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Posts posted by Nezyrworks

  1. As I've said before, this nerf approach is the wrong way to deal with this. Not only is normal play getting messed up, but it will just create a new group of classes that will be seen as needing balancing. This cycle will be endless, continuing until the game is ruined. I've seen this happen in one MMO after another, and the devs never learn from these disasters.


    Utter lie. This approach in case of "Carolina Parakeet", "Run-a-gun" and Assault is fully right. I am vanguard and im proud of saying that. NOONE SHOULD BE TANK AND DPS at the same time. It will also DISCOURAGE PEOPLE from doing only ONE RIGHTFUL DPS build, which actually was a nobrainer. It will make it more equal to tactics.

  2. With respect, keep QQing, here's a vid of non-optimal assault VG playstyle (notice the lack of reserve powercell use and the unecessary incendiary round on every rotation, that's how you end up wothout ammo after a while if you're unlucky).


    I don't know. Anyone able to use 5 abilities can do this. I particularly like the 12k dmg in 2 GCD part (around 2:50). Guess, what ? It can happen every single time one pops expertise adrenal + relic + crit buff. Also, this is dmg from just 1 HiB + AP + SS, not counting the sustained burst happening after if he gets a few procs. But anyways, it didn't happen, because that ennemy was dead in 3 GCD. The 1.2 patch don't remove the ability to deal that burst, and it really dosen't mess much ammo management. GET REAL.




    I am vanguard 50 playing ONLY pvp since the begining. free HIB can proc like mad. I had situations when i had SG/HIB/IP/Free HIB/SS/Free HB/IP/free HIB... which was just amazing. After poping rakata+crit buff+relic i was maaad. The downside of this was far worse survivability and utility for team pvp than full tactics.


    You guys are crying because A) you are not knowing your class, or B) you just want to troll on the forum.


    This nerf hits Hybrids which should be done, because it discourages Tanks who are also DPS (you SHOULD NOT be BOTH). It also nerfs tac/assa "run'a'gun" build overplayed by Oozo.


    Now to discourage you even further tactic build is going to have more love :D

  3. patch notes don't say what it does. anyone know ? a full tactics build just seems invalid at the moment and i really want to like it.



    I favor it over any other tested build because of the utility it brings to PVP (even HIP Tac/assault hybrid 0/23/18). Of course its harder than assault because of the utility part, but after 1.2 assault will be much weaker (interior cooldown on HIP proc reset, longer interior cooldown on Plasma cell proc). It has better survival than assault, and this is the best AOE dps build for vanguard.


    Right now 1.1.5e 8/31/2 is might not burst dps, but once 1.2 will hit, this WILL be the best dps build possible.


    Check Pulse Cannon + Pulse Generator. (70% slow to all targets and not-interuptable if having 5 stacks of Pulse generator on)

  4. The above advices about Assault spec being good on pvp are soon to be changed. Patch 1.2 adds interior cooldown on HIP proc (6sec cooldown), as well as longer cooldown for Plasma Cell proc. This makes Assault spec obsolete if you compare it to post 1.2 Tactic build.


    Tactics post 1.2= more mobility, higher DPS, BEST utility, better survivability than assault spec. The new change is that you get 70% slow on all targets covered with Pulse Cannon, while you stacked 5 pulse generators (and it also CANT be interrupted). The only downside of tactics (8/31/2) is that you need to learn how to Kite and feel the right moment for AOE. YES. This build is best AOE performer, and sooner you will realize that, the better you will become (with half BM set i can dish 350-450k dmg on Voidstar without sweating).

  5. There was a lot of (often legit, sometimes not) qq about valor and the PvP gearing process. Now they are reacting to the demands and complaints of the playerbase - covering aspects like easier entry (recruit gear), taking valor out of the gearing process (thus making a rollback obsolete), eliminating rng from gearing and keeping the stat differences between the tiers marginal to create a fair playground.


    Sounds good to me. Also, damned if they do, damned if they don't...


    Current commedation based system is just wrong. the 25% chance to get something relevant from BM box makes it even 40 tries with not a single BM com (i had 31 boxes with no com in a row). Not to mention Valor level grinding...


    The new system is not about luck, which makes it up for people not having time to do daily every day.


