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Everything posted by Senden

  1. Looking over talents, you're not kidding, I can only imagine the damage I can do with all that rage. I guess I might as well enjoy it while it lasts, only a week and a bit to go
  2. Just got to level 40 and just unlucked Massacre. Still, while I'm not experienced with it yet, I was wondering when the optimal time to use it in pvp was? I'd assume it would be when everything is on cooldown and you only have a small bit of rage left however figured I'd ask now and experiment later.
  3. That's very idealistic and while we'd all love for life to be like that, it just simply isn't the case. Everyone can benefit from some alone time to do as they wish, anyone who disagrees with this is fooling themselves.
  4. The guy managed to get rid of his wife and kids for the evening to give himself some alone time to game.. instead of telling him that he should have went cinema, people should be giving him medals.
  5. Was going to make a joke about how they'll outsource the QA team to China but that would probably actually be a good thing.
  6. Well they've patched their patches so much now that they've probably built up an immunity to fans complaints.
  7. It's peak hours in Europe. You might find it hard to believe but life actually exists outside of America.
  8. Lol! I had to admit I cringed when I read "Double XP = Double the Fun" and thought they really need catchier slogans. Timing of the maintenance sucks somewhat too, right before double xp starts and right bang at the time people from Europe come home from work/finished dinner and wanted to spend their Friday evening playing SWTOR.
  9. Might I recommend you find something more productive to do with your time than to play the role of the grammar police. One of the worst things on all forums are the ignorant trolls who have nothing more productive to say than to insult another person's grammar especially considering the person might not even speak English as their first language.
  10. At this rate we'll be paying Cartel Coins to sit down on seats. I dread to think where this game will be in a year's time, I hope whoever EA brings in as their CEO has more respect for subscribers.
  11. Not a big deal but was wondering why Vette's slave collar isn't showing as come off? I done the convo and took it off but it's still showing. It shows as off when I do the conversations with her but normally shows it as on.
  12. http://consumerist.com/2013/03/18/here-are-your-contestants-for-the-2013-worst-company-in-america-tournament/ Seems the consumerist are having their annual worst company in America tournament and it couldn't come at a worse possible time for EA with the whole Sim City drama. Anyway, I wonder if there will be enough trolls again this year voting for EA.
  13. Wow someone makes a thread and the hate trolls come out to play.. everyone over at the Sim City forums go on about EA employed trolls that use forums to downplay the bad stuff however in this thread alone it really does make me think they actually exist.. now someone pass me my tinfoil hat! Seriously though, the confrontational nature of people on here is absolutely toxic, most of the points the OP made are very good yet everyone on here just wants to discredit him based on the title, pretty pathetic tbh. Anyway, maybe the topic title is misleading but even the CEO quit stating he wasn't meeting targets. Now seeing how EA like to sugar coat everything, I'd consider that a fairly honest statement. Are EA still profitable? Sure but are they bringing in the profits to satisfy their shareholders? Regardless, it's no secret that EA have a lot of room for improvement especially in their image among gamers.
  14. Started on my Imperial Agent finally after hearing so much good things about the story. Anyhow, I notice Kaliyo wears heavy armour and basically will be using BH gear and tbh I don't really want that look for her. Was thinking of getting an adaptive armour set of some sort but seems like quite a bit to choose from.. anybody got any suggestions?
  15. Been making use of the double xp to level up my gunslinger a bit and I must say that I'm finding the story a bit so so at the moment. Up until Corusant was decent however on Taris especially and to a lesser extent Nar Shadda, I felt like nothing more than an errand boy. I don't feel much like a Smuggler that's for sure. Does it improve? About to start Tantooine which I'm hoping will be a little more fun. Also, are gunslingers the best burst dps pvp wise in the game? At level 26 I'm doing so much damage and feel almost invincible 1v1. Regardless, kicking a sith in the nuts has to be one of the most satisfying things in the game.
  16. What is it about this community/game that makes these forums so darn toxic? Every thread there seems to be people hating on others just for having a difference in opinion.. even the WoW forums have more mature objective discussions. I think the OP and those unhappy about the double XP have a fair point and that an option in future should be included to turn it off. This is an MMO after all and some people want to progress slowly and explore each quest/area stories with one character. I've tried this in the past and it's hard enough already without double xp without out-leveling an area.
  17. Was tempted to actually buy this once my monthly coins came in and seeing how expensive the chest is selling for on my server.. have BW mentioned anywhere why they took the set down? Makes no sense to me tbh.
  18. I remember when people were asking for loyalty reward schemes and in every such thread there would be people going on about self entitlement and how we're not entitled to anything. It's ironic that now that we have a "loyalty" system in place that people are still unhappy. Still, what were people expecting? We're dealing with EA here, it's only natural the loyalty scheme would be based more on rewarding their bank balance than the players.
  19. I think calling the stuff in the vendor fluff items is downplaying it quite a bit.. most of the stuff there are vanity items some of which are going to be quite desirable. Having a check at the list and I must admit that some of the stuff I'm quite interested in. Still, while I hate this, Pay to win is getting taken completely out of context. that aside though, to try and justify this as a "rewards scheme" is absurd.. this is an MMO not a bleeding retail chain. If they want to reward anyone, go reward long term subscribers with similar benefits for x amount of months subbed instead of those who spend additional money.
  20. As long as it brings in more $$, it isn't stepping over the line in EA's eyes. It's actually a very creative way to do things because there is bound to be sheeple who are going to go out and spend stupid amounts to get the rep up. With a bit of luck, they won't do this sort of thing in the future but I won't hold my breath.
  21. Wow, reputation grind by spending real money? EA rears it's ugly head yet again.. when is the next vote for worst company in America?
  22. Leveling on my powertech, I never get noticed for guarding healers and trying to keep attackers off them. Imho, MVP system should just be removed from the game. Half the time, the people who get the votes are the brain dead morons who focus on nothing but attacking enemies. Was in a warzone earlier and some guy got 4 votes.. he done nothing all game but stealth all the way up to the enemy completely ignoring the objective even if enemies were capping. Also on the topic of MVP votes, why do the people who do the boring dirty never get votes? It's probably a lot different in level 50 warzones but while leveling, that lone person defending one of the side objectives on Alderaan, staying there the entire game and always calling out as soon as he needs help, never gets votes.
  23. Currently nearing level 18 for my legacy and really want to get to level 20 fast as I want to buy a certain level 20 legacy armour set for one of my characters. Is there any sort of faster way to gain legacy xp? Like does leveling higher level characters mean more legacy xp or does it remain consistent regardless of level? I'm asking because i'm quite the alt-aholic and have various different levels that I can potentially level to get my legacy xp up.
  24. Decided to spend nearly a whole level leveling through warzones and while not keeping a proper check on how much xp I was making, I managed to notice that once I leveled and the next warzone I done the morning after, I found that my xp gain had gone up significantly. Towards the end of level 34, I was making about 10-13k per warzone however once I reached 35 and after doing some pve, the next day I got 19k xp for a fast loss. So I'm guessing the xp scales, when does it reset? After you level? The following day?
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