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Everything posted by Remulan

  1. I can't imagine that if you are outside the zone that it will assign loot to you as you won't be credited for the boss kill unless you are inside when he dies. Who knows with this game though, since apparantly some bosses can kill you while you are standing in the fleet, maybe they can give you loot too.
  2. Just leave the planet, go to the fleet, complete your advanced class choice, find someone else who isn't your base class, and 2 man BT. You should get a chest drop that is orange with better stats and you can keep upgrading the mods in it as you level. I had this same issue on my alt BH I am levelling, but 10 minutes into BT and all was well.
  3. What skill are you getting 5k crits with as a sorc? Please do tell.
  4. I never said the heal was useless, I asked how many times is your ENTIRE raid stacked for 12s to get healing from it. Obviously there are parts of an encounter where everyone or a large percent of the raid is stacked and the heal is great, but to say that happens all the time, like was implied in the op, is being disingenuous.
  5. The sorc/sage aoe heal only heals everyone in the raid if they all stand in an 8 meter circle for 12 seconds. Not something that happens too often in ops.
  6. We killed him on Nightmare and got a bunch of columni crap.
  7. You didn't know it because it isn't true, like much of the rest of his post.
  8. Remulan

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    I have found that reading numerous nerf sorc threads today that whiners, almost all of them, will list out all the positive aspects of sorc spells and abilities while completely ignoring the negative aspects that balance the class. For example the amount of misinformation and straight up lies about the sorc aoe heal is pretty amazing.
  9. What makes sorc heals OP? Please use actual facts and don't list all the positive aspects of our spells while completely leaving out the negative aspects that balence the spells.
  10. You also have to stand in one place, an 8m circle, for 12s to get the full healing amount from the sorc aoe heal, but like I said before, don't let facts get in your way.
  11. Or it's like that because to actually get any healing from it you have to be standing in an 8m circle for 12 seconds, don't let facts get in your way though.
  12. Testing this would actually be quite easy if I wasn't at work. 1) Duel anyone who is biochem with the armor adrenal handy. 2) Shoot them with lightning, write down numbers 3) Have them pop the armor adrenal and repeat step 2 4) compare numbers I fairly positive that the lightning does not have a variance in damage, in that it always deals the same amount across the ticks assuming static defensive stats on the target, since there is no damage range listed on the skill, so one test should be all that is needed.
  13. Remulan

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    Yea, I have a battlemaster of every class but sorc and every time I go up against one they kill me in 5 seconds no matter which of my 9 other battlemaster toons I am playing. I am obviously good because I have so many battlemasters and everything I say is true because you are reading it.
  14. You don't expect people to use facts, that won't help them get sorcs nerfed.
  15. Do you know what buffs the sorc who hit you had? Did he have adrenal, trinket, and expertise buff all running together? did he have bloodlust? Were you debuffed by someone else? See, these are things that you know the answer to in a controlled test. You can not take any data obtained in a warzone as anything other than muddy water.
  16. All I see is a bunch of bs and no one with actual numbers from a controlled test. Do you really think testing it by attacking different people in a warzone who all have varying amounts of expertise that you don't know the values of is going to prove anything at all except that you failed high school science?
  17. Show me the test results (with numbers) instead of spouting off incorrect bs on the forums.
  18. All you people complaining about the sorc aoe heal obviously have no idea how it even works. You read the talent description on torhead or something and think you know what it is and then proceed to whine about how much healing it does. Here are the facts on the sorc aoe heal: 1) it has a 2 sec activation time 2) it is a ground targetted circle, which means anyone not standing in the fairly small area the circle covers get 0 heals from it. 3) it costs a large amount of force 4) it has a fairly long cooldown as far as healing spells go 5) the sage version is much better because it heals the same over the duration with a large upfront heal when cast. For all of the other complaining about sorcs, they are actually one of the weakest pvp healers when focused and interupted. Every heal they have except for the weak hot and the shield either has an activation time or a channel time. If you focus and interupt a sorc his only option is to run away and heal himself, not his team. Yes, sorcs do have a few ways to escape (stun, force speed, etc), but they are neccesary because the sorc also wears light armor which means they have the least amount of mitigation in pvp of the healers. Poor mitigation + dependency on cast times = an easy target in pvp for a COMPETANT team to shut down. If you leave a sorc alone in the back, they can put out some great healing numbers, but when they are running back from their spawn, their healing isn't so good. Also, dropping aoe heals on voidstar and racking up huge numbers because of the design of the wz doesn't make sorc healing overpowered. Just because you saw a screenshot with big numbers on it doesn't mean anything, you should maybe think about things in context.
  19. If it is an organized team, why are the healers not spam dispelling the ball carrier so that the roots don't stick?
  20. The only exploit that needs to be fixed is the fact that you can reset your debuff and stay up there the whole match. Once they fix that, it really isn't an issue. The kill zone is there FOR you to pull people into to break a camp of your spawn point.
  21. Please show me just 1 valor 100 person. You claim there are thousands from yesterday, so show me just 1.
  22. People without healing spells shouldn't be getting ANY healer medals. Thankfully it looks like they fixed that crap.
  23. Obviously something you do with 3 other people and get less rewards for should be harder than something you do with 7 other people and get more rewards for.....
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