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Posts posted by Nezyrworks

  1. I'm trying to get some info regarding the 8/22/16 vanguard build.

    I've read its the best pve build to use considering the current state of our class, however i'm a little unsure of the rotation used with this.

    Any advice or ideas would be great.


    http://www.torparse.com/l/193728 - read carefully log.


    You start from GUT to increase all damage by 3%, also before combat use 3 times explosive surge to get full stacks of pulse generator (increased PC damage by 60%).


    Gut>IR>IP>PC(+3stacks of PG)>HIB>SS(if free)(*should proc HIB)>HIB....


    The idea is simple, You keep GUT on target, use IR after you have free SS, IP to get pulse cannon 60% additional damage. You need to watch those free stockstrikes, you also gain nice resource returns from Pulse Cannon channeling time. You need hammer shot only rarely.


    Keep all the dots all time on boss, use High impact bolt resets with free stockstrike,

  2. i said in a spec that takes more then a monkey to play... which means everything but rage... its funny how you are not capable of picking up on that.


    anyone can play rage and pretend they know what they are doing.


    I'm sorry i'm not crying a river saying this class is not worthless... but then again i'm not some crap player who need a crutch to lean on which is what pyro was for so many of you terrible players. Pyro is not some faceroll easy high burst spec that took not skill to play like rage juggs are now.. deal with it or quit the game and go back tow ow with the rest of the cry babies.


    AP is the best PT spec right now, just because you are not good enough to play it doesn't make it useless, it simply makes you a useless player.


    AP is behind the Hybrid in ops. And yes i had played AP for half a year. I had played all specs that were viable and some that were not. Playing vanguard/PT since the pre- release so i had some time to test this and that.


    And the sheer fact that you state that AP is the best simply describes it all. It is good, agree, but not the best in terms of DPS period.

  3. I have run with guys trying to jacked up useless hybrid and they are over 200 DPS behind my AP spec.. The sheer fact that you think dummy damage matter shows how pathetic of a player you are. There is no fight in game where you get to stand still and tunnel the boss. Dummies are a tool to test gear changes and rotations in a vacuum not to test and see what your raid DPS might be.


    You are not only violating the forum rules, by trying to troll and insult other players, but you are also not listening to other players tests and results.


    I had never stated that fights do not revolve around moving. In fact i had also talked above about hold the line/hydraulics as a measure, that in my opinion is sufficient.


    AP is simply NOT having enough damage on the boss, because by itself the dots from hybrid are making the deal. If you were 200 dps begind the full AP you did it wrong mate. Check the rotation again.


    The ONLY reason to stay AP would be for less experienced players that have problems with rotation energy wise.

    Because the hybrid player needs to be more careful.

  4. PS: you also forgot the benefits of rebounder redoubt, which is up 6 seconds out of every 10 or so in PVE. It also makes the shield available more often if you take fire.


    On the target dummies AP is behind pyro, but not by much after the nerf. In the cycle you should be bouncing between three different big hitters on your attack rotation. One of the three is ALWAYS up, so the six second rail shot is moot. Oh and by the way, you don't overheat. Ever. With HEGC.


    Immolate - does at least as much as a rail.

    RB - to setup the DOT,

    FB - damage


    RP - almost always crits with combat tech. Free after immolate.

    Rail - crits 100% after RP, which makes up for the armor penetration difference.


    FB setup PFT

    PFT - always use with explosive fuel if possible

    RP as a finisher, it crits again.


    By now, immolate is back. Restart.


    PS: If you really need the extra 100 CGC DPS, that's why the devs created field respec. It takes five seconds to switch to a the hybrid spec, and then switch cylinders. Its convenient because Incendiary missile takes the place of immolate on your button bar. I tried it. The rotation is about the same except you PFT and rail instead of immolate. Clever kids will have an eliminator raid suit, and a combat tech PVP suit.


    Pyro and pyro hybrids work may work better for PVE by a small margin, just don't ever try to tell me it's better for PVP.


