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Everything posted by Sazodeha

  1. I have a group of characters, all now at 56 level. Crafters and Harvesters. I use crafting to outfit my characters which is the fun part for me. I need Grade 8 MATs. I cannot find a place to harvest/farm without having to go through a story, as most of my characters have either just finished chapter 3, or are almost done with it. Farium, supposedly on Rishi and Yavin, is limited to the Reven story which I do not want to be bothered with just yet. Rishi is horrible with almost no droids I've found yet and the map is a mess. Yavin you cannot access it unless you have started the Raven story. Could someone please point me in the right direction of where to farm these metals and compounds? Solo. If you do not want to post pls send me a private msg. Yes, I can run missions, but I also enjoy farming which is much quicker and cheaper anyway, why I made harvester characters, to begin with. Help!
  2. Is there a way to recalibrate or modify a MODs amplifier without binding it to you?
  3. Let me try and swindle the conversation back on topic. So then to you all, I ask the question: Is there anything at all that will help bring up the %chance of crit success on receiving a purple MAT?? Mainly, there are many craftable items that require purple MATs, and on market, it's far too costly to purchase. Id rather farm or mission them myself
  4. I fully understand that the success part is relative to whether the companion succeeds or fails on the mission. But I was also wondering if there was maybe a factor that affected the chance of "Critical Success" necessary to obtain a purple MAT. Thing is, I have been through all the possible amplifiers and there does not seem to be any particular amplifier that directly affects the chance of "Critical success" for purple MAT on missions. At least not directly spoken. Correct me if I am wrong, please, I would love to know, as I need an amplifier to effect that. Purple MATs are a pain in the *&^%$ to acquire and I am looking for any way to increase the chances of success from whatever source!!! Does anyone know??
  5. Does the Amplifier "Successful Scavenging ", which says increase the chance of success, increase the chance of critical success? Or better your chance for purple MATs?
  6. I am trying to craft MK-3 which I guess I need to craft tier 4 and RE. But what is considered the cheapest Tier 4 gear?? does "archive" count? help
  7. These are patterns purchased from the trainer
  8. I am back to SWTOR after years of being gone. Obviously things have changed. Question. I am leveling my synthweaver crafting character. @256 I am crafting the light/med/heav armor @lev 31. After crafting it I cannot RE it for the purple version? can the lower level not be RE? Can Synth Armor in general not be RE for purple? What am I missing?
  9. 1) The ships are not unbalanced 2) learn the meaning of teamwork 3) Learn to upgrade and play your ship 4) If you nerf any ship the other becomes unbalanced...Its fine, learn to play and quit complaining Jesh!!!
  10. I am sorry...What your saying is complete and utter horsesh*t!!!! I play the gunship all the time and its not even remotly close to EVER, EVER, EVER just sitting there point, clicking and killing my life, points and medals away...The fact that you even say that proves to me you have ZERO experience playing the ship, played once or twice with good support and all of a sudden think its a breeze.... Heres a tip....Stop focusing on how much those kills you are getting hit by are personal....Learn to play a class, and do something productive FOR YOUR TEAM... Let me be the first to enlighten you that a well played scout can down multiple gunships very easily!!!
  11. Yes....AND no.... Sometimes I make the top, and other times I do not. There are a couple scouts and fighters (as I have said before) who are the bane of my existence!! When they play, or better yet, when they play TOGETHER no...I do not make top of the list because they have the good sense to take down the gunships. Sometimes I get lucky and my TEAMATES back me up.... So to reiterate....You need to understand the mechanics of what this is....Its called teamwork and skill...... As a fully loaded gunship let me be the first to tell you I CANNOT KILL IN ONE SHOT a ship that is upgraded. and all it takes is one shot to have them know I am on them...Then they assuredly come after me and its anyone game at that point. Can I one shot the newb? ABSOLUTELY! have I been one shot killed by missiles? ABSOLUTELY/... So,,,,Once and for all...STOP WHINING AND LEARN! Cause I'll tell you what I am absolutely sick of,,,,,the whiners who get a class nerf that didn't need nerfing and then guess what...the balance shifts and the whines happen to them eventually/.....Its like MMO players never learn!