    On the other hand new WAR HERO set is an utter bullcrap, because it follows blind end road Blizzard followed for a long time (tiers). Bioware made modable items, and could easly make pvp sets all orange with a possibility to buy specific MODS to customize the shell - but they didn't. Why? Incompetence? Bad, old coppied ideas from older MMO's? Answer this question in your own mind.

  6. Terminology clash; I didn't mean mitigate in a damage reduction sense, more in a "counter against".


    It's easier to lock out/counter a channel in melee range with positional elements ("Run behind them!", knockback, interrupt (assuming not spec'd for 1.2's immunity), local stun, force push, etc) than it is to lock out/counter a large area of effect ability invoked at 30 meters.


    Agree, but as i said before it will hurt more already nerfed commando than vanguard (especialy tactic + HEC).


    Even then i think it's a bad design concept to nerf it, while the ability is not that much powerful on it's own. In most scenarios it will lower the AOE tanking abilites of a Vangauard, and makes another weaker ability for Gunner/Assault commando.

  7. Sure, but Pulse Cannon/Flame Thrower requires close range, positioning and is very easy to lock out in PvP (melee interupts, knock backs, pushes, close stuns, etc). DFA/MV can be popped at 30m, is considerably harder to mitigate, has (on live) a much larger area and still does considerable damage. It may not do as much as another ability, but it's still enough to warrant the attention.


    The most important point however is this; Pulse Cannon may do more damage, but it's not an either/or decision. A BH/Tr can open with DFA/MV safely at range, toss an Explosive Dart and then move in for Flame Thrower/Pulse Cannon. That is a silly amount of AoE damage, even in PvE.


    Well sure i do a combination of MV+Explosive Surge+Neural Surge+sticky grenade+Pulse Cannon if i can, but the range of pulse cannon is enough to take 3 players in a cone, and devastate them. I had rarely been interupted while doing Pulse cannon, maybe because i can sense the situation, maybe...


    MV is NOT harder to mitigate, becase Pulse Cannon is elemental based tech damge (not mitigated and NOT dodgable), while MV is just a kinetic damage (not affected by many vanguard elemenal damage/crit enforcing talents and high energy cell - in my case).

  8. As an owner of both 50 Commando Gnner, and Vanguard Tactic i will say TACTIC BABE.


    Gunner will not only be nerfed, but is very imobile, lacks good utility, and survival, not to mention it's just boring...


    Pros and cons:


    Commando Gunnery:


    Nice damage output

    Class easy to handle



    most of skills channeled

    Lacks utility


    Vanguard Tactics:


    mostly instant casts

    Very mobile

    great utility (harpoon, neural surge, hold the line, 20% dmg reduction while stuned)

    Great AOE and burst damage

    Elemental based attacks makes tanks equaly squisky as healers


    Kiting and LOS is a basis - u have to get use to moving all the time

    Many skills to handle at the same time

    Short range u need to remember to keep 4-10m


    But SERIOUSLY for leveling - take TANK spec, because its even more fun. fair dps, GREAT survivability especialy with Elara healer companion (lvl 20) will give you easy and enjoyable play.

  9. Dear OP; calm down. You haven't stumbled on a conspiracy and whatever original design you think you've found is irrelevant... MMOs change based on performance and monitoring.


    The AoE range on DFA/MV was overpowered. I say this as someone who plays a PT tank and i'm also in the process of levelling my second Bounty Hunter (a lovely healing Merc). It. Was. Overpowered.


    Whatever the reason BW state in their patch notes the change makes sense. Animations, regardless of live, will be changed too... and stop trying to compare it to other classes, it makes you appear foolish as not all clashes are created equally, comparing one tiny facet of their gameplay, ignoring the rest and claiming foul-play is stupid.


    I dont see DFA/MV as overpowered, even after poping rakata stim+crit+relic... It still does less damage than my Pulse Cannon (without Pulse Generator stacks), and does ALOT less damage while i have my Pulse Generator 5 stacks. And pulse cannon is 18sec (15sec with talent boost).


    Of course Mercenary/Commando will suffer more from this change, since Vanguard tend to be 4-10 meters from the target anyway (which makes pulse cannon more efficient).


