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Everything posted by darkov

  1. I've not looked at the ops gear yet, but it doesn't change the fact that comms gear is skewed too much towards SR.
  2. The comms gear is actually stacked too heavily toward Shield Rating. All the enhancements have Shield Rating as the main stat, meaning any combination of comm gear mods/enhancements is going to leave you with too much Shield Rating and not enough Defence Rating. They are also still high endurance pieces.
  3. This has been argued since before release and was their original plan. They changed it, launched the game and now we're stuck with how it is.
  4. I thought Makeb was great, not because the story was as grand as the class stories, but because they showed two very different sides to the same world arc with it. It was one story with two perspectives. Given how they setup the introduction of the Forged Alliances flashpoints to be bringing back the war between the Republic and Empire, then leading into SoR which clearly didn't have any of that and the way it ended. I simply don't see how we're going to have separate stories ever again. They've set both sides up against a common enemy again. Maybe it will allow them to write it from two perspectives, like they did with Makeb, but I don't think they will
  5. This concerns me. People are praising BioWare for writing in SoR, but they did very little of it. At launch, we had four class stories and nine world arcs per faction. RotHC introduced one world arc per faction, but admittedly being longer and more indepth than those previous. SoR introduced one world arc shared between the factions. Sure their writing is good, but this story driven MMO gets less story each update.
  6. You will get gear you can use as you level up through Rishi and Yavin. By the time you are 60, hopefully KBN will have updated this threadL http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779 Which will tell us the ideal stat distribution, then you can use Basic comms and drops from various things to try and optimise you gear better. Worth reading Dulfy's guide on Assassin tanking, obviously Disciplines have changed a few things, but as Halinalle said, the rotation hasn't, we still play the same. http://dulfy.net/2014/01/06/swtor-darkness-assassin-tanking-class-guide/
  7. This. Forged Alliances gives you what you need to hit 60 with the expansion content. If you'd already done it, then you won't hit 60 with just the expansion content. Also, plenty of people have characters at 55 that never received xp boosts because they came after they'd leveled up, some don't think about needing them either, they are optional. All in all, RotHC actually had a better amount of content in it, but the curve is better in SoR.
  8. I think it looks cool, completely impractical, but still cool. Probably not suitable for the fancy swirly combat you normal see with lightsabers, but maybe that means we'll get some real sword fighting with it.
  9. Used to be a thread for this, I guess it got lost at some point. Here's my Shadow, don't imagine I will change my look again anytime soon. http://i.imgur.com/Z0bXBws.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nupF7Gt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Tj0eGAy.jpg
  10. I have no new 55s after a month of it.. but have a few new alts higher than they would've been. Just becomes a bit dull once you get past Quesh and the planets get bigger and its longer between destinations. Its also a little dull because I've already done all the base classes at least once before, so know all the stories.
  11. As a tank, I don't like dealing with idiots in GF, so it is rare for me to queue on my tank. Always nice to get those instant pops when I do bother with it though
  12. This, so much. Ebola is bad, but this is the Black Death, there are much worse diseases claiming many more lives on a daily basis. The news has just blown Ebola out of proportion in some countries (looking at you America).
  13. Yes, it isn't great, but it will make SM OPS completely trivial and HM OPS easy for everyone who has it. Putting the highest tier OPS on farm mode day one for more than just the top players can't be good for BioWare. Its really easy to get Ultimate comms at the moment and with the XP event, you can easily have ten characters maxed out on comms in four weeks.
  14. Did they confirm that Elite/Ultimate would be for lvl 60 OPS gear? It would be strange if they don't wipe the slate clean. Anyone with enough alts will be in full HM OPS gear by the end of the first day if they don't.
  15. SWTOR would've taken a hit form the MMO launches this year, though not a massive one. The subscription is needed for the western audience, they see value in it and pay for it and then pay for shop items on top of it. I don't know about anyone else, but I've spent less in the last six months of the year than the first, simply because everything has been incredibly focused on Strongholds, which I have no interest in spending real money on. I also think the cartel packs are now bloated with decorations, so am hesitant to buy any more of them even if they have some nice armor/weapons in them in. I'd rather farm the credits and buy from others to avoid dealing with the worthless decorations.
  16. Whilst that is possible I don't think they'll gear creep that much. Whatever is entry requirement for level 60 SM OPS is going to be very to get though, whether it is equivalent to existing HM/NIM OPS or better.
  17. Whatever it is, it will be very easy to get, either dailies or the new HM FPs. Take Oricon as an example, you need 156 or better gear to run Dread Fortress Story mode, which you can get from the first time doing the dailies there or from any of the previous OPS. DF SM then drops 168, which is enough to do HM. I don't think we've ever been in a position where we've needed NIM drops to do the next tier of OPS. So SM of the new OPS is likely to drop 186, with entry being 180 or less.
  18. If you have Birthright gear, you might as well use it though, at level is slightly better than a Blue item and will save you from needing to fill that slot. It isn't worth going out of your way to get Birthright gear though.
  19. Real life aside.. You get the Legacy whether you have one character or multiple characters. If you don't wish to unlock anything in it, don't. You will still gain XP in it and it will still have a nice button on the menu that lets you go look at it. Play however you want, but some of the perks from it are quite nice, even if you just play one character.
  20. You would think for such a sizable amount of information there would be someone that could verify it, either from BioWare or more likely, another Cantina attendee?
  21. So... its been a few days and there is NOTHING to verify what has been said in the OP. Smells like a troll post to me.
  22. Your post said they have released tactical ops, I was just pointing out they haven't.
  23. They've never done a tactical ops before, nor are planning to with the expansion.
  24. This all sounds too good to be true. If it isn't posted by a mod here or on Dulfy, I really don't trust it.
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