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Everything posted by Bamajawn

  1. I was able to complete this quest for the first time last night. On 3 previous tries, it was bugged.
  2. I agree as well. I maxed out my crafting long ago and see no real market for my gear now (armor). Or rather, the money I can make on Ilum and in PvP exceeds that received from crafting and I don't need the extra cash. I'd love to be able to create something worthwhile that higher levels would buy. Yes, I realize that critted orange armor with augment is coming, but that's a mere pittance.
  3. I wonder how many kill traders and exploiters insist that they actually "worked" for their titles? Surely, the majority don't go around fessing up to taking any route other than the "hard" one.
  4. Good point... a very interesting idea to split up valor for group kills. Usually, party kills count less per kill in MMOs, SWTOR is an oddity in this regard.
  5. Patch 1.3 will fix that. Nah, I was making that up.
  6. I realize that and wasn't trying to be critical. Rather, the note was made for clarifying my own position. It's a great post, best in a good while.
  7. Insert "many" in front of "players" and I think you're spot on. There's a lot of people who have no desire to compete, and seem to be in PvP only for the title they receive when they grind long enough to "deserve" it.
  8. Changes will be coming in patch 1.2 to give more rewards for objectives met.
  9. You've read this forum and you still want to PvP?
  10. Good points, and the 1.2 patch will contain more medals for hitting objectives. There should be no problems for DPS specs like my own.
  11. The 1.1.5 notes were posted in the PTS forum, not as normal patch notes. It's an upcoming patch.
  12. Busy? I question that statement. Kills are pretty easy to get.
  13. It sounds as if your friend hasn't observed how successful Huttball teams operate. If he's new to the zone, he may be confused during the match and not picking up on how things work. My first Huttball matches back in January were chaos. Now, more people understand their role in the game. When he figures out how to work with the ball carrier, defend the catwalks, and how to position himself for a pass or a carry, he might enjoy it. Then again, he may be measuring himself in terms of medals rather than wins. Studying up in this forum would provide some insight as to how medals are gained. Of course, with the new patch announcement, medals/valor will be quite different from the current system. As others have said, the luck involved in Huttball determines the makup of your team. There's not much you can do about that.
  14. I personally enjoy the comments about "working" in a video game.
  15. I have to play for fun. Coming in to the office and telling everyone I got a boss drop last night in an online game would get me branded as a cuckoo. And my friends couldn't care less about my epeen or achievements in PvP. Sadly, I must play for fun since no one in my life gives a hoot about magnificent I am online.
  16. This. Gear progression does little except to provide players with more time to play a way to maintain an advantage over those who don't in my opinion. With or without gear progression, BW will lose subscriptions. The smart choice would be to cater to the larger number of subs affected by the decision, but keep in mind that our PvP crowd is a minority of the player base. I am fairly certain that BW will avoid making the hard choices and try to make everyone happy. Right now, very few on this forum seem to be happy with the current system. Maybe the tiered warzones will satisfy people. If there are tiers based on valor level and gear, that could work well as far as I'm concerned. However, we don't know what the rated zones will be like and the current system is weak in my opinion. More warzones is a must, I do agree with that wholeheartedly. I'd be surprised if we don't see one or more fairly soon. I still have some hope for PvP in the game.
  17. In all the reading I've done on 1.1.5, I've not seen a mention of when this patch will go in. Does anyone know?
  18. I've always wondered why we had to walk at all. I was on an alt last night and walked around a small area for a bit making kills for sport rather than have to walk a long way for missions. For the first few levels, this actually works well.
  19. My DOT sets a player on fire. Could you really cap a point when you're on fire? I kid...
  20. I share your concerns. I don't see how a stat system could truly reflect reality and think that people will quit warzones again to protect their stats. It all becomes meaningless at some point.
  21. That seems very fair to me as well, and I'm not a healer. Good post.
  22. Great post. I focus on objectives and probably lose a medal or two per match. I rarely receive MVP votes even if I score, cap, defend, and communicate. I can't always do damage when I'm sitting on a catwalk to remain open for a pass or defending a turret by myself. It can be mildly frustrating, but I understand the limitations of the game as it stands now. Hopefully, patch 1.2 will even things out.
  23. The best gear for PvP is a mix, but mostly PvP items. Read up on the forums and you'll see lots of discussions on the topic. With regard to not PvPing till level 50 because you'll get rolled... there is a separate bracket for level 50s. 10-49 players are "bolstered" so that their stats are equal. Of course, higher level players have more skills, but it's pretty competitive.
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