    PVE enemies don't have healers that clear your DOTS constantly.

    PVE meat bags don't run, duck, and hide outside of your measly 10 meter range, making overrides a must have.

    PVE mobs don't slow, root, or push you constantly, especially after jumping on top of you from 50 meters away, so the extra mobility isn't needed.

    PVE mobs don't stun lock you for the minute it takes for resolve to finally fill.

    PVE mobs aren't trained monkeys that only know how to derp the 'smash' button.


    I can't see the point of this when i had stated already that im using:



    And the PVP version of the hybrid is usefull only in specific circumstances over 11/8/27.

  5. my powertech hits for over 7k... my marauder cannot do that while playing a spec that takes more then a kitten hopped up on catnip to play.


    sorry but 10% of QQ posts are posted by blad players it is a universal FACT on MMO forums... if you think the class is broken its not you simply are a bad player who lost something that was OP.


    Play More AP mate. The statement that "u can't do 7k with your marauder " explains everything.


    You go from one subject to another and instead of an intelligent conversation you just troll.

  6. Should I be going all Power/Surge or do I need Accuracy like an Arsenal Mercenary at 110%? Any Crit at all? Most of the abilities look to be tech based. This is for operations.


    110 Accuracy for HIB, and all power/surge with no crit (crit rating items reduce your effectiveness if you do not use Firebug talent - and with 8/22/16 you shouldn't :p).


    Power is by itself still the best source of damage, and since CR got overall nerf you will only lose dps by getting crit on any piece of gear.

  7. dummy DPS is dummy DPS, its called a dummy because dummies think it means its the same as raid DPS. Full AP will give higher numbers in a real encounter.


    People think that FULL AP is better than HYBRID when considering DPS on boss? Wrong. You lose 2 dots that are on the target 100% of the time (if you know how), and Railshot with PPA every 6 seconds that is better than immolate (and 30m range as opposed to 15m). You get abysmall damage reduction with Stabilized armor (only half of the OPS attacks are AOE), and energy rebounder doesn't charge that much over standard Energy shield unless you are doing it wrong and taking damage.


    And i got a HINT: The damage of the hybrid is still better, unless you are doing it wrong.

  8. if you are losing to DPS juggs you are doing it wrong. Sorry but every one of you QQers is dead set on playing pyro... Pyro is crap damage if you were smart enough to stop relying on that face roll spec you might see that PTs are more then fine.


    Stop playing pyro like some nub from wow and try out AP or just quit... cause crying isn't going to do anything. Good players are still doing more then fine, bad ones just keep crying on the forums.


    First of all I would also want to see your parses mate, We would all want to see it.

    Show me full AP parse that does 2.8k and i will gladly switch :)


    Im afraid you have no idea what you are talking about. full AP loses dps over 22 points in AP. They are better allocated in DOT system CGC provides.


    lose CGC and Incendary missile dots which by their own is more than 100dps mate. And yes dots are that much better than your bonus to elemental damage from HEGC.


    By the way, Railshot every 6 seconds, that does MORE damage (even without Firebug) than your Immoliate (every 15sec) is the most effective way to dps.


    The marginal survivability boost will not reduce any direct single target damage (Stailized armor), and will only further reduce your dps, by spending points.


    You also have hold the line/Hydraulics every 30 seconds, you don't need that passive speed boost that much.


    So in conclusion. You say that AP is having better DPS uptime on boss than the hybrid which not only can use Railshot every 6 seconds from 30m (Immolate 10m every 15sec), you also lose 2 dots (which are also increased by 3% from gut). You switch that for what? 15% speed boost when you have hydraulics evefry 30secs and combat sentinels/maras that provide speed boost to all the group members? For 30% aoe damage reduction which doesn't work on half of the boss attacks? GG, and play AP further.

  9. Juggs have intercede, which is not very useful, but it CAN be used to save a tank if they're out of cooldowns, that's reaching I know.. Assassins have stealth, a cc, and can stealth out to Rez people. PT has nothing at all. No utility and not as much damage as they should have to compensate for the lack of...everything.


