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Everything posted by Sazodeha

  1. Simple post. Most everyone hates what they have done to this game, They took what was not broke and broke it. Despite all the screaming and yelling to fix it, droves of ppl cancelling, not a word from them Are they trying to EOL this game?
  2. I was doing heroics 2 as a weekly routine at gear level 302 no problem. After the update, I am barely surviving. What happened??
  3. Your right of course. I have the billions,. but not willing to burn it all on what technically isn't worth it. I already have the purples. It's more about what is it we really shoot for as far as advancing in the game since level cap and such is pointless. Something other than typical grinding. Something to work towards. But the amount of time they have made for just one is beyond ridiculous and that is my point. For what it gives, the price is WAY TOO HIGH and they NEED to adjust it. That is my point, not whether it's currently worth it. They want us to pay 1.5 million dollars for a beat-up Honda Civic!
  4. Crafting?? How long now have they completely ignored crafting??? The harvest node bug, an easy fix, has been around for many,. many months, I have reported so many times I lost count, they completely ignore it. They haven't touched crafting and all things related forever now and I am beginning to think that they have ZERO interest in putting any time into it. Which...IRONICALLY..would at least contribute to breaking up the monotony, the drudgery of this conquest farming they seem to insist on forcing us into, that and ranked PvP, another dumpster fire, with the occasional anorexic content bone! What we have here is a division of the EA corporate monster that cares less about the game and its integrity, and especially what the customer wants. They look at it as a cash cow, and when it stops making milk, it's burger time. As gamers, these Devs and directors have sold their souls for another condo in Boca!
  5. CM-1337 = (8) OEM-37 : Cost - 60,000 Tech Fragments OR 800,000,000 Credits on the GTN PLUS (14) RPM-13 (!!!!!!!!!!!) Cost - 105,000 Tech Fragments OR 1,120,000,000 (Yes that's BILLION) In TOTAL 165,000 OR 1,920,000,000 Credits on the GTN to make ONE, I repeat ONE Tier 300 Augment!!!!! So to outfit ONE CHARACTER with tier 300 Augs you would need: 26,880,000,000 Credits OR 2,310,0000 Tech Fragments!! What part of this makes sense???? Seriously,. why in the name of the force do you make it so damn difficult and expensive to gear/craft tier 300 grade augs????? Please Dev,. I would LOVE To know. P.S. I do not want to hear "technically you do not need it". Because it's not about that. Striving for the best gear is and always has been a major motivator in MMOs. but making it REASONABLY attainable should be possible.
  6. There are far more players who absolutly hate PvP and yet you keep trying to force it down our throats, Go down the list and practically all the conquest missions that reward decent points is all PvP or PvP style starship battles!! WHY!? Now that you have doubled the CP requirement, how about throwing a bone to the solo PvE player, ya know, your base!
  7. Why? You do realize that there are far more people that absolutely despise PvP and prefer PvE? Why is it the only conquest points awarded that rank the highest are either PvP or PvP like starship? PLEASE, PLEASE stop trying to force this game to be PvP!!! Fairly reward the solo player, which by the way is your meat and potatoes Especially now that you have doubled the conquest requirements!!
  8. I collected the "Weekly" mission for Makeb to help the republic, at or around 8-9pm EST. I complete two of the six missions. I log out. I log back in at 4:20AM EST the next day. The weekly mission is gone (the second time this happened). I go back to Makeb station, recollect the weekly mission, but the dailies that are part of it "I am not eligible for this conversation" since it hasn't technically been a full day. Yet it still requires these 6 unique missions, two of which I have no credit for since the weekly reset. So technically I cannot finish this "Weekly" mission!? Is not the purpose of a "Weekly mission" that you have ONE WEEK to complete it?>? Why am: 1) Loosing the mission 2) Loosing credit 3) Then unable to complete it
  9. Lie…tool.,,general chat and the forums speaks volumes
  10. As a legacy subscriber and prolific cartel junkie, having spent a lot of money in game as it was, I repeat, WAS enjoyable as it WAS, I thought I could adjust to these new changes. But my first impression is that they are such a complete disaster I may only stick around to see if the fan hate will pressure them to put it back. If not, I’ll most likely cancel and move on to another game. These changes are just horrible x10000 Other than saying I’m seriously considering cancelling. I don’t understand this combat style thing. It’s basically using the same character as an alt? It’s not combing anything as you are switching from one style to the next, what’s the point. Not to mention removing skills and abilities having to choose one or the other. Horrible! Inventory window and character screen, beyond words horrible. Hate it My 54 armor sets I invested in for crafting and mission bonuses, 100s of millions spent, hours invested. GONE! Unacceptable!! It should have been left alone as retired but remain. I could go on and on. But if they do not listen to their paying customer/fan base and scrap these changes as a total flop, I’m out!
