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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nezyrworks

  1. Powertechs deserved this and I don't feel the least bit sorry for any PT players that thought they could continue APPT'ing ppl with ease after 5.0. I hope they keep it this way for awhile.


    Your crappy perspective is very one sided. Now that they had nerfed range, defensive utilities and dps of a PT, and gave merc nine lives they just swaped one op class to another.


    Go solo arenas with an AP PT and check how long will you wait until you will be melted. - this is not a balance, and balance is not about nerfing one class to make the other op. I play both merc and pt as my mains, so i do know what i am talking about (did ranked on a merc healer when it wasnt even considered cool with a good degree of a success).


    Moving disciplines between merc and pt would balance the whole problem, while keeping merc fairly good and able to survive focus (2/3 of the defensive disciplines will still be there), and a selfheal on top of that, while also providining needed survivability for a PT, who had to swap from 30 to approx. 10m range of a fight while also having nerfed defensive utilities... You take one thing from a pt and its fairly fine - you take both, and you make a problem.... this is what people have troubles to understand.

  2. I did a post about merc/pt balance just a week ago:




    Removing Responsive Safeguards from merc and giving it to PT would balance the whole unkillable merc problem.


    The other way around would be to move Trauma Regulators, and making kolto overload not going above 35% but gaining damage reduction as it had some time ago (going to 70% is imo even worse than a damage reduction).

  3. Greetings Developers!


    We currently are aware that mercs/commandos have too much survivability, which causes tremendous problems in PVP environment. We also know, that PT/VG lacks the proper survivability to perform "in pair" with other DPS classes in PVP (especially solo ranked). The below solution would fix both problems in one go, without further destroying Mercenary/Commando with unnecessary overnerf, which some people would demand.


    Please consider this suggestion from players, that not only enjoy the game, but also are a part of the PVP community!



    A) Trauma Regulators: Move this talent from Mercenary to Powertech


    B) Responsive Safeguards: Move this skill from Merc to PT.


    If Responsive Safeguard would be given to PT/VG instead of Merc we can all agree that both classes will be plausible to play, and the undying mercs would no longer be a problem.


    Best regards

    A Merc/Commando and a PT/VG player!

  4. NO..what should be done is take kolto and kolto surge from mercs..make it PT exclusive..this will fix 2 classes in 1 go..


    mercs can keep trauma there reflect dcd..it's kolto and kolto surge that break the class..give it to the PT and that will balance them off perfectly..also bring merc into line with other classes..so bioware dont give mercs a harsh nerf..


    Yep. That would secure merc not becoming overnerfed.

  5. Of course. Just like an ice cream cone won't last forever either. Just like nothing will last forever.


    Just like an ice cream cone, I am going to savor every lick of this deliciously flavored merc patch, AKA 5.0.


    All the salty tears flowing only add that much more flavor.


    Mate i had been playing merc since the begining. And while i agree that mercs needed some defensive disciplines, devs simply overdid it. And as much as i liked PT when it was imba i was switching to merc to play some serious games because i do not appreciate OPness. And when u have cat's 9 lives its not even funny anymore

  6. All I wanted is Rocket Out not to suck balls and Kolto Overload to work the way it does now :confused: Everything else, I was completely fine with considering our damage output.


    Sadly, as time has proven, BW is oblivious of the 'middle ground' concept. Doh


    Then move Responsive Safeguards to PTs and we are both fine :D

  7. How to fix everything wrong in the world:


    Take Trauma Stabilizers from 'Mando/Merc and give it to PT/Vanguard.


    Yep, that should work, but minor tweaks to some other talents would also be nice. Compressing that Hydraulics into 1 (max 2) talents rather than going for 3..., which could be used for chaff flare to remove movement impaling effects / and or increase damage reduction/absorb.


    They have heavy armor, don't see the problem.


    Good one, good one :D. I remember this argument when PT was as terrible as it is now.

  8. Since the dawn of time both PT dps specs were struggling between being borderline OP and borderline useless. the current state is a freaking glass cannon with no range and barely any cannon. Every single class got their talent points in proper defensive measures to ensure more PVP survivability, while both PT and its mirror a VG do not have adequate choices.


    Utility is nice, but the amount of it should be strictly reduced (talent wise only) for more defense, damage reduction which now plays a greater role for PT/VG because of how the reduced range works. We are supposed to be melee, but do not have enough survivability to survive it. We have kiting, but one simply can't kite 2-3 people at the same time.


    Add a new skill that would become bread and butter defense tool, or increase the amount of defense current skills have. This is for both Pyrotech and Advanced Prototype.



