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Everything posted by Sazodeha

  1. For starters. Thank God!! I am so glad to hear I have more time. Too much to do and not enough time. So much about this expansion up to now has spoken to the DEVs "vision" rather than what the actual players, those of us paying to play, actually want. Please break the MMO mold and 1) actually listen and give feedback to your player base, and 2) don't be so closed-lipped on what's happening, details, information, should be open and fully transparent. We the customer base deserve no less. Now, this post makes no sense. I have 18 characters and far too much to do. I don't know how you play but you do not seem to have much imagination and drive because there is plenty to do in this game with content as it stands!
  2. Every planet, the harvestable nodes for crafting. Scav, Bio, Arch, All of them have many, many nodes that cannot be harvested. I suspect someone starts to harvest and never takes the MAT and it locks it broken, They are :mad:everywhere and its been going on a long time Dev...When are you going to fix this very old bug!>?
  3. With 7.0 looming and armor sets being made useless, what should I stock up on with my tech frags? As you have to spend @11k, Im not sure what I should invest in with the advent of the update. Legendary embers maybe? Advice?
  4. Some of us play for that alone. In MMOs crafting made some of the most satisfying parts of MMOs and playing them. Please DEV, do something with it other than ignoring it or working towards eliminating it. It needs new life!!!
  5. Please vote, Are you FOR the 7.0 changes OVERALL or AGAINST them? I wonder if the community thinks the good outweighs the bad and vice versa. I know this is a broad brush, but again, it's a general overall question., My Vote... AGAINST! I like some changes, but overall I think will ruin it for solo subscribers like myself
  6. So they should change the entire economy to suit the players that play for free? ruining it for the paying customers?? Ya..No The economy is fine. You want to be able to navigate it, pay a subscription and stop complaining. The economy IS NOT broken, it's supply and demand and works as it should. The demand drives the price, the supply drives the price. etc. Asking dev to come in and "Nerf" or restrict the economy because the people who do not pay to even play while those of us that do get screwed in the process is bad business.
  7. Broken harvest nodes are everywhere, on every planet, scav. arch. and bio alike. Many are already sparse and few in-between. It has been this way for a long time now. Dev., are you aware of the issue? Do you plan on fixing it any time soon?
  8. It's not a bot, it's a player. I created a stealth character specifically for harvesting. If you want the same advantage, do like the rest of us and create a stealth character. It is not an exploit, it is using the skill as it is intended. Asking DEV to nerf another class just because they can do what you cannot is childish. Just make and level up that type of character and stop complaining.
  9. On every planet, especially the lower tier where Nodes are sparse, nodes are bugged and cannot be harvested. Most especially Archeology which has no other source of harvesting. (P.S. I think you should get arch harvest from Jedi and Sith like scav from bots) This is very annoying and its been happening a long time, Please fix this bug.
  10. This bug has been around a long time and I am wondering if DEV will ever fix it. On all skills, arch, scav, bio, etc are nodes: 1 Un-harvestable (you cannot click them, which I believe is caused by an individual who starts the harvest process but does not take the mat and therefore locking the node) 2 Spawns in an unreachable location - under a rock or environmental object. Spawns in an area that cannot be reached like a top of a building, rock structure, off the map,. etc. Grades 3-7 are already sparse, every node should count, please fix these long-standing bugs.
  11. So many zones and areas are infuriatingly frustrating and a complete-time sink/dump. All because we still do not have Flight, even a limited form of flight would be so utterly welcome!! --Mats that spawn on cliffs and cannot be reached --routes from A to B that have to be taken the extremely scenic route when if we had flight, we could just fly over that building that's in the way. (Corellia!) -- Falling off cliffs and so on and so on and so on... From Corellia to Makeb, the terrain is so infuriatingly frustrating when your toon couldn't jump over a soup can! This is supposed to be a space-age era and you're going to tell me that the vehicles cannot fly? Give over Dev and for the love of redundancy PLEASE give us the ability to FLY!!!!!
  12. That's usually what I do sometimes, buy low sell higher. Been playing the market for some time and this was odd. To have all of them from all skills bought up? Made me think some kind of change was coming that all of a sudden made them more valuable. I was seeing grade 3 stacks of 100 selling for 10M!?
  13. Why all of a sudden are all the crafted bonded attachments sold and selling for insane prices??
  14. In Breaktown, the North West part of the map is an inaccessible gate I am assuming is attached to some kind of mission. Does anyone know what the mission is and where to get it?
