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Everything posted by Gorrdan

  1. Wait till trolls come in here and tell you to 'Lel..L2P..lel"
  2. People like him only make our point for us as to why we prefer comps over players in game. I have enough hair splitting experiences in OPS and FPs, i thougth atleast i can do dailies in peace but even that is not possible now.
  3. Last poll with overwhelming majority against nerfing companions was ignored. I doubt they will take this into consideration either.
  4. Unsubbed. Companions made going through same content that i have done millions of time tolerable but now grind is back again and i am so over spamming LFG for dailies. If BW doesn't want causal players in their game, its their choice.
  5. I will give it a shot as a tank. Even though with my low influence i doubt it will make any difference.
  6. I underlined something so simple that these elitists with their heads shoved so far up their *** are failing to grasp. Its not about being bad at our class. it is about time management and not wanting to pull our hair out doing same dailies which we have done million times already. Comps made that part of content tolerable
  7. You think it is about people not knowing how to play their class really? even though majority of people against companion nerf are veteran or founders. Its not about skills buddy it is about finally having a smooth play through the daily content grind which we have been doing for forever now.
  8. I tried with a healing class, which did a little better but on my DPS classes? No chance with my lvl 10 companions. Also i noticed that healing sometimes doesn't trigger on time or is very inconsistent.
  9. Thanks. The whole purpose of KOTFE was to make daily grind easier not more difficult considering how many of those are now. I was still playing in group in OPS and FP's where grouping really is needed not in daily grind.
  10. He is just trolling us. Feedback is coming in and so far OP is the only one who thinks its balanced now.
  11. I do group in FPs and OP's. if you think i am going to start spamming LFG for dailies then you are out of your mind. I have 10 alts and i love playing them all. Right now i would rather drag my balls through broken glass than even think about doing daily heroics on my alts.
  12. Comps are now even weaker than they were during 3.0 which absolutely makes no sense. When rank 50 comps are getting destroyed what chance do you think players like me have?
  13. More like abandon the game till they fix this. Comps are useless again now as healers.
  14. I did couple of times. But this new content really pulled me in because i wasn't forced to depend upon other players to complete daily content. I was happy soloing at my own pace and jump into OPS and FP whenever i felt like through GF.
  15. I mentioned in my OP that i have been playing since release and this last month was most enjoyable due to the new pace that was set for completing content thanks to buff to comps healing.
  16. Well then casual players like me with low level companions stand no chance here. Looks like time to find another game. But hey at least i had one very good month.
  17. Just imagine what chance do players like me stand who have lvl 8 to lvl 10 comps. I am getting wiped in makeb on gold and silver mobs because my comp can;'t keep up with heals.
  18. Been there and done that really, I was very happy that i could level alts and play through same content over and over again considering the smooth leveling and being able to complete heroics and dailies at my own pace. This nerf was really excessive and people like me with low influence comp stand no chance now. This last month was probably the most fun i had in SWTOR since release. Although short lived.
  19. Lvl 53 Jedi Sentinel. Rank 8 Kira Carsen ( All my other comps are rank 1 to 5 and they died in matter of seconds too) One gold star, one silver and 4 normal mob. Kira dead in seconds and then me. And this is just questing and dealing with those tight spots which are jam packed with mobs. She can not keep up with healing. And yesterday i did couple of Heroics without any trouble. I will try this for couple of other characters but i don't see myself continue for long because this grind for dailies is why i quit in first place. I have lost all will to log in after this. And i played a lot during this last month more than i played since release. Have fun with influence grind and even then who knows how they heal at high levels. Earlier atleast people with low influence comps had a shot at completing content at smooth rate.
  20. Yes there is something else. Learn to read? no one is asking to make flashpoints or operations solo. As far as organizing things and planning things ahead. I already do that at this thing called a 'job'. I don't need another one. And i surely don;;t want to waste my evening because i have to depend upon someone who may or may not have time to help me. When you are as old as i am. Time is a luxury.
  21. I put more hours this month doing all the older content than i ever did since launch. Yes the new companions were that much fun.
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