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Posts posted by Nezyrworks

  1. Still it didn't dropped. I had checked many databases but they are poorly updated.


    As a trooper i can't get only sniper rifles (as of 1.2). I can get any blaster rifle drop (i suppose) but the question is whats the percentage. So far i had like 30 recon blaster rifles (trooper), 18 blaster cannons, 2 dual lightsabers, 6 blaster pistols. There might be a chance but still like 1-2%

  2. Hey guys, i have problems farming this particular gun:



    I love how it looks, and i want to put augments into it post 1.3, BUT so far (31 runs, 27solo, 4 with scoundrel) i didn't saw it drop). I know its an operative drop, but still it remains on loot tables for republic (much lower rate). My question is - did anyone saw it dropping? Is there actually a chance to get it post 1.2?

  3. Well said Oozo.


    Olympic - you win some, you lose some.


    From my experinece it's a minimal chance (luck with sticky as Oozo mentioned, or just a lag) to win a fight with fully CD'd Operative/Scoundrel (especialy hybrid heal). He have to many ways to counter your advantage. BUT if he is out of his cooldowns, he should be yours.

  4. If they just took one of the ideas and used them it would give us a reason to use HEGC. The 8 percent damage increase and passive venting is nice, but by weaving Rapid Shots every two attacks, I do more damage by keeping CGC on the target and keeping increasing my dps. Even though it completely breaks from the tree. It breaks the 12 second rule, and yet surpass in dps.


    Until they will fix pulse generator and make PG only for HEC/HEGC we can't speak about 12 second rule. Besides my AOE (yes i rely mostly on AOE on pvp rather than single target burst which noone mentioned) benefits more if i have 5 stacks of PG up (yes i am talking about SG and MV).


    This build (NORC 8/31/2) is completly diferent from pyro, because you are not counting AOE, which is a BIG part of tactics all in all. And in my opinion THIS is the main strenght and dps source of the build. If you compare single target dps rate it will always be lower, but IF you count toward full usage of ALL (yes i use ES) your AOE's then it changes dramaticaly. It's a time presure build.

  5. so you observed an 20% dmg increase with 5 stacks (which actually should be 50%)? well, this could be the case for me too. 20% i could have missed due to dmg variation of too few tests. but no way it is 50% as it should be.


    but good to know they know now about it.


    Yes, its more-less 20% damage boost, while it should be 50%. The best thing is im getting 5 stacks of PG and then doing MV, SG and after that Pulse Cannon


    which boosts all 3 skills :p

  6. i did. it is open since thefirst day after 1.2


    My ticket was resolved today. I had a live chat with customers service and i had provided proven and tested bugs regarding pulse generator and battlefield training:


    - Pulse Generator Does not apply 70% speed debuff (but IT DOES provides up to 20% bonus damage - depending on stack number)

    - Pulse Generator provides up to 20% bonus damage to Mortar Voley and Sticky grenade (again i had tested it with friends) this is not intended.

    - Battlefield training works only 50% of the time. I was racing standard speed guys for an hour to test it. Sometimes after log in - if you dont feel the speed, relog - it should help (again this is not how it should be)

  7. I agree for the most part. For me. It's not silly to compare because of the ramp time. Remember non of Tactics attacks except HiB is mitigated by armor.


    If you take just the 6 sec burst times they are pretty close. It should read more like.


    Assault: quicker,and more mobile burst (you do not have to be stationary to use your burst)

    Tactics: Better sustained damage after burst. Due to less of a reliance on mitigation attacks and weaving Rapid shots.


    To be honest I miss the mobile burst of Pyro/Assault, and until they fix the pc slow Tactics will always be lagging.


    Btw HTL is great for ignoring snares. I have never had a guy I was chasing get away because I didn't have guts snare.


    they had answered my ticket today, and i had a live chat with customer service. I was also officially informed about Pulse Cannon having now 4 ticks instead of 3 (before 1.2).


    We should expect patch notes informations about pulse generator (adding 20% damage but not the slow) and battle tactics (working only 50% of the time) any day soon. (The ticket was delivered to development team and they currently make tests on both talents).


    So keep your fingers crossed.

  8. Unfortunately 5 augmented slots isn't worth it for the Supercommando Set.


    No 5 augments equal the damage increase of -1.5s off Energy Blast / Storm and 5% bonus dmg.


    Well i would say yes 4 pieces are the way to go until you have all 4 war hero while playing tank. supercommando is a specific set. I had sacrificed 15% Stockstrike and yet i don't see hudge diference. Regained tenancy cooldown reduction and nerual surge cooldown already.

  9. Played WoW for 5 years (up to the Lich King expansion). Played every single class wow offered. I was playing both arenas (up to season 4 when i ended with full gear) and Endgame Raid concent Sunwell Isle.


    Yes... im not a 14 year old - more like a 30.


    This game feels to me nothing but a clone of Vanilla WOW in PVP (post battlemaster set changes, which made warrior imba). Same mechanisms, same playstyle - u just need to have a comparison to wow characters. It took me 5 minutes to figure out what to do or how to play.


    Which is better? Vanilla Wow had fantastic and very ballanced and enjoyable endgame PVE content with many dungeons and raids (before tier 3 and pre TBC talent changes). Battlegrounds aded much into it. Tier 0.5 was better for some classes and particular builds than tier 2. But the lack of dedicated pvp gear was fantastic, because

    at the begining it was very simple and enjoyable alike. You were wearing pve gear and having fun (some classes had more than the others but thats normal for blizzard). Here. If you aren't careful - puff - you are gone with the wind. Do i like it? Well i must say im not wearing recruit gear and im playing premades only. the gear gap between is just hilarious. It's like fightng 2h enhancement shaman who can 1 shot you (yes, again i was playing shaman for most of my 5 years, and no those 1 hits were not lucky as people think, they were calculated - post TBC i was as ehnacement the best pve dps in our guild) if you are fully dedicated tank with top arena gear and HOT (healing over time) on you.


