doublelasers is fun) but overall bw has made many small steps that makes this game general feel like a Light MMORPG game. Oh well
  12. hehe "- Ability to just log on and play myself at my own pace whenever I want." lol, hows that different from any other game (Sry big post coming ) Oh well my reasons to play the game: - Its Starwars universe, played wow and i am never going back to a fantasy themed mmo thats for sure. You just cant get tired of a lightsaber swing sound - PVP, even though we lack severe world pvp content atm and warzones are repetitive the fights will never be the same and why i pvp and not pve. Reasons i like the game: - Story on levelling was a nice touch and the optional outcome made it fun also, but only the first character, spaced through my others sadly. - No big reputation grind for this and that item/recipe/mount/mats. Crew skill professions might not been as fun as in wow (explosive sheep lol) but it is still nice that i can train all my levels from whereever i want. - datacrons was also fun to chase down with friends (some lost from falling into their deaths lol) Reasons i dislike the game: - World pvp or a bigger warzone, nuff said. Call me an old farting wow lover but i kind of miss the really big alterac valley skirmishes, you remember those? - Questing, while entertaining with different stories, i have done exactly the same path of planets on all my characters xcept the starter planet ofc and it just gets to the point of annoying. Which leaves me to my last point. - Rollercoaster effect. The game while feeling like a mmo generally, just feels like you cant make any wast different choices. The space combat also backs up my point. While entertaining at first i just get quickly annoyed that i cant fly THAT way around the incoming astoroid but have to follow the same line everytime :/ - I know i am properly alone on this, but from start and till now i still cannot grasp the concept of how BW did the class/advance classes design. Me and my friend levelled as a sorc and assasin aswell and i was sooo dissapointed to see when we first got our pvp armor that they were exactly the same just with a different color. Not to mention i rolled a sorc for the cool lighting and what does my rogue ish friend have aswell? Force lighting >.< Whats the use of a basic class that gets split up into two different classes? Ask yourself what is an inquisitor? Well erm its a lighting firing..WRONG thats a sorc.. oh well its then a melee hitting, WRONG thats an assasin lol Reasons i could quit the game: - Content added too slow. I dont mean to complain about the current content its nice and all and i properly have the luxury of spending more time on the game than most ppl, but ive never gone through the content so fast in this game as any other. I dinged 50 and did a few flashpoints and before i knew it i had already gone through the two operations at the time and bam i was done. The same fight just slighty harder doesnt really cut it for me as its still the same boss. Flashpoints plays little role in prepping you for operations, heck i even did one operation in pvp gear, it was np. This is why i pvp again, new players, never the same fight. I remember spending way more time in the dungeons of wow to get my first dungeon set first before ever THINKING about stepping into the first raid molten core. BW has also yet to prove me that they are on top of the needs also of what mmo's want. Guildbank, Groupfinder tool, mailbox in ships and all the upcoming ways to increase the xp of your alt (in many cases their 8th alt and alts is what legacy is all about) should have come much sooner in the game. Dual spec come on already. I know that wow did not have all this at start, but i just dont think that you can argue that sw can start at the same exact point. The game has been in development for many years and it was released 6 years after wow. I am currently greatly awaiting to see what they have done with ranked warzones. my 50 cents - Steele
  13. True, but you cant expect to keep names such as Skywalker etc. This problem is no different if youre name was taken at launch but right now it just seems to happend for so many at one time it is making lots of ppl unhappy when they actually should be happy about finally being transfered of ghost servers. Personally my name is what means the most to my characters. Its what they are as role i named them after. I have to name change all of my chars aswell and it just feels like youre a whole different person. I know i will take some time reckonizing ppl is talking to me to my new nick name lol Bioware should have just let Legacy name be the unique part and let names be tied to that. Its a delicate system. GL to you OP
  14. Oh no it isnt if you have a guild forum, and i plan to do one on mine aswell But im just trying to make a point that its not easy for everyone just to cast a side the nick they so carefully selected and made friends though. Cant wait myself to see a full and vibrant server again no doubt but currently none of my chars names is free so it does leave you a bit hmm okay, what now then. It would been nice if they had cleaned up names under say lvl 20 which hadnt been played for a while on the destination servers, but i know that they cant and it wouldnt be fair for ppl planning to play that character later. All you can hope for like me is to bargain with the guy and make him delete that char and free your name. If he never logs his alt though, youre pretty screwed :S
  15. Dude, have a bit of heart, many ppl have played their characters since from launch and made friends and reputation throughout their nick. How would you feel if someone else suddenly walked around with your name and you had to make a new name of your self. We all appriciate the work they are doing for us now, but as many pointed out if bw had done their work properly the first time we wouldnt have ended up in this situation. Also imagine the last server getting allowed to transfer to a server there already has been open up for many other servers. Their names will properly all also be taken aswell so getting back with your guildmembers isnt exactly easy
  16. My server has yet to be announced transfer destination but all looks towards PVE EU servers will be transfered to The Red Eclipse server aswell, so i went to reserve name and it was also taken Its not that its hard to find a new name, but for me its been my nickname in every game ive played and to think someone else now will run around and ppl will think its me is kinda annoying Heck even my account name is my nick, so i guess its time to get the creativity googles on TheRealSteele hmm not bad not bad..
