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Everything posted by Gorrdan

  1. In other words people who would be ready to drop everything they are doing every time i need them. Yeah good luck with that.
  2. Umm the common definition of game is entertainment. Now your idea of entertainment could be getting kicked in balls repeatdly but i am sure that is not how everyone feels.
  3. I think their server status page glitched for a second?
  4. I was refreshing the server status page and for one minute it showed all servers are up.
  5. :For a minute i thought i could log in. All hopes dashed again.
  6. He will be back tomorrow you know it, i know it and he knows it.
  7. You are not forced to pay the sub. In fact you are not forced to play the game at all. Please stop talking nonsense. You play the game because it is your choice just how participating in solo or group style of play is a choice.
  8. Is definition for MMO written in stone that a player has to play with you every time something needs to be done? just by being in an environment where he has to interact with other players even if it just means being a part of your guild or trading on GTN, he is participating and being part of the online community. Quit shoving your idea of what MMO means down the throats of others.
  9. Majority of people who complained are mostly those who spend 8 to10 hours in front of PC everyday. For rest of us gaming is hobby and a fun time pass time. But the vocal minority as usual ruins for the majority.
  10. I have a question. Does BW usually listen to what player base has to say as long as it is not related to adding items to Cartel store?
  11. All the reason why people were enjoying companions as they were, to break the monotony of running same dailies everyday. It actually made older content lot more fun especially heroics.
  12. Luckily not all the 1000 000 customers are throwing tantrums over here.
  13. I am sure Bioware would be happy to transfer 50 cents into your account. That is how much money you lost today out of your enormous 15 bucks a month.
  14. So much for reading all your nonsense for an entire day yesterday regarding how H2+ are intended to be done with another player when developers say the complete opposite.
  15. Given the attitude of most of the people in this thread i will stick to my companions thank you. No one wants to group with such condescending 'know it all' pros.
  16. What do you think the free transfers were for? so that people could consolidate themselves to their server of choice. Just a month before KOTFE there were requests for more server merges and this issue has been coming up a lot since 2014. You just have to google and see how many people were asking for another round of server merge. It died out a bit with new content release, but how long is that gonna last?
  17. In years? http://dulfy.net/2014/12/15/swtor-goals-for-addressing-server-concerns/ You forgot to add your neighbors and all your imaginary friends to list. My ******** detector is on overdrive this afternoon.
  18. Considering the numbers of servers that are left and how they have to merge servers every few month i wouldn't be so sure. I love the game and i really don't want more people to leave and more servers being shut down.
  19. I will unsub too because i have no intentions to deal with annoying people just to complete every day heroics unless it is OPS or FP.
  20. Yeah with an attitude like that i wouldn't even want to team up with you even though i have never used a lvl 60 token. You sound like a real douche.
  21. I love the changes. now i can play with any companion i like.
  22. Has anyone ever though that if they stop opening their wallets maybe BW will decided to change the prices a bit? they are only supplying what is in demand. if prices are too high don't buy anything. Simple.
  23. Wrong. Read the description when you are about to to make level 60 character. It clearly says that your character would automatically complete all previous story content and expansions. Does anyone read the text in games anymore?
  24. Well i guess almost every game out there is desperate compared to SWTOR then considering they give lots of perks to their old customers. In my own personal experience more generous the f2p model is more players are willing to spend money on cash shop. GW2 s perfect example. All of their revenue comes from cash shop. They even stopped charging for the client.
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