    Ah thank you, a voice of reason, and yes it does have its cooldown for a reason. It's 1min, though, btw for DFA/MV, not 45s. :)


    I just completely wanted to re-iterate your last point, "All not-spamable AOE should have their radius of 8m, while spamable like "explosive surge" should be kept at 5m."


    That is the way things currently are. All non-spammable AOE is on the 8m mark, and every spammable AOE is 5m. Why they felt they had to move away from that with Trooper/BH is not a good sign of things to come in this magical world we call balance.


    Although to be fair they are just giving the Trooper a heavy gutting on every front in this patch. They have forgotten the 'standards' that the game currently employs.


    Well my particular vanguard build gets some love (having 5 stacks of Pulse Generator, makes next Pulse Cannon slows all hited enemies by 70%), but other than that MV is dissapointing.

  10. Originaly posted by Frostydroid:

    Ok, this proves you don't know your facts. Smugglers get their ship around level 16, the same as most other classes.


    Actualy you are spreading missinformation. Quest level requirement is level 12. And thus you can get the ship on level 12 (each class).


    About MV/DFA - im realy dissapointed how Bioware deals with changes. I had seen some complains about the MV/DFA and it's deadly efficiency, but to be honest it have it's 45 sec cooldown for a reason.


    All not-spamable AOE should have their radius of 8m, while spamable like "explosive surge" should be kept at 5m.

  11. i bought a full piece of that set from the AH, it looks amazing but unfortunately the entire set is 'green rarity' in otherwords it sucks. I've looked everywhere for armor with that same color scheme, but the only armor with that color scheme is terrible stat wise, why is it that the best looking armor has the worst stats??


    It's not green, but orange: RD-17A Phalanx.




    If you are not sure, don't make other people equally confused.


    RD-17A Phalanx Set

    is ALL orange (with modable Bracers and belt) and can can be obtained trough Grade 4 Storage boxes (8 Balmorra coms) or trough balmorra world drop.


    Other ORANGE sets looking exacly the same:


    Electrium Onslaught (Craftable - ONLY head, chest and legs)

    Recipes are BOE - you can buy them on GTM frequently (req 400 armormech)

    Example: http://www.torhead.com/item/8F1TVfq/electrum-onslaught-chestguard#screenshots;view:9414


    Powered Ultrachrome Upgrade (ONLY FROM REWARDS - BELSAVIS - no modable belt and bracers)


    Head - [HEROIC 2+] Jungle Fight

    Gloves - War Games (not repetable)

    Chest - [HEROIC 4+] The Tyrant

    Bracers (NOT MODABLE) - [HEROIC 2+] The Engineers' Tale

    boots - Prison Scars (not repetable)

    Legs - UNKNOWN


    Example: http://www.torhead.com/item/7hWedFm/powered-ultrachrome-upgrade-body-armor


    The above informations are correct, and i can asure you i got those items.

  12. You mean like when bioware announced they were fixing the AOE mortal marker of the trooper to match the footprint of the ability, and then proceeded to nerf the size of the ability a 38%?


    Hilarious, I tell you. Hilarious.


    The question that should be asked: *** Bioware?


    They had changed animation and instead of making the marker bigger they had reduced the range... brilliant.

  13. No you won't be able to RE them and get schematics.


    "Because we do not want players to gamble with reverse engineering custom appearances (orange items) which are often unique quest rewards, the schematics for these items are obtained via mission discoveries for various gathering skills and are set to Bind on Equip to encourage active trading".


    Ye, i had found the Q&A myself. It's still lame, because i have no idea if i will get boots, bracers, belts and gloves as orange schematics, or i will still have to gather/buy those...

  14. Nezyrworks, thank you for advice, but as I understand it is mostly PVP focused. I wanted to bea PVE player, so dont need defensive cd's and speed.


    The main question that I am interested in is - can I take 3 points out of some tactics tree and put them in Shield tree to get 9% aim. Is it more rewarding in DPS, that for example High Impact Bolt or 6% buff for elemental crit or damage?


    Elemental crit and damage will also benefit from Aim increase, as all other abilities. But to my surprise I didn't yet find any builds, that advise to take 9% Aim. Puzzled:confused:


    My build exacly - this is a very stable dps - not the BEST one as it's losing some advantages to current High Impact Bolt builds, its still VERY solid for both pvp and pve. And yes, i have 9% additional AIM :D.




