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Everything posted by Tessie

  1. We have the exact same preferences. And you perfectly described the scenarios I felt I was forced into. I currently pick my companions based upon the following priorities: ranged vs melee not too chatty, or if they are, not annoying phrases appearance (face, body, clothes if they aren't customizable, weapons) ability animations the voice acting less common (example: I don't want to use Lana for no other reason than too many others do) If there was a bonus to tanking, healing, or DPS I know that I would probably insert that decision between #1 and #2. I very much enjoy not being pushed toward a certain companion due to some fixed role they excel at. I already feel that with the ranged vs melee differences I'm already guided toward a subset of companions and I would hate to see the subset get narrower based upon another differentiation.
  2. I think you are making an assumption that increased lore knowledge and the act of exploring will cause people to want to roleplay. There is a difference between immersion and roleplaying. A player may want to be immersed without engaging in roleplaying. Many of the people who play this game are sufficiently familiar with the universe by virtue of their exposure to the Star Wars films. And some people have knowledge from having played KOTOR 1 & 2. In this game you can go from a padawan to a knight to a master very quickly in the story and that has nothing to do with their level. A character's level and their rate of experience gains are just game mechanics and are not tied to the story. They have nothing to do with the players ability to roleplay or their desire to roleplay. The value you place on doing things because they "might" encourage roleplaying is at the expense of quality of life features for both roleplayers and non-roleplayers. You are also making assumptions or implying that your guilds and friends have decreased in numbers because of the experience changes. There are many people who don't play the same game for 4 years. Some people lose interest or prioritize gameplay differently.
  3. You can access it in collections by going to the pack it was in. I was able to unlock it account wide.
  4. Finally our choices matter! If you choose to subscribe you get HK-55. If you don't choose to subscribe you get nothing.
  5. I've gotten 18 adaptive circuitry today, from the rich and bountiful missions. I'm using Scorpio with 50 influence and the Ithorian with 43 influence to run them.
  6. I'd prefer they charge for cosmetic items. Otherwise people would complain about the game being pay to win. They do give subscribers a discount on changing appearance items.
  7. Myself and others are having the same issue. There's a couple other threads on this same issue. I'd suggest you open up a support ticket.
  8. You may speak for me on this issue. Therefore, there at least two of us, so you qualify for the "We" you used. Its sad how people are more concerned about your pronouns than how some in the community are feeling frustrated with the change. They focus on two letters "we" and ignore the rest of the post.
  9. I don't believe making it easier for people to not subscribe would result in higher subscriptions.
  10. I am a CE owner who feels that the value I got was sufficient. The fact that they continue to add exclusive things to the vendor this long after release is a nice and unexpected bonus. I don't know what more people would expect to have for the money. The statue they included wasn't cheap to produce in those quantities. The other items in the box were also made just for the CE version.
  11. After you destroyed the Star Fortress, in heroic mode, did you "travel to contact" and talk to her to complete the mission. After doing that I had to log out, and log back in.
  12. I think you already knew the answer before you wrote this post. There isn't any system that is going to be guaranteed to do what you're asking for. You can go with an overkill system, but you know there are going to be situations due to latency, server load, and possible game related issues that can cause the dips in performance that you are saying you want to avoid. An NVMe SSD, a GTX 980 ti, a current generation i7 processor, 32GB+ RAM, and a Killer network card, are extreme overkill for what you need to have to reach your 30 fps over 90% of the time. But there isn't any system that will reach it 100% of the time. I'm guess from your post though, you already knew that.
  13. How about they put many items on a special subscriber vendor. Then each month we get one or more tokens to spend on the vendor. They could also do something like, "players who have been subscribed for the past 6 consecutive months or longer will receive double the tokens". They could also make it so anyone who buys a 6 month subscription, immediately begins receiving the double tokens.
  14. More companions are coming back with future chapters. However, if you're looking for a conspiracy, I'm certain you'll find it.
  15. I've heard it said that Sage is the easiest to play and the hardest to master. I don't know if that's the truth, but I've realized in playing a sage that it is very easy to be lazy with your rotations, resource management, CC, etc. I don't do many WZ anymore, but when I did there was a huge variation in my results based upon whether I was playing on an evening after a hard day at work, or if I were fresh and rested on a weekend morning.
  16. I had Scorpio at influence 50 and had a horrible time keeping agro off of her. I'm a sage in 216/220 crystal purchased gear. We both were spec'd for healer. I was able to complete this solo on my second attempt, but Scorpio died when the last boss was at about 20% health. It ended up being a very long kiting match for me.
  17. I was able to buy it on Harbinger for 7.5 million credits. Check your GTN at multiple times during the day to catch when different sellers are relisting their items.
  18. I wonder how many people would play a plus sized female body type because they either identify with it personally, or choose to role play as that character. Compared to how many would play that body type as a means to elicit a negative reaction from others. Would more harm than good be done by having it. And this is aside from the technical impact of adding an additional body type. What changes and testing would be needed for every single clothing option in the game. Would there also be a desire to have clothing introduced that was more flattering for the plus sized body type? I would hate to see anything introduced that would result in fat shaming, hateful speech toward those who chose those body types, or create an environment where people end up feel more self-conscious about their real world looks. Arguably, this is a game with cartoonish avatars that don't likely represent the majority of people that play them. So asking for yet another cartoonish variation of something that a person will still unlikely be able to identify with may not be a solution.
  19. Get it to influence 10 by feeding it Artwork (from the jawa scrap vendors). I had to log out and back in so that the tricks would show up in my abilities, under companion. I couldn't find a way to add them to any toolbar or to hotkey them.
  20. Here's an alternative suggestion: Create a new level 1 character Grind mobs on your starter planet until level 8 Go to the fleet and unlock crafting skills which takes you to over level 10 (with crafting trainer mission) Get a companion you want to keep (that won't be lost to the KotFE story) - I chose Akk Dog Feed your companion gifts until they get to influence level 50 Experience the story in an alternative way to how you would normally play
  21. The class stories are complete. You can not go back to them.
  22. As I played through 4.0 I kept wondering to myself if they're setting the stage for that ship to become a stronghold. I like the idea of having a choice of ships.
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