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Everything posted by PibbyPib

  1. That 1.7 million number must really make you feel like a moron.
  2. Well see, those are longer spans of time, Einstein. A person could reasonably expect to see some changes in six months. Not in two.
  3. I've been really impressed by their environment lighting. They have a very illustrative sort of style in SWtOR that looks great. Sort of like an illustration in 3 dimensions. The color choices on the lights are really nicely done, and the placement has this nice sort of stepped thing going on.
  4. That's cool, I may even follow you-- who knows? I usually give MMORPGs a good six months to a year before expecting much, though I do like to be around at launch just for the newness.
  5. "It hasn't gotten better". LMAO-- the thing has been out for... what? Two months? *Almost*? Is this your first mmorpg? Oh wait-- you referenced WoW in the title. Hmm, well, I don't know what to tell you. Enjoy whatever.
  6. I'm inclined to agree. An example of placing objects in a personal ship. It would make sense to let people decorate their own ships with trophies at whatnot when guild capital ships are introduced. It'd basically be the same functionality.
  7. So long as it's themselves. When it isn't, then the game is inherently unbalanced.
  8. Then you don't care about stats on PvP gear, right? I mean, if the experience of playing gives you a big edge, why should a dedicated PvPer get a statistical advantage on top of that? You're already a shark in a goldfish tank. You don't need a laser strapped to your head as well.
  9. That's actually a really cool idea. One giant community until you join a PvP warzone or make some sort of official split somewhere down the line.
  10. I like my electric *** kisser. It would be cool to replace his voice and attitude with , though. "You aren't going to wear that helmet OUT, are you, sir?"
  11. The fact that the people who cry about "balance" are also the ones scrambling to get stat advantages in PvP says a lot about the cries for balance.
  12. The difference is way too high-- especially considering the exploiting that went on. I've never understood why PvP gear should give you an actual statistical advantage in PvP. You've already done hundreds of matches to get it-- that alone is a massive edge over the average player. It's like if Lance Armstrong was going to join your local bike rice, and so to show their appreciation, the town let him ride a motorcycle. The OP here is pretty much admitting that he's the biggest "carebear" of them all, as he actually wants a hutch stat advantage over his opponents so he can farm them.
  13. See? There's always a new popular whine. Now that Operatives/Scoundrels have been nerfed, the QQ sites move on to the next target. And once this one is chopped down, there'll be another, and another, and eventually everyone has been battered into the same bland shape. I do play an Operative and a Scoundrel, so of course those nerfs annoyed me particularly-- but even so, I don't want the process to just progress to the next target. Sometimes nerfs are in order, of course. But not often. Generally speaking, I think a class should be balanced for PvE, period. If that shakes out to being overpowered or underpowered in PvP, tough noogies.
  14. Aw, why do people hate that poor droid? I like him. He's like butler. Who wants to touch you.
  15. You are a bad person and you should feel bad.
  16. Yep, it looks good to me, too. If you want to have a good laugh, open one of the threads on high res textures next to one of the threads on poor frame rates, and take note of the same people demanding both. lol
  17. lol, that's exactly what it is. There are a lot of nice side-perks, like being able to get gear easily, but it really is more about wanting to seem special, lol. I hated the Scoundrel at first. But eventually the snowflake syndrome changed my mind about it.
  18. Anyone who has played an MMORPG with a player vs. player element has seen where they inevitably go once the devs start listening to PvPers. Every interesting skill any class has is sanded down to a nub, until every class is essentially the same, and they're all boring. And screams of "imbalance" continue unabated anyway. Too many people are just incapable of getting their mind around the fact that they are not actually the Chosen One/A-Number 1 Superstar. Maybe it's because their 'self-esteem' was coddled too much-- I don't know. But when they lose in a game, they will *always* say it's the game's fault. I don't expect classes to be balanced in PvP. I kind of miss the days when there were universally-acknowledged gimp classes. The really skilled players could find some way to make them work, and when they spanked some Flavor of the Month player who thought he had an "I Win" button, it was actually pretty impressive.
  19. I generally go for the least-played class/faction, so I ended up playing a Scoundrel.
  20. I've already seen my favorite class nerfed heavily to service PvP whiners. I hope they don't do the same thing to healers. I miss the days when classes were designed to function ideally in PvE. If some were weaker in PvP than others (and some always were), then tough. You just dealt with it. You either rerolled or learned to do *something* with the tools you had. Taking PvPer whines into account when adjusting classes inevitably strips them of their interesting elements, and makes everyone into the same bland thing.
  21. I honestly don't know what you're talking about.
  22. Yeah, but he was standing on a little hill thing, meaning he had the high ground and was invincible. So it doesn't count.
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