  12. KS!? ... Do us ALL a favor..... DO NOT play SF You clearly do not understand the mechanics of team work and are useless to the team////
  13. I just figured it out, I actually had to drag and drop to "Remove" the firehauler bomber, THEN I could place the warcarrier in its place.... Time to get slaughtered...LOL!
  14. So I spent the 5k Fleet Req points on the warcarrier bomber. I get into match and there are only 5 ships to choose from and none of them are the war carrier. I can only choose Firehauler. What am I missing here? Why can I not select warcarrier in the matches??
  15. I really dont get why you all seem to not get it! It really is you. I primarily play the gunship, fully loaded and believe me, I get my kill numbers a good amount of the time. But there are far more than enough scouts and fighters (who know what they are doing) that keep me running and kill me plenty! You simply have to know how to play! Gunships are not overpowered for their role, period! They are actually very easy to kill.....IF you know what you are doing. So, for the last time ppl....STOP WHINING about how much you get killed and simply learn how to fly/fight!!!
  16. Prob a foolish question, but its been naggin me....so here it goes./ I play the SF arena a bit. I notice names at this point. I also noticed that certain ppl will be republic one round, then next battle they are imps! But the name is the same. Do they just have characters with the same name on both sides or can you switch which side you fly for on the same character? Could my republic character fly/fight for the imp side?
  17. all I see is 20-25 min wait, where do you see what number you are in line?
  18. same happened to me, although where do you see what number you are in queue, mine just shows est wait time
  19. the same thing happened to me for the first time. Light population and in queue!?!?!? I will be damned if I pay a monthly service to wait in queue!!!!!
  20. Said it once, Ill say it again..... To those who whine and cry that gunships are too powerful....LEARN TO FLY/FIGHT!!! Gunships ARE NOT too powerful, you simply do not know what you are doing!!! So stop trying to whine you way into an advantage that you simply do not deserve@!!!
  21. Thank you for the info.... I have spent far too long to start from scratch..At least for the time being as a casual player. 5000 req points is a whole lot since I only avg 200-800 points per battle (closer to the lower end) since as a gunship, kills and assist mean nothing. Its the capture and hold (i.e. go straight to the satellite and sit like a fish in a bucket) that makes the points. As a Gunship I am not meant to be on the front line and points are lost as a result. A pet peeve of mine. I consistently rank top 3 in kills and assist, and end a battle with 250 req points?? Sooo frustrating!!
  22. I currently have a good deal of upgrades on the one gunship that has been available. If I unlock the new one, will I have to start from scratch on the upgrades or will the ones I already purchased carry over... i.e. is the unlock strictly cosmetic?
  23. Wrong...... All way too often seeing the other class sayin/telling what their opponent should not have simply means you do not know how to play your own. I play gunship and barrel roll is crucial,. without it, I would be an easy (too easy) of a kill. Gunships compared to SF and S have lousy speed and agility. That ONE ability can only be used ONCE every one min. and that one minute is a DEADLY long time in a dogfight when being chased by zippy the scout!!!!!
  24. I'll tell you what I think should be removed from the game. Are the ones who whine about other player/player styles because maybe they got shot down one too many times and does not know how to fly! Quit your whining!! Gunships not only belong in the game (snipers) but they are every bit as easy AND hard to kill depending on the skill of the player. As someone who exclusively plays gunship I will be the first to tell you its no free ride AT ALL. There are scouts and even strike fighters who are the bane of my existence, they simply know how to build and how to fly. To say they Gunners are "cowards", off shooting fish in a bucket while the Scouts and Strikers are dogfighting in what you believe to be the honorable way, just means thats your style, front line. Snipers in all form of combat play a crucial role in the fight. I would advise you to stop crying about other classes and learn how to play yours. Maybe then you wont get owned so much ;p
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