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Everything posted by Mrs_Murder

  1. And come 1.2 we can remove our set bonuses and put it into whatever we want, ie social gear. I'm already running around in the Slave Girl Top since I had a Rakata armoring + 2 Rakata mods from BM gear + 4 piece set bonus without the top. Social gear should have an augment slot, I agree. If you've done so much grouping that you have Social rank x or y, then you deserve a damn augment slot in my opinion. This patch will be useless in regards to customization and originality if you're forced to wear a specific armor anyway because it has an augment slot. I am NOT wearing Bounty Hunter armor ever again.
  2. I've got to say, I don't understand the whine. And I AM one of these "LOLHARDCORE" people who whine about how this game caters to casuals. The vendors are temporary and an attempt to fix the inflation prior to the crewskill changes in 1.2. Is that so hard to understand? We need a money sink right now or crafted orange armor with an augment slot will go for 1 mill, if not more, on GTN. And I even HAVE some of these "uber rare ***!" items, and I don't care about them being available from vendors. 2.5mill seems perfectly reasonable for these items. Think with your brain before you rage on forums about something that isn't rage-worthy. Thanks.
  3. Well lucky you. Mine has a good population, the only problem is that 80% are russian and only want to join russian guilds. Resulting in the 3 (yes, only 3) multinational guilds to be incapable of recruiting and thus incapable of doing 16 man content.
  4. Since BW believe merge = transfer, ARE WE GETTING TRANSFERS IN 1.2? YES? NO? Should we just reroll now or continue to play on these dead servers in the hopes of you implementing something which should have been available from the start? Are we going to wait 6 months before we see the light of this basic feature? I'd pay 50$, easy.
  5. If you actually read my post. That's like saying "Yes we will release new OPS in the future". "Yes we will release new armor in the future". Well of-bloody-course they will. It doesn't answer any of our questions. People are quitting because of this and frankly I don't blame them.
  6. Haha funny. Read the links in my signature or in the original post, then stop trolling. PS. Which awesome server are you playing on?
  7. Of course they will be. But when is "in the future"? 6 months from now? Next year? I might as well start rerolling now if that's the case. Ideally they'd release this along with 1.2. Ideally.
  8. And they ARE greedy. Holding off content until after subscriptions have run out...? Ideally EVERYTHING would be free. How about we start demanding that? People who play on dead servers would be willing to pay a lot for the option to move. The ones who want free transfers must be playing on really awesome servers. How about we start being realistic and actually give Bioware a reason for giving us transfers in the first place?
  9. Be realistic, please. Scenario 1: OMG BIOWARE WHY WON'T YOU GIVE US FREE TRANSFERS?? Bioware: Because you want free transfers. We're not running a charity. This will be at the bottom of our priority list until next year. Maybe then. Scenario 2: Can we please have PAID transfers? We would glady pay to find new homes. Bioware: Money, eh? We like money! TRANSFERS FOR EVERYONE! I don't know where people got the idea of transfers being free, but don't forget Bioware is actually running a business. No point in being greedy for something that isn't even available yet!
  10. Ideally, yes. But I don't see any reasons for why BW would choose to give us free transfers. I think the majority would happily pay to get a new, decent, home. It's not BW's fault either that certain servers are the way they are. Ok well, actually -- in my server's case Bioware RECOMMENDED the server to Russians, leading to this point where multinational guilds are 99% incapable of recruiting and thus not being able to do 16 man content. But I'd still be happy to pay. I'm not going to be greedy and demand free transfers when even the idea of having transfers still hasn't been addressed by BW. If they are paid transfers maybe they'd be more willing to address this issue quickly.
  11. And we need it now. Free, paid, I don't care, as long as we get it ASAP. A lot of servers are dead, as this thread is proof of: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108 And servers like mine are flooded with one specific nationality, making recruitment impossible and resulting in a server which feels dead: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3070572 So when can we expect to get character transfer?
  12. Paid character transfer is also needed. My server (starstorm one) has a really good population (150+ on fleet all the time), BUT 80% of them are russian. There are 3 non-russian guilds on Empire, all of which are having enormous difficulties recruiting due to EVERYONE being russian and wanting to be in russian guilds. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3070572 So please don't forget about paid character transfer in all of this...