    Trauma Regulators: Move this talent from Mercenary to Powertech or:

    Responsive Safeguards: Move this skill to PT which needs it much more than a merc does.


    Sign a suggestion box request to fix both classes and save merc from overnerf, while also freeing the Willy PT/VG:



    If Responsive Safeguard would be given to PT/VG instead of Merc we can all agree that both classes will be plausible to play, and the undying mercs would no longer be a problem.

  9. any of you ever use incendiary missile in the conitnuity of fusion missile's cast? I found out it'll spread the inc msle dot and find it more reliable to spread as it only needs 1 GCD.


    FOR AOE rotation Incendiary Missile should be spread with Supercharged Gas, prior to fusion missile, and after that followed by Sweeping blasters to proc the Ranged requirement of supercharged gas additional 4sec dot.


    Supercharged Gas + Incendiary Missile>Fusion missile>Sweeping blasters for maximum effect of spreading potentialy 4 dots on the targets.


    The full AOE rotation combines also DFA and Serrated Shot + Explosive Dart + Vent heat (if u follow it up by Supercharged AOE. You can use seismic Grenade to reduce enemy chance to spread on AOEs).


    The full rotation will consist of:


    Serrated AOE

    [Precast Break Sweeping Blasters to proc CGC/Plasma Cell] Serrated shot > Mag Shot > Explosive dart > [seismic Grenade - will also filter your heat a bit] > Supercharged Gas + Incendiary Missile > Instant Fusion Missile > Sweeeping Blasters > Mag Shot > Death From Above


    + Vent heat for when needed.


    It is long, but when properly executed with seismic and/or a PT carbonize its devastating.


    But i wouldn't be to keen on using Fusion missile other than when i have supercharged and a group to take care of. I preffer to play single target burst full potential of IO. AOE is just very situational and hard to execute at full power, considering 1 stun can break it at two crucial moments.

  10. You're never going to be a great tank/sniper killer as a Merc, so I'd leave that to the classes better suited to it. 105% accuracy is generally plenty for PvP (I actually only carry a little over 103, with 1 enhancement) - more than that and I think you're just sacrificing too much.


    If you are playing Arsenal/Gunnery forget about it. If you are playing Assault/IO however, no sniper should win 1v1, and tanks melt under full burst potential (not to mention you can tax them twice by applying all the pressure on secondary target guarded).

  11. "Realistic" is a poor word indeed, but bubble gun animations are terrible, and assault has a terrible mechanics and rotations. Assault was suppose to be a mobile spec, but in reality it's the opposite or u deal no damage. Not even talking about that sages/sorcs have 100 times better def and mobility.


    Assault/Innovative Ordnance is not easy, and thus poor statements abouts it's viablity are based upon general idea of playing with it but not understanding it. In my experience i had seen only a few good As/IO players. It's because you need to think much like "engineering sniper" from patch 1.6 "out of the box". There are heat tricks you do not understand or do not want to. There are mobility measures arsenal/gunnery can only dream of, and the burst - oh man, yes it takes 1GCD more to fully utilize it, but the effect is much better than you would ever get from gunnery.


    Played both since 1.0 and as much as i think it was amazing in 3.0, the additional utility and mobility from 4.0 made it much better IMO.

  12. Any tips to time the building up of supercharge? If I'm not hindered too much, it always feel it takes quite a while to build up the 10 stacks. Though I very often just die and build them up as I'm coming back to the fight.


    I've been more or less trying to apply the pve rota to keep energy manageable but sometimes I end up having to use Inc Msle and Srtd shot several times in little time cos targets died fast or fled farther than it is safe to pursue and then my heat hits the roof...




    Yes. For normals its easy. while for arenas can be tricky. If you are not targeting anyone in 30m range, immediately use your "free heal".


    Tricks for the IO (you will need to keybind most of the tricks, because you just can't simply click them out, so bear that in mind):


    Free Magshot reset on the run - use Sweeping blasters to proc IPA Mag Shot, and break the cast immediately by moving. this takes 0.5sec so it doeasn't break your GCD law of 4 and doesn't slow you down that much, while using no energy before first AOE salvo is done.


    Supercharged build - whenever you are out of 30m range use Kolto shot/ Med Shot which grants you 1 Supercharged charge. Get used to doing it EVERY time pissible.


    2 Pieces Combat tech bonus - use it instead of your 6-7 piece of Eliminator. Because you will rely on Rocket Punch 2.5 second root that much (afterburners). It nets more dps than 6 piece bonus.