  15. DEV: SWTOR Needs a method of fast switching between ALTs. While in-game there should be a quicker way to switch to another ALT Having to log out, load, go to the character selection screen, click character, and load again is a time sink long term. As ALTs are encouraged and especially for crafters, please implement a way to more efficiently switch between characters. Thank you Signed...Slowly Burning Out
  16. I came back to this game as a subscriber after years of being away. I play almost exclusively (as a majority of subscribers do) as Solo PvE. I also primarily enjoy the crafting aspect, as also, many do, I finally get all my toons to 75 and was having fun, typically addicted (within reason) to an MMO behavior. Then I get to the part where I want to gear them up, spending hundreds of millions of credits on being able to even craft the best gear to THEN find out about this thing called "The CM-1337)...I almost fell over! What in God's name did anyone on the development team EVER think this was a good idea!?!? As I suspected there are countless posts and videos about how horrible this is. On my server ONE CM-1337 cost 750,000,000!!!!! In order to make one you are FORCED into countless hours or PvP (which I refuse to do! I DESPISE PvP!!!!! and I am far from the only one!) Or you can spend many, many, many, many hours farming tech fragments as you need 20,000 to make just one! Again, forced farming does in no way equal "enjoyable content" All that aside I accidentally came across a post of how in 7.0 your class stripping? (Sigh), I cannot even begin to break that one down. Dear DEV... All in all, you have subscribers, like me, paying customers, who were very much enjoying the game until you get to "end game content" to see it all utterly ruined and destroyed by colossally bad decisions! For the first time honestly just thinking of putting this game away again as it's not fun anymore. Canceling. If you need ideas for fresh and fun content, here's the best advice you can get... LISTEN to your customer base! Honest and good ideas are all over the forums! Stop going behind closed doors in meetings that create bad ideas that in the end drives away your cash cow! Be smart businessmen and stop thinking like the "minority elitist gamer". Stop Destroying what was, AS IS, a fun platform, to be now ruined by the changes you have made and are making.
  17. Why is it that ppl see it as necessary to "give advice" and do so in a way that is rude and condescending? Without taking into consideration another perspective? Rude... this "storyline" you're referring to, to someone who has come back to the game after years and has a massive amount of information (this is just a game after all), how many hours do you expect one to be able to invest in a busy world and life? at what point can I just easily play a game without it having epic novel level requirements. Hence asking those who know and save valuable time, but rather getting chided "chasing squirrels". Reminder, these storylines are anything but straightforward or well organized. If you haven't been around to see them systematically released, you enter the game with a big pile of hodge-podge pieces and no clear direction. Many of them are way, way too long for someone who doesn't have the time to get locked into a long and drawn-out mission. They really need to keep them to 5, maybe ten mins tops. But some lock you in for 30 mins or more! Yea, I am going to (space, space, space) my way through it, it's tedium! I do not always, first run I watch it, but after run one, space away! Basically, if the direction was clear, the path was well written and obvious, I wouldn't have created this post. If you're going to offer advice, be considerate.
  18. Maybe from your perspective, which is clearly bias. I returned to the game after many years. There has been a staggering amount of changes and therefore a large and overwhelming learning curve as to what is where and how. Be considerate rather than condescending. When I did find that terminal it flashed warnings that if you get these companions back you are basically burning choices/ decisions. They make it seem pretty ominous.
  19. Not sure about this. If there is a new lev cap, you still need the lower levels to per se get to the higher ones. My lev 75 characters still need gear. Did DEV see fit to make a majority of the crafted gear useless and not profitable because most of it can be bought or easily earned through drops, yes. Why they did that and cripple crafting....No idea! ...."It's July and in December there will be a new expansion and new level cap so a new tier for crafting. Maybe it's not a good idea to start your path to crafting endgame gear now".... This may be true but it should be fixed, not given up on. Honestly, why even put crafting in the game if you are going to hobble it I haven't even mentioned the fact that they have turned all players into Biochemists, ignoring all others as it's necessary to use the higher level Stims, why they did this defies reason! It has essentially crushed the bio market. I say again,,,DEV PLEASE FIX CRAFTING!
  20. Exactly! Crafting is fundamentally and tragically broken! The majority has taken this path, most all have given up on the skill as a whole and taken the path of least resistance. Human nature of course, but for the minority of us that enjoy MMOs for the crafting aspect, this really sucks! As a completionist (as I was once called when really, I just like to finish what I started, To finish the job) if you give us the option to craft an item it should absolutely be: 1) viable and usable, valuable even 2) worth the effort to complete and get to said tier 3) Not so difficult and expensive that it creates burnout or poverty Please Dev....Give crafting serious attention and FIX IT!!!!
  21. Not sure I follow what you mean?
  22. Wrong! Not a dime was spent on cartel/farm/sell (RL Money)... I earned my billions crafting and rolling the GTN Market. Buy low/Sell high.
  23. Done and done time and time again, rinse and repeat into the billions of credits...You missed the point completely
  24. Thank you..I have essentially done all this and have a virtual factory rolling with all my alts, the amplifiers, and max'd out companions yada, yada. (see above post). My point is...The requirements to advance with percentiles as low as 2%, mats that require attaining only by flashpoints or massive amounts of credit, is a mind-numbing, redundant time sink! I have rolled through hundreds of millions of credits (and many hours of time) working my way up the crafting ladder to get to the 300+. It's a recipe for burnout. Eventually, it goes beyond "fun and engaging/rewarding" to eyes rolling into the back of your head "I'm Done!" mentality. You do not keep people playing by making them do redundant, boring hamster wheel running.
  25. Not always, and it still stands, that the percentile (when the coding even works properly) is nothing more than a massive time sink! 2%? 5%? even 10%??? Some of these require MATs, in high numbers(Matrix/Recombinator), can only be gathered by either many, many hours running redundant missions all week! OR spending literally hundreds of millions on the GTN. Its a recipe for burnout and needs adjusting.
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