    Both 9% aim and 6% additional elemental damage from Shield tree is highly useful.


    Read carefully the guide bellow, and you will understand most of the vanguard mechanics.



  15. To FoxyWar - I am playing Vangaurd Assault, you are right. Now I am level 24, so cannot test actual benefits of skills.

    I play WOW also and there main stat is 2 times better, than any other stat, so if you can get 10% Strength, you surely do that, because it will raise all your damage significantly. Thats why I ask.

    After filling Assault tree as advised (no contradiction in it, to my mind) I start looking for other trees.

    Every other talents I see give max 3%-6% buff for some abilities damage. But as damage is based on Aim, then 9% Aim should give you more damage on ALL abilities, right? Maybe High Impact Bolt will hit harder with 60% armor debuff, than with 9% Aim. But all other abilities will also be better, so in the end you will get more dps. Or I really dont get it?

    Can you clarify or advise some other source, where actual calculations are made?


    First of all IF you play Vanguard read Thorgrim guide for Vanguards.


    Then you will realize, that for leveling - tank build is the best one, while at 50 pvp you should jump from tank to tactics 8/31/2 or assault (the first one is much better because of the utility cooldown reduction and thus survivability + mobility).


    Vanguard relies on elemental attacks which CAN'T be reduced by armour, dodged. This 6% elemental damage boost + 5% elemental boost from High energy cell stance + another 3% elemental damage + elemental Crit chance from tactics + 15% move speed + elemental instant cast damage skills spam can finish of even hardest tank.


    The downside is u need to kite, all day long (keep enemy at distance 4-10 meters) because you are melee.

  16. u mean 50s matches or lowbies? 50 matches i would say 75% of the time if playing after 9pm. (just sooo many kids before 9pm playing around and running like headless chickens)


    Those calculations are for pugs only.

  17. Go a mixture of both power and crit gear. If you are dedicated pve tank you will do just fine with dps, and with healer compaion around you can bring down most champions solo. I had used pve tank build for both pve and pvp till 50, and i had very good results doing so. Just remember that u need fair ammount of dps, so invest in crit/power while using shield that will give you additional protection.
  18. l2interrupt




    And whats more important, actualy attack the healer instead of chasing tank all the time. I had seen sooooo many unexperienced players chasing chicken over the square (read chasing tank) while he was healed by a weak healer.


    Use your talents to lower cooldown on interupt ability. Use those damn stuns/cc's ( i know i can put a healer on constant cc spam as a tactic vanguard and block his healing powers while both instant cast dps spamming and doting at the same time.


    It's sometimes hard, but if you all play jedi sentinels and just run+swing your lightbulb zaber on a tank u just fail...


    And if you do so as a vanguard you are even worse...

  19. I had used it on every ocasion i had cooldown reset. It could possibly wreak couple of cloth hags healspamming in tight groups or get five players trying to disarm door bomb ticking on voidstar. One of my favorite starters both alderaan and voidstar.


    People saying they didn't used it and they don't care should just stop posting here, because of their incompetence and utter lack of vanguard/commando tool knowledge.


    This nerf comes out of vanguard/commando dps spam complains by unexperienced players. (i had may situations when i did this one, then neural surge, then ion cannon in their face killing more than two 15-16k hp pvp players. This was also a very powerfull tool for defending caped turret.


    I don't get the 5 meters range, because of very long cooldown if you compare it to sorc's one....

  20. From The Devlog: http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20120320


    "Armormech crafters may now reverse engineer almost any modifiable outfit into an empty custom (orange) shell of the same name and appearance, which may now gain an augment slot when crafted with critical success."


    If 1.2 only allows craftable orange legs, chest and head while sidelining wrists, hands, feet and waist they should probably change the quotation to:


    "Armormech crafters may now reverse engineer less than half of the modifiable outfits into an empty custom (orange) shell of the same name and appearance, which may now gain an augment slot when crafted with critical success."


    Marketing-wise that doesn't have quite as nice a ring to it. :p


    Hehe, and you belive they are honest? Well i doubt that now you will have a chance to learn orange schematic from orange drop item, and i know for sure you will not have a chance to RE quest items (even when i can get one of those items a day from heroics....)

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