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Everything posted by physiology

  1. This thread has never been made ever! Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
  2. Fail, both are acceptable. Armor is common in the U.S while armour is common in Britain and Canada (I think). Check your facts before making stupid statements.
  3. The way I understand it is that they are buffing expertise to the point that not using pvp gear is gimping yourself.
  4. Back in my day, if someone disliked the game, they would stop playing it without writing a novel about why they chose to quit
  5. physiology

    Class advise

    Two different play styles so fun will vary, both stories (as far as i got with mine anyway) are good and both are doing well at 50 pvp. So pick which one you like playing the most and run with it. I would go with the juggernaut just because I prefer tankish pvp
  6. When I lose, I accuse other classes of being overpowered to protect my ego.
  7. Happens to my brother all the time, what kind of computer are you playing on? May need to upgrade some parts
  8. You're right, how dare bioware make team based pvp require teamwork!
  9. On the bottom corner of your mini map, there should be a button that looks like the republic/empire symbol, click that and it brings up the pvp interface, just click the que button from there. happy hunting
  10. Not sure I understand the question. If you mean playing it, you just que for pvp and then you have a chance to play that wz. There is no que for a specific wz yet, so just que up for random warzones and hope you get lucky
  11. Did you know that you can actually run out of AoE? Crazy I know, very few people actually know about it. I'm writing my thesis about it and hoping to get my Ph.D in the study of "Not being terrible"
  12. It's like your going out of your way to set a record for how many bad threads you can start today
  13. You just sound bad, I drop my stealth scan when they vanish and will pull them back out 9/10. once you notice their health going down, get ready to drop the scan. right as they vanish, drop it. it's easy.
  14. Kills there will reward merc comms 1.2 iirc
  15. I'm torn between laughing at you and helping you, I decided the second. Look up the iron fist spec, get your combat tech set, stop spamming flame sweep, enjoy your 300k damage medal and all the protection medals
  16. It goes to whoever has the most objective points. How do you get them? Well your guess is as good as mine.
  17. Oh look, gw2 a game I never heard about ever, especially on these forums. I'm so glad you took the time to enlighten me on its existence and advertise its main draws! Thank you so much!
  18. take your facts and go! can't you see that this guy is nerd raging atm and can't be bothered to actually look stuff up?
  19. It has potential, if they increased the spawn rate on chests or something, more people would go there. I sometimes go there and hunt for chests between wz ques. Get into some interesting fights sometimes. Ran into a fellow republic player I always thought was an *** hole and killed him. feltgoodman
  20. As much as I loved solo defending nodes by applying my 18s dot and throwing my body at them until my team showed up, this change was probably for the best
  21. It's true. A gunslinger killed my father and ***** my mother! Nerf gunslingers now
  22. I was under the impression that this (as well as moddable pvp weapons) were coming out in 1.2. the set bonuses are going to be tied to the armoring and will be exclusive to certain slots (i.e helm armor is only interchangeable among helms")
  23. How many threads have you made on this topic already?
  24. these would make it even harder for someone starting out in pvp then it already is, so these are probably best to leave out. I agree with the recipe idea though, maybe allow us to craft pvp items and armor
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