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Everything posted by Vitellius

  1. Vitellius

    Cant win in PvP

    This happens to me ALL the time. You'd think if things where really random, you'd have a 50/50 shot per game. However, I find that I lose like 10 games in a row and just can't understand why that is. There are people in my guild that have had the same thing happen. I once had a 13 game losing streak. Almost pulled my hair out. ONCE I had a 7 game win streak, but losing FAR outweighs winning in my experience. Maybe its premades....maybe it's just the luck of the draw (and I have no luck). It really just makes me not want to do WZ. It's all just weird and you're not alone.
  2. This ^^ The more crap you put onto something, the worse it gets. Sometimes the best stuff comes out of a limited palette. Here's what I want to see less of: Spikes.....please stop putting spikes on stuff. Looking at you Inquisitors. Shoulder pads.....enough with big shoulder pads. Just about everyone has a big honking should pad that goes all the way down to the elbow. Boots....some of them need to be toned down. Troopers come to mind. They crawl up over the knee and along the side of the leg.
  3. Snipers aren't "bad" per se, but we are VERY frustrating. We don't have 1 major issue, we have a handful of little things. This doesn't make us broken, but really impacts the fun factor that you had when you where leveling up. Currently, a good PvP sniper MUST be skilled, top geared and right specced. If you don't have this combination, then you'll feel like something isn't working right. Whenever you list the reasons why sniper PvP is crap, the reply will always involve one of those 3 as the answer. You either suck, your gear is no good, or you're spec is all wrong. If you suck....well....not much you can do about that....but lets assume you don't suck. Good gear. You can get it but once you hit 50, it's like hitting a brick wall. You have to fight hard and go through a lot of pain other classes don't to get yourself some wins. Hopefully ranked PvP will fix this. Wrong spec. This one bugs me the most. Specs should ALL be viable in some way. Im an MM. I like MM. I wan't to play as MM. You'll find most snipers came up as an MM. Now, you're telling me I have to dump it so I can PvP. Well, I don't buy into that. That means the design is flawed. If you really want to know how good snipers are in PvP, just go to the other class boards and ask if they are afraid of snipers. Half will laugh AT you, the other half will cry FOR you.
  4. The problem with this topic is that the form of bg in their current state makes this all moot. The vast majority of games are random vs random. Mixed classes, mixed gear, mixed wz experience. You cant even begin to solve this problem, let alone prove that it even exists, until there is better control of how warzones are set up. Bottom line, there are too many variables. One game heals are unstoppable, another, the heals are useless. It's all based on personal experience, and everyone can have different ones. Now, if each warzone pit 2 teams 100% equal in gear and class make up and healers were unstoppable, then you might have an argument, but for now, there is just too much going to know if a nerd is truly in order.
  5. I think as legacy rewards start coming in, this will be more and more of an issue. You will be going to you ship not to travel, but to go to your target dummy or craft/check mail/use gtn. The last thing you want is your ship to be taking off when your not planning to go anywhere. It's annoying and makes you feel like you don't have control of your own ship.
  6. The lore is all over the place. Because of this you can create any story you want to explain how and what crystal you use. It doesn't bother me at all. The only thing I would do is get rid of those ugly black core blades, but that's jut me.
  7. I find hutball can be very frustrating at times. I've seen an entire team attacking the ball carrier and not being able to stop him. I've seen a team score in under 30 seconds. I've jumped out of the spawn only to be charged right from the ramp to give them a score. Really? Leaving the spawn helps the other team? If I could make changes, I'd make these: 1. Get rid of the resolve system. We need real deminishing returns. 2. Sand bags effectively block all pushes, pulls, charges. If you are in the open, fine, but being on the ramps defending should never be looked at as a benefit to the other team. That means put some defensive positions at the goal line as well where you can't be charged. 3. No rescue for ball carrier. If you want to move the ball to another player, you throw it.
  8. Animals are tricky. You really don't want them moving as fast as a speeder. They would have to either be vanity items or force players to use them in certain areas where speeders wouldn't work. In the movies, usually more primitive races use them (sand people, ewoks, gungans, etc). On hoth, it took the rebels time to get the speeders working in the cold, but they did get it. Troopers used dews on Tatt.....for no apparent reason. Even on endor, imps used speeders in a thick forest. I don't see any real way to put in animal mounts as anything more then social/legacy rewards for show.
  9. IMHO, people with questions about space combat changes are easily 100 times more important and impactful to the game then the SGR nonsense. You don't see them QQ. Ask the question as much as you'd like, but please stop complaining when it doesn't get answered and stop acting like it's the most important issue in the world. It's not.
