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Everything posted by PibbyPib

  1. Of their own tastes, of course-- that goes without saying. But Lucas wasn't (apparently) meaning to make a movie exclusively for 9-year-olds. You can appeal to little kids without annoying the hell out of adults.
  2. The Star Wars franchise would be SO much better today if Lucas had just flown into the Bermuda Triangle and disappeared in 1985.
  3. I hear Lucas is adding new CGI scenes that turn the movie into a romantic comedy set in 1990's New York.
  4. Yep. Anakin should've replaced Maul by killing him. Would've been much more meaningful than killing Space Saruman, who you've really only just met and have no reason to care about one way or the other.
  5. My 9-year-old nephew thinks poop is funny. Nine year olds aren't often a good barometer-- that's all I'm saying.
  6. I like that droid. If he could carry a gun, none of my other companions would ever leave my space Winnebago.
  7. Correction: There are a lot of SORCERORS on your server. Sorcerors could be their own faction, I swear to god.
  8. I don't know, but I wish you good luck *edit* all things.
  9. I've noticed that, too, and I have NO idea. They look identical, have all the same stats... and a different name. Were they planning to have two different looks or something? That's all I can think of.
  10. I hope so, sheesh. Really ruins it. I took screenshots of the closing screens just in case... is it worth bothering submitting a complaint, do you think?
  11. I did two PvP matches this evening, and in both, my team was spanked like I've never been spanked before. I mean we were just completely steamrolled from the beginning. They'd grabbed two control points on Alderaan by the time I had barely reached the first one, and I ran straight for it. At least a few of the same players were on the opposing side in both matches. By the time the end of the match rolled around on Alderaan, most of their team was actually hanging around just underneath our platform, waiting for the sacrificial lambs to jump off. Anyway, sometimes you get spanked, I understand this-- but this was really amazingly off. And all the way through both matches, people on my team kept referring to some kind of hack and saying these people ought to be banned for it, but no one would tell me what they were talking about. :/ So ANYWAY... are people exploiting in Warzones right now?
  12. Huh? The VIP lounge makes my computer spit a free candy bar out from the disk drive when I go there. Yours must be broken.
  13. Whoah-- an ultimatum. Put the gun down, please!
  14. Huh? Did I miss a patch preview thing?
  15. I don't know who would be bothered by it... other than trolls who say they've unsubbed when they haven't, I mean.
  16. When you look at the popularity of the different classes, I still can't believe they opened with an Operative/Scoundrel nerf instead of a Sorceror/Sage nerf. Operative and Scoundrels were by far the least-played, and Sages/Sorcerors are everwhere. That alone kind of tells you who is overpowered and who isn't.
  17. I knew it was going to be that routine when I saw the title. I love that guy-- he's hilarious.
  18. That's been the case in every MMORPG I've seen released after WoW. Armor appearances reach a peak in the high mid-range, when they look both cool and practical. Then you hit the high level stuff and everyone looks like a Transformer who's gagging on a human.
  19. It's alright-- you don't need to demand that. I AM MAJIKTHISE.
  20. "FROGDOG THROWS TO FROGDOG. NICE ***!" It always sounds like he says "***" there.
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