    Prove me that im wrong, but i haven't seen any shadow/assasin and jugg ops dummy parse for 2.9k dps. And i had seen gimped vanguards ones already (no 30% bonus damage on crit on ion pulse - flame burst for you).


    And there is no luck in it. Just a raw dps.


    That is the difference. We are better in damage than our "can-tank" counterparts, but worse in "utility".


    This is how Bioware solved the thing. Do i like it? Depends.

    I am glad people are not playing pyros/assault specs only because it had simple rotation and insane damage.

    I see couple of determined players with skills, that want to do something.


    Should Bioware fix this class in terms of DPS? Maybe.

    I would suggest fixing bugs first, but a 15-20% plasma Cell/CGC damage increase could be nice and would fix most dps problems.

    And most importantly they should rework top Pyro/Assault and AP/Tactics talents - most notably AP/TD. There is no point going for that skill in both PVE and PVP making hybrid specs that much better. Fire Pulse/Immolate should be somehow reworked to match HIB and HIB inclinations should be moved away from AP/Tactics.


    Should we have more "utility" strictly for OPS?

    Maybe PTs should have armor debuff separated from HIB/RS and accessible by every spec. That would remove the problem of spending 2+3+2 points in HIB/RS alone. Some of them could be allocated to enforce other - maybe utility skills. Maybe they should fix unusable Endurance/Integrated Cardio talent to give 2%/4% and give us the possibility to allocate that point elsewhere?


    Am i feeling underpowered as a can-tank class? No.

    Other can-tank classes can't provide the the amount of DPS we can.

  10. I was reading that PT should run away from critical rating as fast as they can. Out of curiosity, I did some testing today 5 rounds of 36 secs with few enhancement modules with critical and 5 rounds with enhancement modules with power. Maybe it's a small number of tests but this is what I found:


    I don't remember the correct number but when I add critical rating to get around a 20% critical chance then I get less than 18% criticals. When I remove all the critical rating to put power and go down around 15% critical chance then I get sometimes over 20% criticals. I understand that critical chance it's just the chance to critical on every hit but in the long run there should be trend to go around that critical chance. There has to be something wrong with the critical chance.


    In the round with the most luck on criticals (without using shoulder cannon) I could hit around 78K damage in 36secs using gear without critical. But when the gear had critical, on the most lucky round I got 69K damage in 36secs.


    First of all you should state which spec are you playing.


    For "Firebug" you should use around 150CR max (Above that you will be wasting power and lowering your damage substantively).


    If you don't have "Firebug" than you should remove ALL crit from the gear, because you are lowering your power, and thus damage.


    The wierd results on torparse of your overall crit are also shaped by the fact that you most probably have 4 pieces of PVP Eliminator set, giving you 15% HIB/RS crit chance bonus and thus enhancing average crit rate of all your attacks. The same thing goes for Demolitions/Prototype Burn Enhancers.


    The viable tests for PVP should not exceed 36 seconds, and should be completed at least 10 times, then you should conclude an average of all those parses. (but since PVP combats are more than not, long enough you should still test normal 5min parses - i tend to test longer ones than shorter due to "in-combat" nature of pvp)

  11. If you guys can find a way to work in stabilized armor (and rebounder but I doubt that) into this spec, you might have a viable PVP template. Stabilized armor takes the edge off of smash and all of the ridiculous CC.


    It doesn't have thermal det or immolate, but does keep PFT. PFT is probably the most damaging move AP gets, especially if you kick in explosive fuel and crit every tick.


    It keeps the CGC dot and PPA proc with rail, uses firebug for the crit increase, with the elim set that makes up for the missing immolate.


    I like it, and may even try this out and switch out enough my combat tech suit for the elim bonus.


