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Everything posted by Teenki

  1. So unlike WoW and every other MMO, where every new character you create encounters totally new and unexpected quests... I don't see where the poster mentioned WoW. Maybe you could point it out.
  2. Are legacies even transferred? I've read a few posts from Asiatic players that said their legacies didn't transfer.
  3. You are not being forced to go anywhere with a server merge. You stay where you are. All that happens is that more players are added to your server (actually this is how it will seem to every player). BW's transfer implementation on the other hand actually forces you to go where they say you can go. You get to choose a server that they decide you are allowed to transfer to.
  4. The lowest server rating should be "Your own personal server!"
  5. I dunno, Andrayah does a pretty good job. So does Kthx. Then there's Jederix. Can we vote for all of them?
  6. There's really not much difference between the story lines. Worse the planet quest lines are all static. By the time you're 15 you've saved a planet and millions of people. Rinse repeat until you're 50. Unfortunately nobody but you and a handful of npcs know. Also every planet you visit you save that planet from some nefarious plot using a planetary weapon/ancient relic of mass destruction. Really the amount of ultra-destructive super-weapons that exist in this universe is mindblowing. How is the empire/republic/pirates/unknown secrect club able to afford building all these? And how is the galaxy still intact? Point is you could only save the galaxy from imminent destruction so many times before it gets stale.
  7. Lol, there was somebody in Tython and Ord Mantell. Either those are unlucky new subs or bored 50s rolling alts.
  8. Well the one other player I was chatting with at fleet when I logged back in to my original server certainly agrees.
  9. Lol, I logged into Zaalbar Saturday afternoon. There was just me and another player on the fleet. We hung out by the GTN chatting about the sorry state of the server. It was so sad. Zaalbar had a really good population the first two months then just dwindled from there.
  10. Which is actually worrisome. When I re-rolled on Fatman end of March nightly queues were normal. Queus of 30 mins to an hour on weeknights were normal. Well I haven't seen a queue in two weeks. Fatman's population is dropping and it's reached the point where re-rolls are no longer enough to replace those leaving. Even Fatman is not immune to the D3 effect. If I can notice this on the Fatman I imagine it's much worse in other servers.
  11. The only way you're more informed than the rest of the forum posters regarding SWTOR server merges is if you're an employee of Bioware/EA. Based on your attitude and post history I wouldn't be surprised if you are. And yes we do need a server merge. Your opinion that we don't need one is no more valid than our opinion that we do.
  12. Ah no, my Jedi Shadow became a member of the council at the end of the class story.
  13. i don't care about the name or legacy of my original toons. If I can't bring over my main with all credits and items I'm gone.
  14. Fatman isn't as heavy as it used to be. It's 6.35 PM EST on a Saturday, absolute primetime for the server. Just two weeks ago there would be an hour queue. Not today. Haven't seen a queue since last weekend.
  15. Wow, from this : To this: That's a really sad commentary on the state of this game.
  16. At 5:25 PM EST (time you posted) Fatman at two weeks ago would be Heavy soon to be Full. In another half hour there would be a queue of around 300-400. That it's just showing as Standard now should tell you a lot.
  17. The only real issue I had with Voss was those two powertech Gormaks at the end of an area quest chain. All other bosses I was able to beat at level or +1. It probably helped that I did Voss with a Shadow with Cedrax as companion, effectively giving me five interrupts.
  18. I should clarify then at rep side. Just a month ago three phases of fleet wasn't unusual.
  19. I think even Fatman is starting to feel the population loss. I haven't seen a weeknight queue in over a week and last weekend's peak queue was just ten minutes. A far cry from the 15 minute weeknights and 1 hour weekends peak queues. D3 taking players away is real, I haven't seen fleet break 200 during peak since Monday. I hope I'm wrong tho, if Fatman dies that would truly mean this game is dead.
  20. I don't blame them for going with Bioware. They had two really succesfull SW games from Bioware. LucasArts probably looked at all the dev teams that have made games for them and saw that Bioware brought in the most money.
  21. I feel your pain. I'm from Zaalbar myself then re-rolled in Fatman. It's like night and day. I've logged into Zaalbar three times since leaving and fleet is just quiet. No chat at all and it seemed everybody that was in there was at the GTN terminals.
  22. Uhm no. You can be neutral by working with both sides. Just because you do work for one doesn't mean you can't do work for the other. Read about international underground weapons sellers and you'll know what I'm talking about.
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