  17. My vote is gonna be Bespin I think most ppl are voting on which races they would like to see in the game and ofc who can not vote for Wookies and Ewoks, but enviromental wise i think that Bespin would be a spectacular place of sighting to be from bespin city Dagobah, not so much lol..
  18. He is talking about defensive cooldowns and you bring up taunts etc. as a reason you should have more defensive cooldowns? Its like.... you just cant find better argumentive ppl here on these forums than any where else... its crazy lol
  19. - Travel to fleet - Exit warzone - Hide in warzone - Exit game - Shut down pc - Cut power from house - Destroy house - Join the Amish - Sign up for the French Foreign Legion
  20. aaaaaand i stopped reading here. You just put 2 of the most basic core descriptions of a defensive cooldown yet you dont follow up on (your own) logic. Let me explain it to you my non healer, dual wielding grunt friend: Sorc bubble is a proactive heal How many of all the other classes defensive cooldowns do you know can be: - Cast on others - Stops duration because of dmg - Has 20 seconds cooldown?? (This one should be pretty obvious) Have a nice day
  21. The transfer page list only the servers being able to transfer from This is the list included destination servers, from char transfer on account page: Certain transfers are complimentary at this time: Between the following servers: Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion Soresu to The Harbinger Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force
  22. I dont know what side you coming from but i am not on team marauders are fine but certaintly dont think either they should be nerfed to the ground. (i wouldnt want bw's nerf bat for any of my enemies) Maybe im not fighting against the best geared marauders in the game, but i can assure you that most of the maras i encounter is from a rep premade and they are definitely almost fully wh geared. As i said in my post: My jugger (full bm/5 wh pieces) vs a mara, i can win the fight if i play my ace game. My sorc (full bm/6 wh pieces) vs a mara, i can touch their hp pool abit before i am sent through the portal to meet my grandma and grandpa. But that maybe says more about the sorc class should be tweaked abit than the maras. But right now i still state that they are holding most of the cards in the game (Great defensive cooldowns, great dps, great abilties: vanish mechanism, leaps, movement speed)
  23. Its always healthy to have a class type on each side on the rock, paper scissor model to better understand the balance. I have a vengance jugger too and i often find my fights against marauders balanced and close on outcome of win. We both have our defensive cds to pop, good dmg and good abilities to prevent the other from dmg you. Now fighting a marauder on my sorc is a whole nother story. My dots spec seems only to tickle them and my turret spec can be shut down so easy that i often just function as a punching bag The only chance i get to dps them is when i can kite them properly, but those moments are few as they have several gap closers and i cant dps much while running. Needless to say i am having much more fun on my juggernaut than on the punching bag And i think that people who dont see that mara/sents seem to have most of the cards on their hands atm, just either dont want to say it because they play one or because as in your case they have not tried yet a class which the marauder does not have a balanced fight versus. my 2 cents
  24. Ulthar Wynn, yea that server is dead, i was curious to see how the actual view of a Light server was from torstatus.net and i saw that Ulthar Wynn scored one of the lowest, so i made a character on both sides on that server. What i found was shocking.... 14 ppl total on imp side, 18 total on rep side... I felt so sad, and thanked my server still has around 100 ppl on each side still (Bao-dur) yet we are still looking more and more ghost town on fleet (10-30 average on fleet) But if you ask any BW developer, the game is thriving good i bet This is the first game where the server population has been such a big impact of how much i feel like to actually play the game. They really messed up big time putting out so many servers at launch and adding transfers this late. I dont even care about the 1.3 "content" at this given time, all i care about is that my guild can succesfully transfer to a living server before its too late. Already lost lots of members..
  25. Just saw this thread aswell. Would also like to thank you Daellia for the times youve number crunched for me aswell. Sad to hear you unsub. What eventually made you deside so? I am holding out till character transfers come and then i'll decide. Hows the combat different in Tera you say? - Steele
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