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Everything posted by Exiled-Phoenix

  1. Its a good idea for a bad decision (by BW) but i'm also not sure if this will 'fix' the upcoming problem. Some classes have a heavy boost on shielding, so they can afford to stack more in absorb. If you merge both, then there will be less room again to customize your tank which could lead to bottlenecking tank classes when it comes to stats.
  2. Its Star Wars, not Earth 2015. There are loads of things that probably would not classify as animal or plant. What would you call a sarlacc? animal? plant? not sure, doesn't matter. According to wiki, its a semi-sentient, plant like creature.. Wildlife!
  3. From some guides on the PT/VG board i take it that i should just stack Endurance and Defense and fill up with power..
  4. egh, look like you are right, i was aware that movie char names were not allowed. Didn't know about game characters.
  5. As annoying as it is sometimes, you'll just have to live with it. I had the name Sion on a level 10 jugger for 3 years, now with the 12x exp i finally leveled him to 55. Sure, it sat there for 3 years, but hey, its "mine". for those that dont know; Sion is the name of a KOTOR 2 bady
  6. But stealth is only good for opening, if you don't get caught in an AoE damage and lose stealth. Once you are in combat and your target force speeds away (because everyone will play a sorc now anyway), stealth is not an effective gap closer anymore.
  7. Sorry but warriors and knights already had leap which is already a great gap closer. Dash = force speed new tp ability = leap
  8. I'm glad we finally get a chance to put a slow effect on an attack and not have to rely on force slow all the time. (force pull for dps specs at lvl 65 would have been nice too )
  9. Ello everyone, i just got my first tank character to 57 and in preparation of level 60 pvp i am wondering how i should gear my powertech? Should i go for whatever stats the basic pvp sets give me (absorb, shield, endurance) and then fill in augments with endurance/power? or should i go for a full endurance build with Aim augments to boost damage? or... what should i do? or what are my options in pvp?
  10. There is a difference between "voicing concerns" and making the same thread over and over again with little to no constructive criticism. A quick boost to level 60 will be needed to keep new players up to speed with old players. If you cant provide a better way to achieve this and your only argument is "all new ppl will be bads" then yes i'd prefer that you go play another game
  11. How many threads are you going to make to complain about the same thing? Seriously, if you have so many problems with the coming update(which we barely have any info on) maybe you should go play another MMO instead and stop whining about everything here
  12. Why do you care what other people get when the same option is available to you? You had plenty of time to play? great (for you), some people don't have plenty of time. "dont have time? dont play then" thats a ****** statement, you know what happens to games that only cater to the hardcore players (aka the ones with plenty of time)? they die out and are left with a minimum population until the game is shut down and then all you with plenty of time can spend that time on forums of other games talking about your 25 lvl 65's you had once on SWTOR. I don't have plenty of time to play games, so i choose not to be an active raider, not to pursue short events like the gree event or the bounty hunting event unless i actually want something from the vendor. I do like doing flashpoints from time to time and pvp, so if Bioware wants to give me a new character that i can play on, well thats a very nice gesture because after all, i pay just as much for my sub as anyone else that posts on these forums.
  13. 1) will we be keeping our coms in 4.0? 2) when will we be able to buy stuff with basic comms after we are geared (like decorations and such)
  14. I'm looking forward to "buying" a instant 60 sniper instead of having to redo the whole story again of the imperial Agent... Not that its a bad story, i just dont have the time for it to do it all again. Not to mention those 10 levels on makeb and rishi.
  15. Maybe a Kolto overload thats a simple on/off toggle and that heals for 25% of max hp every second when below 75% health and an energy shield thats automatic activated when taking damage and that lasts 15 seconds and can only be triggered once every 15 seconds?
  16. Can Sin/Shadow get force pull as basic ability then please? Force speed has lower mobility then a charge-to-target ability which can also be used to cross vertical obstacles.
  17. I think you should make separate threads for this question because its about 3 different things.
  18. First thing i do when i create a character is make a new chat tab called "noise" and i turn off the general chats on the default tab. Also not everyone is going for datacrons on their characters, especially now that datacrons may become legacy wide
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