    This is a PVP defensive hybrid spec you are refering



    Tthis is currently best performing PVE dps spec (switch Plasma slow to 2 points in endurance) and yes i use it for PVP:



    As you can see - Firebug is not needed in both to be good. Even without Firebug/Assault Trooper, the build is getting nice results.


    Utilizing both PFT and PPA gives you some neat moves (most of the time you will welcome new threat with RS, then PFT and then finish off with PPA'ed proc RS.


    Try them

  12. Right that would make sense. I didn't think having that many 63 armorings would be worth giving up the extra power, when the difference in set bonuses only ever made a small difference to dps pre 2.0 anyway.


    That would be an obvious explanation, but i would say those are conqueror armorings.


    Edit: I just had checked and yes, it's 54% crit which means he added another 15% from PVP Eliminator.

  13. While I wouldn't accuse anyone of log trimming, it is becoming more common as it is a way to pick out the best 6 mins of a larger overall parse, as a way of showing the higher end of a spec's potential. 40% crit with the spec that player was using IS unusual, but not impossible. Results like that are not going to be typical in HM Styrak.


    That was also not a full ap BH, but a full hybrid.


    The crit is increased due to 15% HIB/RS bonus crit from Eliminator set bonus.

    I usualy get same overall crit due to that buff.


    I'm going to go offtopic here, but there aren't hybrid taxes in this game. If an AC has a heal or tank tree, it shouldn't have any impact at all on the output of their dps skill trees. All dps specs should be within a 5% spread of each-other, but its never turned out that way for one reason or another. As far as balancing goes, there is no such thing as a "pure" dps class. Raid utility doesn't tax sniper and maras dps, so why should having the ability to respec to a different role have any impact at all on those classes dps?


    But it does im affraid. Compare Assassin and Jugg? All can-tank classes bring little to no group utility to the ops.


    The taxation was made in 2.0 to separate full dps from can-tank and force the second ones to become tanks.

  14. Ok so he did some decent dps. But what else did the bring to the ops, ulility wise?

    Did he have a raid wide dmg reduction shield? No.

    Did he have a group wide dmg increase buff? No.

    Did he have a group wide movement speed increase buff? No.

    Did he provide an armor debuff? No.


    As posted above. You are mixing pure dps classes with can-tank classes. Look at assassin and jugg?!

  15. Almost 40%crit makes me think that was just a lucky parse ,if anyone gets a huge amount of crits they can do ridiculous damage. Unfortunately the average damage for snipers and marauders is around there. You cattle me there's some deeper meaning to the AP spec it still isn't on par damage wise, bottom line. PT is not valuable in a raid, they don't have anything good about them any more, especially when other classes provide better utility, and do more damage.


    First of all its NOT strict AP. Yes it uses prototype flamethrower, but it also utilizes the Railshot reset from Particle Accelerator.


    You were speaking strictly of PVP features.


    40% Crit is not a luck in parse over 6 minutes long.


    Yes i can agree that Vanguards/Powertech utility is far from the one possessed by sniper or sentinel, BUT let me remind you that those are DPS only classes. Look at other can-tank classes. Do they bring awesome group utility to the ops?

  16. The only thing I'll argue with you on an AP PT is survivabiliry.


    We get: rebraced armor. 30% less damage from AOE (lol smash) or while stunned (lol cc). Best ability ever.

    We get rebounder. Energy shield is up more, and the redoubt does proc all the time.

    We get heavy armor. Not much, but I'll take it.

    We get the kolto overload. I use it when fighting 1v1 and I'm losing. It has gained me many a win against DOT classes.

    We get longer hydraulic overrides. I know this falls under mobility, but there are Far too many slows and roots in this stupid game. This helps you get away.


    What we don't have, is damage. 15 second CD's on immolate and rail are just stupid, especially when other classes can do 8k or more every six seconds. PFT is supposed to make up for that, but only healers behind force shield ever sit still- and our stun is on a ridiculous long CD. So you can't make anyone sit still for long, and only healers, clickers, and keyboard turning bads ever get hit by it. AP cannot kill healers, so they don't care.