    Missile blast flashing icon delay - once you see 30% or lower health use the Missile blast immediately even if the icon didn't flashed yet. It WILL PROC adding 75% to its damage.


    Utilities - take those utilities as they are the best combination of mobility, kiting and defense you can get for both normals and TR.


    Skillful: Jet Escape, Afterburners, Gyroscopic Alignment Jets, Improved Vents

    Heroic: Supercharged Defense

    Masterful: Stabilized Armour, Thrill of the Hunt


    Rocket out - its offensive capabilities outmatch the defensive ones. Once you learn to use it as a speed buff instead of defensive disengage will be a moment when you realize Merc is one of the fastest ball scorers in the history of SWTOR, and doesn't need to roll/move over a terrain to do so.


    Alacrity - DO NOT take more than 648 alacrityrating due to GCD changes. It will mess up your Mag shot reset rotation unless you will learn to proc it from Sweeping Blasters every time, which is higly unlikely.


    Primary target burst - This is the only spec that melts tanks as well as light armored targets due to Supercharged Gas proc on Incendiary Missile. Combined with Serated Shot, and Rocket Punch it creates great amount of unmitigable damage, which can't be shielded, dodged. Thus it is likely that you will burst sniper twice as fast as he can burst you in MM.


    Net (in general as i had seen many mercs use it when they shouldn't) - don't use net unless your target already used his Stun breaker. This way he will not break net slow. You can promp enemy to use DCD by launching electro dart at him.


    Significant AOE damage - once you realize you can combine Supercharged Gas damage increase on Incendiary Missile, and spread it on all the secondary targets of your fusion Missile followed by Sweeping Blasters to gain the ADDITIONAL dot proc on ALL of them (6.5k damage over 4 seconds in addition to any other Incendiary Missile Damage), or


    that you can spread Serrated shot dot over all targets of your Explosive dart (this also means spreading the 5% damage debuff), or


    that you can use them both followed by Death From Above - it will make you scream in the end. Of course its not reliable, as you need the targets to not spread for until Fusion Missile and/or Explosive dart to explode spreading damage, but this AOE rotation CAN be done especialy in tight places such as: Arenas, Voidstar doors, Ancient Hyper. mid, Civili war turret nodes, etc.


    This rotation is heat extensive, so bear in mind to use Vent Heat + free railshot proc at least once after/during it.

    My highest DPS on arena was 5.4k thanks to it, while TR arena or prolonged node fights result in an average of 2.7k dps.


    Comment - I am mailny a VG/PT TR player, thus my IO merc playstyle is very offensive but i did quite a few TR with IO aswell. I tend to use Rocket Punch, alot, especialy on secondary targets that i didn't applied my dots to.


    IO rotation is amongs the hardest in the game, but mastering it will make you a very hard target to deal with even under focused fire. and outperform DPS, mobility and burst Arsenal does. Besides, i guarantee you, you will become a stealther annihilator.


    GL and have fun with it!

  13. Well "The Forgotten Trophy" is an alert from an alliance specialist, namely from Lana, not from Yuun. You might not have read the other actual alerts, just looking for one from Yuun?


    Yes its from Lana, and i should be guaranteed to have it upon the doctors conversation that ends The "To find a findsman", but i didn't get it.

  14. Hello,


    So, I got to Chapter IX (but not completed it), and I completed To Find a Findsman, and Yuun is now part of the alliance, but now I didn't get Alliance companion Alert related to Yuun (The Forgotten Trophy). Completing chapter IX didn't changed the thing. I did however get all the alerts from Alliance Specialists.


    Can you confirm it is a bug, or am i missing something?

  15. It's the same thing every year. Its because no maintenance was done between holidays i believe. Thus servers are performing poorly - especialy on Makeb, Tatooine arenas and side turrets Civil war.
  16. .....if only to stop people giving up 5 seconds in saying "they're a premade don't bother" and quite a lot of the time they are wrong. One sided matches are soooo boring and theres just too many of them.


    PLEASE, you'll need to align RANKED accordingly so if people want to team proper then they can but we can do away with so many of these landslides.


    THANX (if only they would)


    Seriously. You have started an MMO character, and you require people to queue alone, when they can do it in team? Im guessing you have never played against an organized clan in an FPS then? Stop whining, and find a PVP guild, or 3 other buddies that will carry you. Period


    And btw, thats how bads are thinking. You are bad at something, so you want to hinder everyone else to your level? Come on. Do me a favour and start an organized group. PVP would be more healthy if people like you would finally get the sense of a TEAMPLAY in it, not just SOLO (yeah i do think solo ranked sucks).

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