  10. I remember back when I played WoW, blizzard made big announcements where they said they banned x number of thousands. It made for a nice little headline with big numbers. I suspect ToR will do the same. Marketing loves stuff like this. Especially when you make it into some kind of big deal that gets reported on the game sites.
  11. I understand every reason things are the way they are, however, I think they really shoulda put more effort here. You spend a lot of time on station. Each one should be very unique. The lore answer may soften the blow, but it's still kinda lame. Please BW, while you are working on space changes, give some love to stations.
  12. I read in their post about using high lvl raiders to test 1.2 content that they currently don't have the capability for large amounts of character transfers. ATM they can only do manual transfers. So, no amount of moaning will make this happen any sooner and they already knew well in advance this is how it would go down. They also knew some people would be unhappy with it, but that's the way things go sometimes.
  13. "I give up....I'll do it." I don't mind it to much. I understand why it happens.
  14. Maintenance means maintenance. It doesn't mean patch day. Most patches where applied on maintenance day as an efficiency thing. The servers were coming down so it gave a chance to apply patches. Emergency patches took the servers down on other days and the boards ignited with QQ. How dare BW take the servers down twice in 1 week?!!? Patches will go in when they are ready.
  15. I wish I could make a nearly 30 page thread about spelunking.
  16. Ya know, back in the day, you saw a game on the shelf and all you had was the box art and box write up....that's it. No internet. No youtube vids. No scores of obnoxious bloggers giving their 2 cents. If you were lucky, there was a magazine somewhere that might have had a blurb about said game. Personally, I find no reason for anyone to be "on the fence" anymore. You can research a game until you're blue in the face. I mean, youtube gives you the entire experience....graphics, sound, game play, etc. When my friends say they are on the fence, that means they are just lazy and/or don't really want to play.
  17. Meh....CS in general will always take a hit because there are so many factors against it. Ratio of players to CS reps. Get what you pay for. Reps aren't getting rich ya know. Not all hardcore gamers. Not all computer nerds. Would be too expensive to train them to be as knowledgeable as the players. Limited in what they can and can't say. For the most part, getting good CS depends on you, the rep, their training and the issue.
  18. What does it matter? According to some great thinkers, ToR is scheduled to be F2P any day now anyway.
  19. I soloed nearly my entire time in WoW. Soloed to the 40s in rift. Soloed in LotR....I just don't see how ToR is any different from these guys. The guild I was in in Rift was COMPLETELY silent and I never ran anything with them. Did only a few dungeons. I was in many different guilds in WoW. They would fold up or nobody would be on. Only the big raiding guilds seemed to hold together. I wasn't much of a raider. My experience has been that you solo if you want or you grp if you want. There is content for both. However, due to heroics, I never grouped in an MMO more then I have with ToR. At worst, this game is on par with everyone else.
  20. LOL.....I ran this with a guild group and lemme just say, we felt like we went through hell and back with this FP. We wiped plenty of times, but we eventually made it through. I don't think i'll ever do that one again.
  21. Been 50 MM for a few weeks now playing casual. I love sniper, but PvP is kinda tough. I will admit, however, it is getting better as my gear is getting better. This makes me believe we are much more gear dependent then other classes. Mostly centurion with 2 champ pieces right now. What i've noticed is most players are just wise to my tricks. I get ganged up on. Chased. They wait until entrench is over. Cloak. LOS fake out....players just run around corners. Pillars are the worst. Run around a pillar, come out the other side and i'm back to square 1. Some people just like to find me wherever I am because i'm an easy target. It can get kinda frustrating. I do enjoy the challenge, and I really don't want to change my spec. When people say, "Just change to this spec", that just proves to me MM is in fact lacking. I don't want to change it. I want it to be as viable as the others. Sometimes I wish I had more range. A cloak would be SO handy. If I get into trouble, I have no escape. Players just cloak or force run out of my range all the time. If I ever want to run away and reposition, I just get pulled or rooted or whatever. No point in running away. I will get caught. I'd love to hang out on the bridges in huttball, but then I become an easy anchor point for a charge. I'd rather not help the other team advance. If I go to their bridges, then my back is to their spawn. If I hang around the sides I can get some shots, but there are so many walls in the way for them to run behind. I don't believe we are terrible. We have tons of potential. Sometimes i'm in the top 5. Usually i'm around the middle of the pack in kills and damage. I'm more interested in winning matches, though. I just feel like, as an MM, i'm missing 1 or 2 things that would help. For now, I don't get the feeling that anyone is worried about me at all.
  22. Obviously he's not because the op is not a game developer. Fail comprehension is fail.
  23. You realize, of course, this is like a high school senior going to a NASCAR website and writing a post called "Racing 101" where he proceeds to explain everything they are doing wrong.
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