  11. I’m in that group that utterly despises PvP, and that’s putting it mildly. People have been complaining about it for 7 years, clearly Dev could care less. So here we are. I know people have said it’s “not required”, but I hate leaving missions undone. So is there an easy way to get this out of the way? Tips, tricks, even cheats? Can I just go in and let people kill me a bunch of times to “participate” and get rank? With 300 gear and no PvP experience “winning” is just impossible. Not to mention, not only not fun/entertaining, but super annoying. How can I more easily power through this BS mission and get it out of the way??
  12. It's been months now, reported on extensively. When will this simple bug be fixed? Why is it being ignored?
  13. Self-Reflect... None of my post was a personal attack. It was direct -literal (an argument can be "foolishness", that's not personal) I cannot control how you perceive what I wrote or the world, I can only tell you my intent. It was literal. Your post is "idealistic" and even arguably altruistic. To give away high-value items for the sake of a flighty idealism or altruism could be said to be philanthropic, sure, but as a foundational practice is "poor" in wealth building, again, literal. But in a real-life context, imaginary. with maybe small expressions on a bell curve. Being poor is not an insult, philosophically speaking "the poor" have greater wealth than the rich, but that's a long-winded discussion and not for the forum. But again, I cannot control your perception. not to mention and as a side note, it sounds more like your painting a state of poverty as derogatory, shame on you. I also have been a sub since the beginning. Legacy. With a couple of years break between. I have a full understanding of the mechanics and system. I have 18 maxed characters, billions of credits, and all my 'banks' are bursting. Built-up by my "understanding". Then there is the question of my intelligence, schooling, education, and so forth. Of which, I am pretty sure is higher than yourself, given my age (unless you're retired too?) and literal education. But then again, this isn't a "bigger stick" argument. Nonetheless, your statement is an assumption properly said, a personal attack. Perspective to being hypocritical? (that which you see in others, lives in you) then we come to the whole "cutthroat" statement and here it becomes tiresome and redundant. As again, you resort to personal attack (sigh). But, to your point. I guarantee that a "new player", with time, could very easily work their way into billions. almost too easy actually. your point is moot. on f2p posting. out of context and fine, concede., doesn't really matter, the point stands. Whether they can post or not, I simply made the point as the argument was made that the f2p couldn't enter the market because of credit limits. Point made.
  14. I believe people are deliberately breaking them as it's so easy to do so. I do not know why this is not being made a priority as its obviously an indirect exploit. Please Fix this!!
  15. Just to name two of many: The craft Node Bug (exploit) & Multiple Ziost quests (powerless, ashes). These have been broken for months now. It's been reported multiple times. Yet every week they continue to be broken with not a word. I do feel at this point, being a paying customer. that I am paying for deliberately broken software. At least a word other than "we are aware of the problem" would be appriciated. This is a respectfully asked question, not a rant, so please consider before marking it so. I am not "ranting". But it's a legitimate question. Most especially the craft nodes. This is creating an exploit that's warping the economy. Please Respond.
  16. This is just plain foolishness and I am guessing you are poor IRL. Do you think the world, capitalism, cares about your sense of morality, what's wrong or right and what should be? This is rainbows and unicorn-ville. A nice idea but imaginary. The market dictates and actually balances when people put their minds to it. Unfortunately, our culture is what it is, reward for no effort made, praise work that's sub-par just because you may hurt their feelings. A sense of deserving when it's not earned. etc. People who play for free have absolutely no right to ask for anything. You want a spot at the table, pay for a subscription. You are playing for free!! What makes you think your needs or wants matter?? Especially for those of us who spend real, hard-earned money to be here. How would that even be fair to the paying customer?? the Market is fine,. I think Dev should focus back on crafting, make it viable again, and the market will correct itself, as it should always be in the matters of economy. It broke because DEV destroyed the product by ignoring the base of the said economy by ignoring crafting. Most All the crafters left, paying subscribers (ill never understand that business model) because DEV stopped caring. Look at the harvest bug, it's been broken for months now. This bug has allowed this money exploit to run absolute havoc on the market and they completely turn a blind eye. I have been reporting it daily for months, not a thing has been done. So there is the problem.
  17. This is the truth. When I played originally towards the beginning my main focus was crafting. Before dev crushed it and all the crafters quit or left. So when I came back, very few were crafting. I was able to craft all the gear I needed for my own characters, harvest, craft, sell. buy low, sell high., etc. In the end, I am now more than comfy $$ wise. If DEV would give crafting meaning again, stop making it pointless, (in a manner of speaking. What cost ungodly amounts in materials and time, you get for free every week, so why the hell would I craft leg MODs?) this problem wouldn't exist. DEV ruined crafting, therefore ruined the market. People who think that crafting is not the root of every other issue regarding prices are not paying attention!! Hell, it made me rich!
