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Everything posted by Osdorof

  1. So why would i come to the forums and make suggestions about my class. Maybe because i know my class. Now why would i not come to forums and make suggestions about other classes that i dont play even if i know what they can do. I am also not playing it for 2 years, its more than 3 now. I was also on the closed pts and made suggestions on how to bring operative more in line with the other healing classes. good day to you too
  2. I did respond. I said you dont hit the nail. Hardswitches are already destroyed by the current meta, no matter of cleanses. Why do i ask now ? it has always been like this but asking this as operative would have created *****torm from ppl like you. I did not say anything about double breaker. I don't care about you thinking i want to be overpowered/stonger than the other healing classes. I want it to be balanced. Same goes for the operative cleanse. It is bugged at the moment. It doesnt work on mental. I made a post about it. Are you going to say now: thats ok because operatives have been strong for x amount of time ? Why i always say last sentence? The thread should not be spammed with personal issues not helping with the subject. That's exactly what you are doing cause it seems like you have a personal problem with me or my team.
  3. Can be one of the earlier patches because my last root bug was 3 months ago or something so you may be right.
  4. You dont. IF this thread is about anything close to qq like 'my class is too weak' then it would be about merc dps and operative dps. Classes that have been much weaker than your sorc when it comes to ranked and especially team ranked. I guess you don't think about cleansing on dps classes then. Last sentence again... Anything to say now ?
  5. that happens when you use/spam exfiltrate while you get lag spikes
  6. That's not true. Since exfiltrate was introduced the bug was there and NOTHING helped you out of it. Now the sorc pull did/does...
  7. Operative: I just got the root bug (exfiltration bug) in an arena at the end of a round. The sorc in my team pulled me and suddenly i could move again. Maybe also works with beeing cc'd again. It's not rly fixed but it's better than before - gj bw
  8. The operative healer cleanse Is bugged. It does not work on mental effects like intimidating roar Allthough it should, according to tooltip. There is also another issue with cleanses, please read here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=781919
  9. Bin vorgestern mit nur 3 Teilen vom neuen set (sonst alles brutalizer) und komplett ohne neue augments auf 4.2k hps gekommen. Es ist locker noch Luft nach oben. (Sabo) Ob man in bgs oder Arena mehr Macht kommt immer aufs bG/Arena an. man darf halt nicht sterben und es sollte durchgehend Druck herrschen. Wenn ein Team das andere ein mal komplett wipen kann war's das schon mit netten Zahlen. In Arena ist es viel leichter viel hps/dps zu provozieren da man anfangs einfach schnell aufeinander zu rennen und direkt loslegen kann. Am Ende sollten alle gleichzeitig sterben oder zumindest schnell nacheinander und schon hat man schöne Zahlen... Man schaue sich nur mal dieses pre 3.0 4.xk hps Video an. Alle stacken, keine cc's oder interrupts aufm Heiler, verbesserter phasewalk für healbonus und sobald einer gestorben ist haben alle anderen schnell /stuck...
  10. everything correct. I would favour solution #2 or #3. (also please fix operatives cleanse - mental cleanse doesn't work if you're specced healer)
  11. Are you players really now qq'ing about a state that will most likely only last 1 week? Seriously now how are they going to manage everybody getting pops in this 1 week if they don't just leave it like it is? 3.0 did not hit us suddenly - we all had WEEKS to prepare for it, now dont tell me everybody logs on his level 31 character to complain about everything just when the patch hits....
  12. i guess some things might be screwed up because on operative i cannot cleanse a fear. Every healer can cleanse mental (or let's say it was actually intended that every healer can) exactly like it was before 3.0 but fear suddenly got uncleansable in 3.0.... didnt try out much other things besides beeing able to cleanse tech hardstuns
  13. That really was the way to go. Make operatives more stationary and make mercs and sorcs more mobile. And leave mercs and sorcs with their tools for beeing stationary such as a knockback, skill to be uninterruptable, cc's and interrupts from range. Then take away explosive probe and orbital strike and leave merc and sorc with all their stuff (just for example) death from above, force storm and ELECTRO NET (simply the best offensive tool in the game). Now operatives will sure be IN LINE with the others.... (there may be some irony in this post)
  14. Maybe u should have tried earlier Cause some of us got invites more than 2 weeks ago. I guess i'll Play lottery now
  15. I'm SirManni i have a girlfriend, I'm very proud of it, you need to know that...
  16. yeah these ppl should be not allowed to make suggestions towards game mechanics on forums
  17. Funny that you ask me exactly this question. I came from a German Server to ToFN when the large ToFN-Transfer wave was going. GUESS WHAT MY TEAM WAS ? Operative healer, pt tank, sorc dps and operative dps. YES OPERATIVE DPS. Lethality, unbuffed. Without the better shieldprobe and the insta heal on exfiltrate. Yes we lost many games. But because we lost so many we got better, because we realised that the skill on ToFN was on another level than on the german server which we left with an arena stat of 300:0. After loosing many games on ToFN (we lost to the good teams, it was balanced against the mediocre) we started winning our first games against the top teams. Sadly every1 in that team stopped so i had to find new ppl. I guess you won't believe me now because we had exactly the classes you mentioned but on my stream you will maybe find some footage of us playing with Fratzek (our dps operative). Many people on tofn still remember him tho. You can also watch roudys stream, he sometimes plays his concealment operative in ranked and it's totally viable. Of course some classes have a higher skillcap then others but if you don't want differences play a game with only 1 AC or play a shooter Oh... and sage healers? Go ahead and play on ToFN against the team of housemd. Or again watch roudys stream when we play against them.
  18. YEAH SURE. 8v8 was so balanced. You never had to stack smashers, or pts, or use a bubble sorc as a healer... No 8v8 ranked wasn't more balanced then arenas. It is simply as I said already, almost every specc is viable in arenas but it is harder to hide a noob in a team of 8 than in a team of 4 where the only goal is killing.
  19. Simply because People Would have to lose to Figure out how their class fits in a Ranked Group. The only ac/specc that i'd call Not Viable is merc pyro. Of Course some have an advantage in Solo Ranked, but it's about Team Ranked here so...
  20. parasite sieht man öfter mal im 4er ranked
  21. dieses spiel wird auf casuals balanced. die veränderung von LOS betrifft den ranged fight überhaupt nicht, man kann immernoch genau so gut hinter objekten verschwinden. ist mies für melee's, die um den ranged herum wirbeln und versuchen hinter ihm zu stehen damit er nicht angreifen kann. Sprich: Es wird einfacher für klicker. Ranged Klicker. Darauf wird balanced.... das mit dem cleanse ist der größte schwachsinn überhaupt... 15% aller cleanse-Klassen in dem spiel nutzen den überhaupt effektiv und nur 5% nutzen den effektiv um hardswitches o.ä. zu verhindern. es ist einfach nur ein nerf für spieler, die wussten wie man den einsetzt und ein buff für spieler die keinen plan von verschiedenen cc's haben, einfach jemanden gestunnt sehen und ihn cleansen.
  22. today's player mentality is killing every game. you cant get the rewards? WORK HARDER. Don't cry and tell the company to do something so you can get ****. Everybody who likes to pvp for the sake of pvp'ing (and not for getting dumb reward **** you can pose on fleet with) gets those rewards. And the biggest reward in a game you pay for should be fun. I just can't believe all this crying. YOU ARE PAYING FOR THIS GAME... not having fun? stop paying/playing - simple as that
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