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Everything posted by Divana

  1. Dulfy.net is a great resource. Check out the site which has loads of guides for different classes and specs, as well as great guides for a lot of the end-game operation content. http://www.swtor.com/r/GfTtVR <-------new or returning players click this referral link for free stuff!
  2. More or redistributed hooks added to the green space and the cave would be awesome. I would be very happy if we could continue to add decorations past the 100% cap. referral link - click for free stuff!
  3. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/krh7r - Cantina Code referral link - if you are a new sub, or newly returning sub, redeem for free stuff!
  4. Group content is for people who like to play in groups. Period. There is planet after planet of solo content to knock yourself out on.
  5. I agree that the mechanic is not that hard, but it is too unforgiving for a SM ops. When you add to that the cross not registering people's positions correctly, and rocks falling on people who can't see a red circle before they die, it's a problem. The solution is to make the encounter completable in spite of the bugs, since they do not seem to be able to fix the bugs. Decrease the aoe damage the adds do, and decrease the damage of the falling rocks to a reasonable amount - 25K? which will still be death if the healers are not keeping up with the damage. But please Bioware, when you fix it, don't hit it with a wrecking ball. Just do a couple of minor tweaks and see if that ups the completion rate. It's an interesting fight, and will be missed if they nerf it to oblivion, especially since the fight that follows it puts me to sleep.
  6. Get out more! Had you spent any time on fleet or Rishi, you would have seen a lot of discussion and constant spam from people selling lockouts, albeit in creative speak. It was not a secret.
  7. It would be nice if they dropped Ultimates, but gearing out in 192s will make the world of difference with the new content, and 192 armor/offhands do drop in the 60 HM FPs.
  8. Their silence does speak loudly. I will not spend another dollar for cartel coins. For those who replied above me that the community blew the whole thing out of proportion, I beg to differ. They said the machines were ok to use - have fun, but they may make an adjustment. This representation resulted in consumer confidence to spend real dollars for something that might be adjusted. Five days later came the patch. The changes were not what I would classify as an "adjustment" but rather reduced the only drops people wanted the machines for to a near zero chance of dropping. Had they initially said that they had not yet taken the time to review the impact the machine had on the economy and were currently looking at the issue, so all we devs can say right now is - have fun and it's not an exploit, but the possibility is real that significant changes may be made...the world would be a happy place. But no, that's not how it went down. I AM STILL MAD.
  9. While "we" might be at stage 3 (some of us at least I am personally still an angry Stage 2), it would appear BioWare is still strongly Stage 1 (the denial and isolation phase). They admit to making changes they felt necessary after looking at the product, but sadly didn't take 5 minutes to do that before Eric posted on this forum after he was clearly aware of the dozens of threads saying it was too good to be true look at it and confirm. So he gives it a green light which resulted in a flood of revenue for BioWare and FIVE DAYS LATER they decide ok, the players got their $$ worth, and completely repurpose it. I have visions of them slapping each other on the back over coffee each morning gleefully carrying on about how successful that swindle was and tossing around ideas they can use for the next bait and switch. Yep, I am STILL MAD.
  10. We need a volunteer or three! Isn't tonight the cantina event somewhere? Somebody buy them drinks (I'm not talking sissy drinks, I mean serious shots and more shots!!) and report back with an update. Stand strong! The bar bill is bound to be less than what I blew on Cartel packs.
  11. Thank you Nitblade, that made me laugh. I was hoping to log on today and see an explanation from Eric, but what was I thinking! Day two and I am still mad. I want an explanation.
  12. Then as a corporate mouthpiece surely he has a thick enough skin to read the posts and report back to powers that be how incredibly stupid it was to have him post on their official forum about the slot machine being just fine and dandy, albeit the Jawa Junk may be adjusted, which baited the corporate customer spend real dollars on something that would be changed to a completely different product FIVE DAYS LATER. Blatant misrepresentation tends to piss me off in a big way. So no, I will not stop blaming Eric Musco for the slot machine disaster.
  13. I have a theory that in a rush to get a fix in the patch there was: Little to no discussion re the fix + Little to no thought re potential impact + mathmatical error inputting said fix = unintended result. I am finding it hard to believe a change this drastic was intended as it clearly contradicts the patch notes and heads up/have fun with the slots posts by Eric. Of course, I am giving them the benefit of the doubt yet again and still holding onto the hope they are capable of recognizing and fixing the mistake. It takes so much more time to fix mistakes than it does to do it right the first time. Until they are able to stop the vicious cycle of rushing to put out fires with fixes that have not been thought through and tested, there is not much hope for the dev team.
  14. Bioware is getting attacked because they control the change, not the players. Their decisions of late seem to be either extreme (as is the case with the slots), or to ignore (as was the case with the Ravagers issue). They continue to fail at considering the long term effect of these decisions. So, while I agree that the forums have been painful to read with all the recent drivel, the angst generated has been as a result of decisions Bioware has made so they have it coming. At this point, they should be happy people care enough to post. If this continues for much longer I suspect that will not be the case as the number of people who care will likely move on to other games.
  15. That is just sad. Before 3.0 I just happily played through the game with no real complaints. Since 3.0, I feel like I am playing a beta version. I fail to understand how developers can be so far removed from a product this old that they do not think their decisions through and see what impact they will have in game. They must not test or play this game AT ALL. I get emotionally vested in MMOs that I play. My attachment to this game declines with each patch because it is just becoming more and more obvious they do not care about this game. Has it turned into one giant Bioware troll? Are we, the posters on this forum raging about their weekly patch screw ups their primary source of entertainment? Am I just paying to entertain trolls?
  16. The changes to the slots in this patch were not an adjustment - (FYI, the definition of adjustment is "a small change that improves something or makes it work better"). My question is, was this new change intended or will it be changed again in the next patch because this is all a bad dream? (Mommy...hold me!)
  17. If true, then they should have done just that and simply disabled them. But no, instead they have either removed any possibility of a scrap or certificate dropping, or made it so remote to be practically non-existent and have everyone spending tons of credits on %150 more expensive coins to test their product. Yep, I has mads.
  18. I too am curious how they arrived at this solution. It is obvious the Devs of this game are too understaffed to properly support their product by either taking the time to do any testing of it, or round tabling the impact of their decisions - and that assumes they are capable of making rational well thought decisions to begin with, which I seriously question. Do they even care about this game? Since 3.0 I have been waiting for Beta to be over. I did not agree to test out their product. Get it right people!
  19. I have to agree with the OP on this one. For the Devs to come out one week and say it's working as intended "have fun", and the next patch to obliterate any chance for any type of scrap is a slap in the face. It was not an adjustment, it was a removal. I did not get a single scrap for a stack of tokens, where before I would have expected at least 30 in total. AND they increased the cost of the coins %150?!?!? Is Bioware so understaffed they make all decisions with ZERO thought on what impact it might have and ZERO testing? It appears that way. Are they all really that removed from the game they develop to be entirely clueless what impact their decisions have on the game? Slot - test 1 stack and see the results, discuss, adjust, done. (30 minutes tops) Ravagers - oh man, vacation, super big issue developing no time to deal with it...shut the flipping instance down for a couple weeks until a fix can be made (15 minutes tops, and hours and hours saved of time having to go through and figure out who did what and how do we fix it). I have one foot out the door. Help me Obiwan!
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