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Everything posted by NyteSabre

  1. I call total and utter BS. Max railshot crit will be lucky to hit 6k flat (I have never seen 6k, but imagine if everything was best case scenario, 6k could be achievable) with full buffs/cooldowns and WH gear on a 0 exp new lvl 50 scrub.....
  2. I have the same problem as Joaby and everyone else. Origin Server: Infinite Empire Characters: Nytedragon and Nytemare Destination Server: Master Dar'Nala
  3. I agree with a 4.5 sec cd, means we have an approx 50% chance to rail shot at 6 secs. OR The other alternative is that if a FB/RP procs a rail shot during the 6 second internal cooldown, it will automatically refresh once the 6 secs are over, and not get ignored. Personally id prefer the second option. I think everyone is happy with a 6 sec rail shot, they just don't want to have to wait 9 secs on average for it to proc.
  4. The problem is this, it won't be a rail shot every 6 secs, its going to be more in the realms of 8 - 9 sec rail shot cd's (No idea if someone has already mentioned this, and after reading my post, if someone can comfirm something different, please do) By rights any procs on particle inside the 6 sec cooldown will be not counted. So its only anything after the 6 sec internal cd will it have a chance to proc. Further taking into consideration that the more likely to proc skill (rocket punch) will very likely be on cd/blown within the 6 sec internal cd timer, the likely hood of having a rocket punch ready to go immediantly after the internal 6 sec cd, and be in melee range is pretty low. So that leaves flameburst, will take approx 2 flame bursts for a proc, add a couple of GCD and you have a more realistic fire rate of 8-9 secs.
  5. I would like to have an open dialogue about a particular player on our server (I won’t mention his name) who is very well known among the Imperial pvpers as someone who essentially afk’s every warzone, but is actually at his keyboard (usually trolling the players complaining about him) and does nothing to contribute to his side or the game. Now I’m not talking about someone who got 3k heals, or 10k damage total for the game, and I’m not talking about someone who enters the game right at the end of the game and has 0 across the board for all stats. This particular person enters the warzone at the start, once the game begins he stealth’s to an out of the way corner, and remains there until the match is over. Every single time he has 0 on all stats. On my grind to BM I witness this person do this in at least 30 games over the last 3 weeks. The server community is sick of it, and I have no idea how many tickets are put in about him, but if only 10% of the people put in a ticket who say they will, BW must get dozens of tickets a day about him. I personally put in a ticket, however it seems BW’s policy is that as long as a player is at their keyboard they won’t do anything. This is absolutely fine if this did not impact on the other 7 players on his team. Needless to say a good 8 person team is instantly going to have an advantage against a good 7 man team. I have seen on occasion a team will manage to win while he is on their side, however the vast majority lose. Now I have no idea how much valor etc this person gains by doing this, but it seems to me the motives of this player are purely for trolling, we aren’t sure if it’s a repub alt trying to fix the playing field, or this guy is just a nasty piece of work. So why is a person who impacts on 7 other players against the spirit of what the game is intended for allowed to continue? I understand it’s a slippery slope, one might say well this person only did 5k healing, or that person only did 12k damage, and they should be reported, but I think cases of just bad players are a far cry from someone who has probably played over 100 full games, and every single game deliberately scored 0 across the board. Financially letting this player continue has to be a bad choice, not only does he probably cost far more in customer support to the community than his monthly subscription, but he is no doubt a small contributing factor when some players decide to quit the game. Doesn’t this also affect the wider community and resources that might go to the game are otherwise diverted because of this player? When does the time of 7 players trying to do their best, become more important than a troll who is doing nothing more than creating ripples in your game BioWare? The Imperial faction of Infinite Empire is sick of this player, and we want answers as to why he isn’t dealt with. I’m all for a person playing the game how they want, but not if it’s at the expense of the 100’s of players that have been affected by this player. He doesn’t have to be outright banned, but remove any reward for people who score 0 across the board if they are there from the start of the match. (Also removing him from warzones altogether would make for many happy players).
  6. I think the streets are pretty busy to a degree, they dont feel dead to me, but at the end of the day we have to take into consideration hardware performance. While the idea of a really busy city sounds great, it's probably not so great for all those people without top end performance PC's, ontop of that would you rather more non interactable npc's or bug fixes and game improvements?
  7. As title says, does changing this feature have no effect? For me, both options still only fire abilities on key release.
  8. The chill mats definitely make a big difference in my opinion.
  9. Skills should activate on mouse/key button down, not mouse button/key up. For those not familar with basic programming, it means skills currently fire only once the key/mouse button is released, not when it is pressed. When Warhammer was first released, they went with the key up principle, but decided to change it shortly after release, it resulted in much more responsive gameplay. I believe if SWTOR went down a similar path, and changed skill activation on mouse/key down, it would make the game far more responsive and hopefully solve some of the ability non activation during rapid key/mouse presses. My 2 cents.
  10. Thanks Bioware. Having a blast, smoothest launch ive ever seen. For the haters/WoW fanboi's, comparing a game that has had 7 years of polish to a 2 week old game is ridiculous. For those who actually played WoW at release know what I mean, and even then, WoW was the benchmark for MMO releases. However SWTOR is definitely the new benchmark for future MMO releases! Bioware will have it just as polished as WoW is now, in a fraction of the time it took Blizzard to do it. Credit goes to Blizz for paving the way, making the mistakes and learning from them, but even more credit goes to Bioware to learn from Blizz's mistakes without making them themselves. I never got into SWG, played the trial once and just didn't like it, so this is definitely not coming from a SW fanboi. For every complainer there is a hundred who are too damn busy playing and having a great time to come on here to say "Great job Bioware".
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