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Posts posted by Nezyrworks

  1. I have to add my 5 cents here.


    Please add my comment as a ps bellow your mature coment.



    All u have to do is see the star wars movie series in the first place, and stop playing WOW.



    Not only current pvp sets (centurion/champion/battlemaster) are ugly and unfitting to star wars saga as possible, you had also designed new sets which are even worse.


    After soo many years of excellent projects made for Lucas Arts, West End Games (starwars rpg), hell even for D20 Star Wars, you had ruined it, by adding Blizzards 'splendor' onto them. Additional rocket launchers on heads, shoulders and butts, wings on shoulderpads, disfigued helmets looking like happy hippo toys from kinder surprise...


    Let the community see what you are up to sometimes... maybe they have additional comments on the armors... But right now, tier 1 and 2 endrgame armours are just ugly...

  2. I replaced my enhancments with level 58 enhancments that dropped during raids. I.e I replaced all my enhancments with steadfast Defense and shield and endurance and replaced all my mods to absorbtion. even if they update the original stats they most likely will be close to what ive already changed to.


    what i want back is all the millions of millions of credits i spent to buy 5 steadfast enhancments and the absorb mods. That now poeple are just going to get for free.


    Have you heard of a phrase: "Price of progress"? Or "colatheral Damage"?


    U had it way before everyone else, there will be new tier, so, now, children can get their tier 1 for free because they could not farm :p (you ow' 'em that much).


    No but seriously, after hearing i will not be able to extract my set bonus with my armouring from rakatta/battlemaster i just don't give a damn shish about it.

  3. On current matter (as of 1.2)


    I had my PTS threat about orange RE (but it was removed) (this is only about Oranges):


    1) U still can't RE your QUEST REWARD (even Heroic daily ones)

    2) As for now, you WILL not have a chance to get Battlemaster/champion/centurion/rakata (all sets before 1.2) armourings WITH set bonus into orange item (this means u can pull it out BUT the set bonus stays in the item shell u pulled your armouring from - only NEW tier 2 will have their set bonuses into armourings)

    3) You will have your chance to research percentage indicated on each item before u RE it.

    4) Most of new orange recipes comes from Missions (in our case UT)

    5) Noone realy knows if we will be able to learn schematics that are drops of: boots, gloves, bracers and belts. (this question went without any informations from devs)

    6) U CAN'T add augment slot to item made or found before 1.2. This means, AS for patch 1.2 u will ONLY be able to get augment on gear you had crafted and had CRIT success on.

    7) Chance of researching and finding new schematic (ether trough mission, or RE IS suposed to be better, but for now it is bugged on PTS)

  4. This is starting to piss me off, because i don't really know if i will be able to learn those oranges or i should sell them on GTM (got 5 identical bracers for trooper, 7 boots, 3 identical belts and 8 identical gloves)... and if i will not get the recipes i just wasted 1.7 million creds...
  5. Hello. There is a rather important question some people are afraid to ask about.

    After 1.2 will i be able to learn, as an armormech, recipes for orange bracers, boots, gloves and belts from RE the item, or i will be still locked down by not having this opportunity? The question reason is obvious in my opinion - i want my character to look like i want still being able to produce those items for my guild mates or just for sale.

  6. I need a clear answer:


    Will MY current PVP Champion gear change to blue (unmodable) OR i will just be unable to buy more. Because this makes Hudge diference to me.


    (not being able to pull mods out of equipment i had reworked, and having it nerfed, because bioware didnt had idea what to do is just silly).

  7. I was thinking of droping armormech for some time now. After patch notes i actualy thought i will not take biochem for pvp for the first time... People will cry about every single problem. U still need mods, and armourings to do it, AND you will still need to crit it. It's harder to fight a guy with hacks than a guy with couple of augments...
  8. Obviously, you should quit playing this game.


    Vanguard is one of the most mobile classes out there. Being able not only to have constant 15% speed buff, but also 30% speed buff that removes all movement impaling effects, as well as knockback every 30 seconds is nothing to spit at.


    All you have to do is to switch to 8/31/2 build, using elemental damage as a basis. You can shoot your bloody high impact bolt for 30 meters for god sake. You can throw your grenade as often as you need (which is one of the elements of standard attack rotation).


    Read more about the class, and its capabilities before you start the post...


    And when you give an argument, that its not a standard soldier what did you expect? A clone trooper dying from a single blaster hit? Stormtrooper not beeing able to hit Luke for more than 3 hours of a movie? We don't want those kind of loosers :D


    Honestly i think vanguard is the best class out there to play. He have to be mobile and kite those lightbulb freaks, taunt enemies, spread chaos by charging, pulling, freezing, grenading, shooting, hiting with a stock...

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