  13. Nope, I get the "win 3" daily.
  14. DFA is not instant. It has a 0.5-1s animation. Get yer facts straight.
  15. HAHAHA are you serious?! Allow me to present you with a screenshot of a round of Voidstar with some guildies. You will notice the sniper at the top. He rerolled from powertech to sniper in january, and he dinged 50 about 1 week prior to this screenshot being taken. His HP of roughly 15k gives you an idea of his gear-level. http://i.imgur.com/GVHfO.jpg Funny sith, brah. Weak damage. Funny sith. (for the ones skeptical of clicking links: he did 659k damage. 728.41 DPS. The #2 damage, me, did 391k. As a cool bonus, some consular did 620k healing)
  16. And what about alts? I was playing on my newly created alt, killing things in Hutta, when all of the sudden I see someone from my guild -- his newly created alt wasn't in the guild but I recognised his legacy name. If we didn't have unique legacy names, we would never have recognised each other. His reaction: "The frack?" My reaction: "The frack?"
  17. Because it requires thinking and aiming rather than mashing buttons for insta-win...? Something along those lines. "Oh look at me, I'm so pro, I can press these buttons faster than you harr harr!"
  18. Personally it was because I sympathized with the empire's philosophy/ideology in the movies (even moreso after EP 1-3). So it was an easy choice. And I'm not even a roleplayer. Would I re-roll Republic to save the balance? No. I have my own guild and I'm not abandoning it. Some servers have decent balance, but by "decent" I mean 3:1 empire. Ish. We have some nice Ilum battles, but the empire always outnumbers republics. Say reps have 50 and empire have 80 on a normal Tuesday afternoon.
  19. Isn't that what I'm suggesting? One giant marketplace where people can hang out TOGETHER, as opposed to the current state where people are scattered all over the place and there's nothing to bring them together in social activity. The fleets do not bring people together in any way. Just because people are in the same zone doesn't mean it brings them together. I'm not even a roleplayer (I play on a PVP server) and even I find this to be a necessity.
  20. How are the fleets social gathering point? Its design separates people from each other. Trading = "/2 WTS this and that" or stare at the GTN -- which is in its own little corner of the fleet. Look for mates/flashpoints = "/1 LFG D7HM" Special item vendors = in their own little corner of the fleet, and you only hang out here for five minutes while you figure out what to buy for your planet commendations while you're leveling up. Cantinas = You don't need rested xp once you're 50, and you only hang out in rested areas when you're logged out. NO ONE hangs out in the cantina on my server. Ever. Why would they? Everone (150-200 at primetime) is either clustered by the PvP mission terminal or are staring at the GTN. And like JumperPenn said; Buying stuff and gaining rested XP aren't social nor do either really enable, encourage or facilitate socialization. And as for graphics, I'd be glad to give up some of the graphics if it meant SWTOR would become a proper MMORPG with at least a social gathering area, housing and minigames.
  21. One particular thing that bothers me about this game is how the fleets are designed. 1) They're instanced, and you cannot travel to the other faction's fleet. Which means no epic faction vs faction like we had in "that other game". Bored? Let's get a group of 200 people and raid the other faction's main city! Or kite a world boss to a city and wreck havoc and watch people flee. 2) Its very design is anti-social. There's no gathering point, people are scattered all over the place. And for the RPers, you can't even sit down in the cantina or play games there. No one hangs out in the cantina. Not to mention you can't duel someone on the fleet. You have to go through the lengthy process of going to the shuttle bay, entering shuttle, traveling to a planet, exiting shuttle, entering air lock, exiting air lock, entering space dock, exiting space dock, taking a shuttle to the planet. I'd like to see them replace fleets with open world cities, where we'd have housing and a huge marketplace in the center (or something along the line of the major cities in "that other game"), where players could also engage in multiplayer games (poker, backgammon, arm wrestling etc or more lore-friendly alternatives). I think this would fix a lot of the boredom people are experiencing, and it would feel more like an MMORPG rather than a single-player online game.
  22. One particular thing that bothers me is how the fleets are designed. 1) They're instanced, and you cannot travel to the other faction's fleet. Which means no epic faction vs faction like we had in "that other game". Bored? Let's get a group of 200 people and raid the other faction's main city! Or kite a world boss to a city and wreck havoc and watch people flee. 2) Its very design is anti-social. There's no gathering point, people are scattered all over the place. And for the RPers, you can't even sit down in the cantina or play games there. No one hangs out in the cantina. Not to mention you can't duel someone on the fleet. You have to go through the lengthy process of going to the shuttle bay, entering shuttle, traveling to a planet, exiting shuttle, entering air lock, exiting air lock, entering space dock, exiting space dock, taking a shuttle to the planet. I'd like to see them replace fleets with open world cities, where we'd have housing and a huge marketplace in the center, where players could also engage in multiplayer games (poker, chess, arm wrestling etc). I think this would fix a lot of the boredom people are experiencing, and it would feel more like an MMORPG rather than a single-player online game.
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