  18. To this my point,. When I came back I had but a few million. It took less than a year to be able to buy almost anything I wanted. It's not hard.
  19. I have not played in years. I reactivated and subscribed and like all others, I was shocked by the GTN prices. But the worlds of Star Wars did go on without you, so it's not to be unexpected. I always played with a focus on crafting., So I took inventory of everything I had in the bank on all my characters, pooled the few million I had from previous years, and got to work I played storyline, crafted, gathered, bought, and sold. A year later I have more than enough to buy whatever I want or need on the GTN, have every stronghold available. I also have earned more than enough to actively play the market as I have been for this past year. All my characters have the best gear. I have seen/read a great deal of complaining coupled with even more insanely radical solutions of how DEV should step in, wave their magic code, and "Fix the Economy", when the truth is, as in life, any "Power" stepping in to "Fix" the economy always makes it worse. Fixing the economy is easy. If people would do the work, ie play the game, the influx of materials would balance supply and demand. Fixing the economy has always been about characters actually fixing it themselves rather than expecting a handout or freebie. As the saying goes. you want something done right, do it yourself. ATM the craft node bug is an "Actual" economy-breaking problem, warping supply and demand. I believe there are people breaking them on purpose to create such a shortage to drive up prices. I have been bug reporting for months now and it's still not fixed. So complain about that as it plays a big role in prices being so high Even with all that I still have a great deal to do with stories, chapters, playing, goals, etc. I do not have anything to do with PvP or Starfighter. Peace...
  20. Proposal: For those of us that find the snowball cannon an incredible annoyance, I offer DEV a solution. When one character fires the snowball cannon at another it instantly flags that offender as open to PvP by the offended. This will be incredibly satisfying to slap the sunshine out of said snowballer
  21. There is a way to break them. I of course would never post it, crafting is my play style and I despise how this bug is killing the economy. Damind crystal for example is now listing at 498,789/unit. Why? because these particular crystals are rare nodes on lower-level planets, unlike lev 9/10/11 etc. Harvest is the fastest/cheapest way to collect, no one wants to play the logon/off game for hours with missions. Since nothing drops them shortage ensues. I have been "bug reporting" for months now. All I ever get back is "we are aware of the bug and are working on it". Meanwhile, the econ is creeping into the billions. Trust that bleed over creates other product price increases as now people have much higher disposable incomes and greed proliferates. even the F2P, who can now sell a few units at millions, are driving increases. So again, Please, EricMusco and/or JackieKo. Fix This Bug. P.S. to PM EricMusco and/or JackieKo do I just type "EricMusco" or do you use an @ or something? I have replicated this "exploit" I know how these are broken
  22. It's been a very long time now, When will this ever be fixed>?>? I sometimes think people are intentionally breaking them (recently in past weeks they are littered everywhere, and almost all broken by mid-week) in order to create a market shortage. This may even be considered an exploit as it's so easy to break them. Time and time again DEV comes back with "we are aware of the issue and are working on it", but it's been months now. Less than 24 hours after reset/maintenance both Zakuul and Ilum have multiple broken nodes. I also found many on Voss and Makeb. This is a problem that needs attention, if for any other reason as people have been asking you to fix it for a very long time. Just code the nodes to reset (harvested or not) every few mins or something, but do something, please!
  23. Zakuul Endless Swamp. It seems a bit overkill that every single node on Zakuul Endless swamp is broken. I suspect that people are purposely breaking these nodes to control the market. Is this now an exploit>?> Please.. Fix this long-time bug!
  24. Week after week I send many bug reports to each craft harvest node I run into, on every level planet. They are everywhere. Every week they do not get fixed. This is such an easy coding fix too Every five minutes, whether the node has been harvested or not, auto-reset/regen Anything for cryin out loud, this bug has been around a long time,. fix it already, please!
  25. I am a "spending player" both sub and spending on cartel. I am a casual player who plays for the crafting. And I am getting fed up. I despise PvP, waste of time as designed. I do not have time to sit for hours to play Ops with massive groups Yet it seems, week after week, patch after patch, they ignore this player base. I actually think the "spending player" is more the casual player these days anyway, as who has time to sit for endless hours anymore. I just wish that Bioware would make changes according to what their paying player base wants rather than their "vision". This is what will ultimately kill this game just like every other MMO before it. It's like they never learn.
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