    Excuse me but what this have to do with OPS damage?


    Wrong thread mate.


    Whine about PVP elsewere

  17. Boohoo, boohoo! Thats all you have to say?


    People, stop whining and start thinking. EVEN WITH THE BUGGED Ion pulse - this guy makes this:



    All of you wish powertech would stay 3 button idiotproof class.



    Learn to adapt and start trying and thinking by yourself.


    Powertechs/Vanguards are still beasts, but they are not 3 button class anymore. Yes, our 36 points assault/tactics build makes no sense which is a pain, but:


    we will not tire we will not falter and we will not fail!

  18. Looks like this is getting fixed.



    Hi there folks,


    I can confirm that there is a bug with Assault Trooper; it's not increasing the crit bonus damage for Ion Pulse, just like the OP stated. This issue is slated to be fixed in Game Update 2.1.1, but we also have not completed testing, so there's always a chance that the patch number could change. If that happens, I'll be sure to let you know. Thanks!

    Amber Green | Live Services Specialist

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    Yeah, a powertech from my server was concerned about uneven duels :) He just sent me this couple of minutes after the official info came from devs.

  19. True Beast + Oil Slick 11/8/27


    This build was vastly used before 2.0. It had best PVE results in terms of damage (not anymore), but with the additional points it had gained survivability and utility to reduce pressure from other team members.


    This build can be altered for more personal protection, but i tend to teamplay, which makes explosive surge with static field just that much better (besides its 5% damage done reduction, not 2% damage reduction).

    (i do switch some minor talents depending on team composition: skills like "tactical tools" "power armor" are natural choises. You can also resign from "static field" and "hyper assault cell" for "nightvision scope" and "rebraced armor")


    Prototype ionic accelerator Hybrid:

    Revolves around two skills: Hight Impact Bolt (and its ionic accelerator reset every 6 seconds) and Pulse generator talent adding up to 60% damage to your Pulse Cannon cone AOE.



    This is currently the best PVE dps build (with minor tweaks in side talents). It's also VERY successful in any croudfights (Bunker fights, Turret offense/defense with more than players, Ancient Hypergate mid fight, and of course Voidstar door fight). It's an aoe build with some single target finish.


    The third build is my personal spec i would like for now to keep in private - its a tank hybrid.

  20. Given the well documented nerfs / destruction of Vanguards in PVP especially ranked does anyone think that we should have Storm as a baseline ability usable in all specs?


    For PVE - so many hard mode encounters have knockbacks / move out of aoe yada yada abilities that we lose so much DPS trying to get back on the target - Storm would allow us at least some mobility and allow us to get DPSing again


    For PVP - Not a "real" solution but to do any effective damage (and no this wont fix the savage nerfs we got) we need to be in close range to the target so with Storm at least we could get back on the target. I've lost count how many times ive been knocked back or whatever on a target and then running back into a frontload of DPS and dead before i can get back onto them ; at least we could DPS "more" even though our damage is poor


    Any views? Given they have ignored every other single post regarding our rather rubbish damage now


    First of all, you are reading to much rubbish. Vanguard is far from beeing obsolete, or weak. Yes, we were nerfed abit much, BUT that doesn't mean we are unable to dps or protect.


    Tanks for PVP are very strong, while hybrid dps'es are breaking the limits. Yes, were are not a 3 button faceroll class anymore and im glad about it. Because now i actualy see good powertechs/vuanguards or no powertechs/vnauards at all (those who were bad, remained bad but now play smash).


    With the right build, gear setup, and rotation you still melt everything.


    One thing people do not get is that for warzones you need to be flexible. I am using 3 different builds with small tweaks to fill the gap in the team if nessesary. (tank, true beast+riot gas, pulsegen+HIBreset) and i do more than fine.


    Our utilities are also very good (especialy riot gas), and with the right strategy they make you very hard to deal with.

    It's more about player abilities and adjustment now than stupid 2-3 button rotation that does everything for you.

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