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Everything posted by Mrs_Murder

  1. Come to Starstorm One - republics win 90% of the time. Imperials struggle, even with premades. We have some seriously skilled pubs. Or just really stupid imperials.
  2. Bugged as hell. People would randomly die when grappling and /stuck didn't work. Spent about 2 hours with 9 people and ventrilo before we gave up because it was simply bugged.
  3. Guess I was lucky to roll on Starstorm One during the launch madness. It's heavy populated, with regular epic battles on Ilum. It also has one of the best pub/imp population balance (could use a few more pubs though..). Merging lower populated servers would be a good solution for the ones struggling. Feeling alone and isolated is kind of the opposite of what an MMO is all about.
  4. Yeah, these days we get to toss 2 instant abilities in before we're dead. ALL FIXED. WORKING AS INTENDED. Derp.
  5. /sign Change it back. No one complained about it being greyed out, so why change it in the first place? Now I have to mouseover the ability and read the cooldown time.
  6. Starstorm one has an excellent faction balance. Reps are steamrolling imps in WZs 90% of the time. Really short WZ queues at 50 (~5 mins). Could use some more reps for Ilum, but at prime time it's always full.
  7. This. *incendiary missile on thread*
  8. A video showing a) a level 50 with champion gear against level 23's, and b) people completely ignoring him (literally standing right next to them without them reacting) is supposed to show that tracer missile is "out of control"...? Give me a break.
  9. Not sure if trolling or.... 1. Only healers are immune, if they spec it. 2. We don't even have the option to spec it. 3. Specced in arsenal. 4. Specced in arsenal. 5. Specced in arsenal. 6. Squishy as hell regardless of heavy armor. Mercs can't tank. 7. Shiz healing unless you're healing spec. Heal takes 2.5 sec and heals for 2k-ish. Again, healing spec. 8. We do not hit for 4k "spammable" crits, regardless of spec. With trinkets and adrenal and full champion I can crit for 4k. L2p and stop trolling.
  10. Yes. Which is the same as everyone else, really. Except operatives/scoundrels, who will crit for over 5k.
  11. So, a video showing you do 5k dmg is proof you don't need a nerf? I dun git it.
  12. You have a gapcloser. It's called stealth. Yes, an agent/smuggler running around unstealthed will die. But when they get a jump on someone, the other person doesn't stand a chance. Can't kite someone you can't see. And you can't kite when you can't move.
  13. Yes. That is what always happens. If you're almost never able to stunlock, maybe you should a) change rotation and b) pay attention to the resolve bar? Against a good agent/smuggler who gets the jump on me I can get 2, maybe 3 abilities in. Instant abilities. It's not even a matter of skill, as you're stunned/snared 80% of the duration of the fight. Can't do shiz. Maybe the smugglers on my server are just more skilled/better geared, who knows.
  14. Everyone who thinks tracer missile is "iwin" needs to l2P. Tracer missile spam at 50 is more an "ifail", as they've got no clue what to do if it gets interrupted or they get dotted. They just flee in terror. Also, LOS is your best friend. Get hit for 4k? MOVE ffs. And ye, at 50 with champ. gear tracer missile will do 4k +/- at most, with trinket and adrenal.
  15. This. All this whining is quite amusing.
  16. On my server reps usually steamroll imps (playing imp myself).
  17. Please do not post SS of LOWBIE warzones. No one cares about lowbie warzones. Arsenal mercs are a JOKE at level 50. And what you call an "iwin" button is in fact their biggest downfall.
  18. This. Whenever I see an arsenal merc spam his tracer, I just think "lolololol". Interrupt him and watch him panic. They've got absolutely NO tricks up their sleeves. Melees should have a really easy time against ars. mercs. As a pyro merc, I just make them burn and watch them run away in terror. And I've seen operatives crit for 5.7k, so 4k is nothing compared. And tbf, everyone with decent PVP gear crits for 3.5-4k.
  19. Bull. A good agent will out-DPS a good BH with 100k if not more. Judging from your screenshot I'd say that everyone except the top 3 simply suck and/or have bad gear. 178k in 9 minutes? That's got nothing to do with classes. And clearly the top BH was ignored and left to spam abilities. And how the hell do you manage to do only 24k in 9 minutes? And 1 medal? Were you AFK or something? Don't blame your lack of skill on class imbalance. Agents have absolutely crazy bursts that mercs can only dream of, not to mention their awesome CC capability. There are several good agents/smugglers on my server, who are always #1 on damage. Talking 350-400k+. There are also some crazy sorcs that do 5-600k. An operative attack goes like this: 5.5k, 3k, 3k, 3k -- oh look, you're dead. All while stunlocked. Maybe you get 2-3 attacks in before you're dead.
  20. At 50 there's pretty much no point in even engaging a healer. 4k thermal detonator, incend.missile that ticks for 700, combustible engine that ticks for 600, 4k rail shot -- healer is at full health. I overheat and the healer is still at full health. Just don't even bother trying.
  21. Powertechs have an interrupt, an AOE stun, an ability that makes them immune to push + increases movement speed by 15%, and a grapple. Mercenaries have ONE ability -- ONE: a shizzy push. Unless they spec arsenal, in which case they have TWO shizzy pushes. Whoopdee-freakin-doo. Scenario: Huttball. Enemy is on the top ramps, you're on the lower ramp. Everyone else either leaps or grapples to close the gap. Mercenaries jump up and down while desperately trying to get an incend. missile, a thermal detonator and a railshot in. It's ridiculous.
  22. I love PVE healing, and the BH heals and Sorc heals really compliment each other. But I hate healing in PVP. That's got nothing to do with the class, though. It's just that PVP healing is a thanksless job, and people couldn't care less what happens to the healer. Heal for 300k, get three medals and 0 MVP. DPS 300k, get 10 medals and 4 MVP.
  23. Mine is up to 56k now. As a merc I love healing in PVE raids; hate it in PVP. Also, sometimes when setting up PVE raids you find that you're in need of a ranged DPS or a healer and don't have anyone suitable online, so it falls to a merc to respec to whatever the raid needs. One day you might have to be a healer, and the next you need to be ranged. That's just a natural part of playing a versatile class -- being able to switch between roles. The respec costs really, really need to be lowered. Now.
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