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Everything posted by Exiled-Phoenix

  1. Crafting augment kits can be done for free, just go to Yavin and farm up some nodes for the resources. Also, augmenting is not a requirement , if you like switching gear so much then don't augment them. As for spending time, time is not a currency. You choose how much time you want to spend on this game. And even if you need 1 million to switch outfits, 1 million is not that much cash to make in a months time....
  2. lol, like its hard to get 300k in this game... - Farm dailies - que for flash point - que for warzones - que for GSF (lolnoonedoesthat) - run lower level flash points solo - slicer on yavin - craft and sell on the GTN - buy and sell on the GTN - raiding without wiping 10x All of these options are a solid source of credits, there is no need to make something free in this game.
  3. Title says it all? We have had 2 level cap increases, maybe its time we get some faster speeders at level 58 or 60?
  4. My sith assassin, created at launch, still playing it Darth Vahx Crouched Death field Front view Weapon drawn
  5. DoT the silver mob, then Death field when the weaker are nearby. Silver mobs usually don't die that fast. Just be careful in HM FP, DoTing multiple silvers at once can make you an agro magnet and cause a premature death.
  6. I like the current difficulty, but the rewards should be a bit higher indeed.
  7. Having a full pvp set also makes a big difference.
  8. good to know, does the reduction count as protection?
  9. When buying, i will always buy the cheapest. When selling i will look what the cheapest price is of a certain item, then see how many are listed at the lowest price. If only 10 +- are listed at the lowest price i will place my item above the lowest price. if there are 2 pages at the lowest price, i'll place my item at the same price +- Adaptive circuitry dropped from 41-45k to 30k a few days ago on my server, i just kept placing mine at 43k, now the price is back at 40-50k. People shouldn't always give in to pressure of getting things sold quickly. Statue of a slave (or smth) sells for 1mill to 1.5 mill usually, last week i had one and wanted to sell it, for some reason there were about 8 others on the GTN, people were undercutting so hard that the price dropped to 500k. Now they are all sold, only 1 is listed anymore and the price is 1 250 000 again. I sold mine for 1 000 000. So , pushing price up is a good thing sometimes.
  10. Pyrotech wont be coming, they already said that something went wrong with it and they will be removing it from the list in a future patch
  11. yay only packs, how great for the people who dont give a f about packs
  12. Belsavis gear commedation vendor has both a helmet and a robe that is in that style. It has wide shoulder pads tho, but i like it enough to put on my companion and run around with my own personal guard.
  13. So then there will be 3 sets of gear? no thx i dont see why i would need a set to go pvp and another set to go do some dailies for cash..
  14. Hello, i recently started an operative healer for pvp (only pvp) and i'm not always sure i'm doing ok in terms of rotation. I know that in PvE you can hold better to a set rotation (and only divert from it in emergencies) to maintain energy. As i never really healed intensely in PvE, i never had to learn a good energy management system and in PvP its pretty much heal heal heal until you are killed and respawn.... Still i find myself sometimes living long enough to run out of energy and already have used my regen probe. At the moment i use these 'tactics': - use Recuperative Nanotech on CD (big energy eater but works well in cluster f... battles) - on single targets that seem to be dying: use kolto injection, then 2 stacks of kolto probe, then kolto infusion, then heal up with surgical probe to regain energy. - kolto infusion and injection on lesser damage to keep peoples health up. - surgical probes on myself (to not waste to much time and be able to help the team) - kolto waves + Recuperative Nanotech only if a lot of people are below 50% health - kolto waves after a battle/clearing a node to heal up people quicker. - diagnostic scan if people are taking nearly no damage - diagnostic scan if i am out of energy. Atm i have about 6.8% alacrity. If anyone can give me some tips to maintain energy better it would be appreciated.
  15. I should be more clear in my TL;DR version, i want the lvl 50 HM in the group finder, but with the mobs and bosses boosted to lvl 60. As i sad in my long version, it would be nice to have all flash points available with range of : lvl 50 mobs for lvl 50 to 54 lvl 55 mobs for lvl 55 to 59 lvl 60 mobs for lvl 60
  16. Sorcs have slow, force speed and an instant heal to use on themselves... you already have what you asked.
  17. Most disappointing Christmas surprises ever...
  18. I dont understand why artifice and cybertech can get top gear schematics for mods and hilts and other stuff but synthweave gets nothing. yea ok we get augments and augmentation kits, which other skills also have access too. So we are competing with others in our end game items while artifice is the only one who can make relics and hilts, cybertech can make mods and armorings, etc.. I'm not saying we should be able to craft every piece of gear, but at least the belt and bracers, maybe boots and gloves too would be nice. schematics should be rare, either from RE or drop on HM FP/OPS. opinions?
  19. People have always said that madness/hatred is/was better than deception. I ran deception spec in Ops the first year of SWTOR, never had any problems keeping up, even with marauders who were the 'OP' spec back then. Hatred has now just become very easy and fast for moving through trash mobs and getting big numbers in pvp because of the DoT spread. Altho i do feel deception was nerfed a little bit by the removal of duplicity procs on low slash and spike, making us lose control over when to burst, i hope deception gets a small boost soon again to be equal to hatred. Nice guide, good to see some accurate numbers. Sad to see maul has dropped a biggest damage attack, altho i felt that already when i tried deception in 3.0
  20. Signed, and please give us terminals for pvp and pve dailies/weeklies
  21. So what are the opinions for the best PvE Utilities? both for a deception as a hatred spec
  22. That is wrong, you need 2 purple mats for an augment, you need 13 augments for a full set. I did not buy any purple mats and crafted all my own augments, that means for the 13 augments i needed 26 purple mats. To get the 26 purple mats i have at least 700 blue mats. It took me 2 weeks to get all 26 purple mats. If i people would focus on credits like you say and craft blue augments and sell those, then i would be able to supply 300 +- blue augments... There is no chance i am ever selling 300 blue augments. The ratio of getting blue mats vs purple mats is just to big a difference. Even if you would add 20 blue mats to craft a purple augment, i would need (13x20) 260 blue mats, and i would still have 400+ blue mats left that i would have to sell or dump.
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