    I know - many informations. To sumarize - BW is not learning blizzard lessons quick enough, and is following the same blind pathway with twisted gear progression grind that eventualy left me no choice but to sell my wow accounts. And i think this might soon happend to my swtor accounts.


    Also, best pvp'ers are not recognized by their gear > this is a sign of a grinder. When you play FPS you don't have gear, and guess what? Skills, and teamplay are your atributes.

  10. Got total of 6 augments slots (5 armor, 1 weapon) with War hero crafted gear.


    Swaped some BM +Crit+Accu for +Crit+Surge from Champion.

    I'm running full tactics.


    And yes, even the 4 pieces set bonus is negligible if im having flat 30% crit, but for some players and particular builds it will be a tradeof.


    And whats more important, my playstyle resolves around AOE, which in this case receives a nice bonus.

    Just remember: Elemental damage is not mitigated, and if its also tech (and in most cases is) then its also

    not dodgable so u can replace BM enhancement mods (even when losing 25 expertise) with champion crit+surge or Crit+power or Power+surge enhancements. The conclusion is If im using explosive surge i often get 3-4 people at NovC with a blast dealing tremendous damage, followed by Neural Surge and Pulse Cannon (buffed to 5 stacks) this can pottentialy kill 3-4 players at once (yes it works this way).


    Edit: Just added war hero mods onto legs and gloves. :D so 2/4 set bonus is here.

  11. As a new 50 at pvp, it is really disheartening and really no point to playing.


    Played three games, got 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations etc

    Die in like 4 secs each time and the opponent's health doesnt go down when i hit them.


    The winning team had people with 10+ medals each.


    So...i cant even get any medals, no valor, no commendations, nada.

    Cant see the fun/point in playing pvp.


    My brother plays frequently his fresh 50 commando in recruit gear on Wz, and keep comming with 8+ medals every fight. Also he bought BM item yesterday for just playing that day and i can say with full confidence in him that he is a NOOB...


    From my perspective - I was long ago centruion, with splashed champion gear, because i had terrible luck with old BM boxes (87 boxes with no BM comms in a row), and played in pugs agaitst 2x4 premades in full BMs... Yet we were winning.


    Your utilities are your main weapons. Even fully armed war hero can die from a fire off hutball or falling from a bridge, and even hardest hitting commando/mercenary can be stoped by well placed cc.



    Play in team, report inc, help other players, predict the outcome of your actions, be intuitive, improvise, learn other pug players - talk to them, check thier class (this is what i do before match i know which players reveal pvp or pve atitude, which are veterans - if you talk to them once or twice they will learn more "teamplay" with you)... those features help you win battles. Every good tactician will tell you that battles are won not only by sheer numbers.


    Even when my server is heavy durring peek hours i still know 75% of all pvp players on my server - friend or foe. This makes groups even without TS much more effective.

    I take a certain role each match and im filling it to the end. sometime that means getting less medals or fast death, just to distract or slow down enemy.


    Hope i had helped

  12. BW did not put them in. Noone has seen them in game and nothing shows up on the data mining sites.


    That's correct. On top of that i can say i had made 61 Underground metal missions total, with the overall result of: 0 new custom schematics.


    No database informs about new custom orange recipes except those from Raid and PVP. So as far as i am concerned they did not included any new recipes... or i am terribly unlucky with 61 missions...

  13. The run speeds works. I have tested it.


    The damage works. It's very obvious to people who have run the talent regularly. The problem probably revolves around people not understanding other classes. There are numerous classes who can get very significant damage reductions against Pulse Cannon. Multiple specs have 30% reduction from AoE damage. Some classes get abnormally high internal / elemental damage. If you get Taunted, it goes down drastically. Etc. There's a lot of things that will drop it's damage a lot.


    Sorry, but you are wrong. Pre patch i was doning 2300+crits on 5 stacks to lvl 36 boss i had farmed for a week. After 1.2 the SAME gear, SAME build, and im doing 1500 to the same boss. Same goes with snare effect. IT's not applied.

  14. Same for me.


    Half a million to lose my set bonuses.


    C'mon how about a "WARNING, SET BONUSES WILL NOT CARRY OVER" before I pay a huge sum to pull out my mods?


    Oh well.


    And hey what about a "WARNING, This is worthless!" warning before you buy that 5million credit ship auction house thing. My guild master got burned thinking it was a normal auction house. It was not.


    Bioware if you read this, put in a toggle. Let the ship AH be either a normal, or a black market auction house. Problem solved.


    How about you learn how to read before you start writing. This was talked over for a MONTH both here and on PTS as well as in Developer Blog

  15. Am I not understanding this right? I thought with 1.2 you could pull out your Mods on PVP gear, put them in regular orange gear and get the set bonus that transfers? I.E 4 piece stalker gear gets you another charge of Recklessness etc?


    You are aware how Han Solo treated Greedo? This might happend to you for not reading previous posts and making about the same thing.



  16. yep. i just tried now (before they downed the servers again :rolleyes:) using all cells. not even with HEC its working (someone mentioned maybe it got tied to HEC without the tooltip / notes mentioning it).


    Pulse Cannon DOES NOT receive addtional damage from HEC, it DOES NOT receive up to 50% aditional damage from Pulse Generator and is not Supported by additional crit chance from Blaster Augs. It bearly crits while i have my 15% crit buff, BM crit/surge Relic, 27% own and 6% demolition.

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