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Posts posted by Domatron

  1. @Domatron: Thank you for this one! I tried to pre-type the call before to just add numbers when the attack comes, but I did not get out of the chat window. After I ended up with half-rotation in the chat window before noticing the stumble instead of attack a couple-three times b/c I forgot to Enter to get out of the blessed chat window & no call sent either, I stopped doing it, preferring to write while (inevitably) cc’d & going for at least the call. Will Target Self work as well as the nameplate click?


    Yes, just click your bar in the ops frame and you can move/attack normally. You then hit enter once to bring the chat back up (add a number if you want) then hit enter a second time to send the message.

  2. The easiest way to predict an attack at the off node is to count the attackers at the current one, zoom all the way out and do a quick survey when you can. If you practice doing this often it becomes second nature and you can move to reinforce early by anticipating the attack.


    You can also place the defender of the off node as your focus target so you know immediately if they are being attacked.


    A tip for defending is to pre- type the inc call then click on a nameplate to resume normal play. If a stealth opens on you just double tap enter to send the message.

  3. If you mostly solo and PVP and mostly do your PVP solo as well (i.e. not part of a coordinated team) a marauder might be better for you. Juggernauts are great, but they truly excel in teams. Marauders are definitely more lone wolfy.


    This is the opposite of what's true, marauder needs a healer and team support way more than a jugg in PvP.

  4. Damage is secondary for a tank in PvP, protection is what you are looking for. Rotate guard to teammates taking damage (and stay in guard range), taunt the big damage dealers on the other team, peel for your healers.

    if your teams damage dealers can't do thier job there is not much you can do.

    Run dark maul hybrid if you want more damage.

  5. Very nice rewards, good job.


    That said will anything be done to prevent exploiting the dead group queues? A lot of that went on in season 1 where the people over 1500 in group magically doubled in the last few nights. I had a group queued most of that weekend and got very few pops, and a couple empty ones.

  6. Operatives will remain the best healers.

    Jugg will remain the best tank.

    Mercs still won't be good in arena.

    No matter how much sorcs get buffed people will complain they can't face tank melee, then ask for buffs which Bioware will give.

    Ranked will see little to no improvement.

    Everyone will be bored again after 2 months.

  7. I agree uncleansable dots was a dumb idea, madness being uncleansable only nerfed sorc cleanse and now operatives have the most effective force cleanse in evasion (only concealment should have the dot purge imo)

    Lethality and pyro have a better mechanic, annihilation just needed their dots switched from physical to force type.

  8. When taking all factors into account:


    1) The time required to acquire the raw materials regardless how you get them

    2) The total lack of value of the things you craft

    3) The real value in the other activities, aside from conquest points


    I'm not so sure it's that huge a disparity.


    If all of a sudden War Zones and Operations and Flash Points and GSF started awarding nothing but Conquest Points, I might be right there with ya.


    In your opinion should our shouldn't the theme of the week determine the best point generating activity?

    Right now it does not because crafting is always superior.

  9. So Domatron has been asking for data on how much crafting is over powered. So I decided to calculate how many points could be gained from flashpoints and operations with the Taris bonus last week. Here is the spreadsheet.




    As you might see, I calculated the flashpoint and operation points with 100% stronghold bonus and the crafting points with 0% stronghold bonus. What it would take to do in 6 days worth of game play a crafter can do in about a day and a half. I talked to my guildmates who craft close to non-stop, it takes about 5 hours per 25 warsupplies. This means on what I consider to be a slow pace, you could outpace the main objective for the week in 5 logins.


    If you can craft 2 days and recover mats for 5 days that doesn't seem right. As my previous post states, I don't want crafting to be obsolete I just want the focus of the week to be the biggest point getter. If crafting is always the best way, then less and less people will try to do the other content. The first few weeks of conquest the queues on Shadowlands were popping pretty quickly, as of late, not so much. Is it directly impacted by this I can't say but I know it isn't helping. Many guildmates who got on and ran FP, Ops, WZ, and GSF the first couple weeks just get on to craft and get mats now. Is this really what Bioware wants?


    I have?

    I think you grabbed the wrong name but thanks for the data anyways! :)


    A little off topic but personally I think killing the planetary commanders should be massively buffed in terms of conquest points, to the point were completely ignoring them isn't an option.

  10. If 3 through 10 are anything like the other guilds I'm familiar with that can consistently place and win once in a while, they probably saw they were up against the 2 juggernauts and decided placing would be fine this week. Guilds actively deciding to limit their point totals because the bigger guild is going to win anyway doesn't mean crafting should be nerfed. It means those guilds know they can't compete.


    So it still really boils down to credits. Nerfing crafting takes 1st and 2nd from crafting to the tune of many tens of millions of credits worth of materials because they wanted to fight with each other, down to a much smaller number of millions.


    As you said earlier, they're going to win anyway. The only variable in play is how much they have to craft to do it. The only impact that has on them is how many credits they spend on materials. That's the motivation. Credits.


    Nerfing crafting point totals doesn't make it less expensive, two determined guilds will still craft their butts off to get every available point. Nerfing crafting will only bring it in line with other activities and prevent absurd point totals that your small guild has literally no prayer of ever reaching.

    Small guilds will still overtake large ones with more dedication, it's not like the point totals only change for one.

  11. Of course for the individual quests it would kill anyone's chances to complete it for those who prefer not to run FPs and OPs or PvP, but does do crafting. But since those people don't matter, it's all good.


    No one is saying kill crafting, what's being asked us why is crafting 16x more effective than anything else, making the weekly/planetary themes and bonuses completely meaningless.

  12. I don't think you understand what that means, in addition accusing people who disagree of being "self-focused" since in a way you yourself are being "self-focused" in accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being "self-focused" is rather hypocritical.


    Are you taking to a mirror? After all your grandstanding while ignoring the post we made 3 weeks ago (which you claimed would be the barometer of our intention) the irony of this post is not lost on me.

  13. I'm a bit surprised there haven't been any cases of collusion between large guilds that have the resources to do crafting on the scale that is needed to dominate the leaderboards for planetary conquest.


    The OP's screenshot clearly shows there were only 2 guilds able to meet the crafting needs on the planet they invaded. Had one guild contacted the other and made an agreement to stop competing and let Guild A have the planet this week if Guild B agrees to let Guild A have the planet next week, they could have only needed a third of the crafting to win and would still have the other 2/3 of their mats for use in future conquests.


    There probably aren't more than 2 or 3 guilds on each planet in the galaxy for that week who have the resources to compete. So if you figure there are roughly a 12-15 guilds capable of competing with each other at crafting, then why are they wasting mats competing at all. They would all benefit by working together and developing a rotation for who gets to conquest a planet each week. Some simple Do Not Compete agreements between guilds would allow all of them to reduce the amount of crafting they do to conquest a planet, which allows them to save more mats for future weeks as well.


    The planets rotate, not all are capturable in the same frequency. This week was a choke point if you wanted the meta achievement.

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