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Everything posted by Jandi

  1. Nice troll bait, OP. I miss the huge fat body you could have in SWG. It didn't break my immersion, or interrupt RP *at all* to have huge fat people in hotpants and cooks hats running around, not one bit.
  2. Even with all the good stuff, I simply cannot do the lvl5 missions. I even struggle with the lvl3 stuff when they become available, and you only have the shield/gun booster thingy. So I get the super exp early on and simply won't bother when the "suggested level of mods is 1" go grey. I CAN do the level 3 ones, but what you get out of it vs the frustration just isn't worth it. I'm sure I could complete em if I practiced the missions, but you know what? It's not worth the effort.
  3. Neither of those things have been present for a long time. But hey, you should stick to Koren grind fests. I'm not saying needing a group, or it taking a long time to level up, nevermind raid should be removed, it's just the way it is. That, however, doesn't make a game an MMO, it simply makes the game take months to level and requires a group to do so. If you do not like the game the way it is, stop whining about it and play something else, it will never change. There are dozens of MMO's that are like that, you know.
  4. I have 3 50s and I've listened to every convo. Do you know why? Because they are different for every single base class, and your responses are different as well. The only thing that stays the same is the actual quest.
  5. Then don't. No one is forcing you to, nor is it required for anything. If you bored and don't want to level an alt, then stop playing until there is more content out or you get the urge again. I don't understand how some one not wanting to play is somehow an issue that needs discussing in any way.
  6. What I find most funny about this thread, is that the only MAJOR bug seems to be the warzone related, that the win doesn't count towards the daily... Hey, people, that's not a major bug, that's a minor nuisance. It doesn't stop you playing in ANY way whatsoever. It's annoying, sure, but again, it doesn't PREVENT you from doing ANYTHING. Unlike MANY things that have been fixed.
  7. Hey man, I need to put lottery numbers in, can I borrow your crystal ball?
  8. Do you have ANY idea how much work that would entail? Not to mention, every non-force user would go up in arms about the fact that an insane amount of time was put in JUST for the aesthetics of half the classes?
  9. I've managed to level 3 chars to 50. 2 to 30 without ever being stuck on any bug that prevents me from progressing. I've cleared both operations on hard mode. Have never had trouble finding a group for flashpoints. What you call MAJOR is a minor nuisance at best to people with common sense and not a child-like need to scream I WANT, GIVE NOW at everything they feel they are entitled to or scream FIX NAU OR I QUIT! at every minor inconvenience.
  10. By major fixes, you mean things that you want fixed, right?
  11. This is such a dumb statement. Name one recent, non-korean grindfest mmo, where grouping was required? Anarchy online was the last MMO I played that required you to group up just to level, and that was 10 years ago. WoW? No. WAR? No. AoC? No. Aion? No. EQ2? No. SWG? No. Vanguard? No. Stop making statements that are just wrong on a fundamental level. You just look like a complete fool and a troll.
  12. Me neither. It will be glorious when the forums can actually be used without having to wade through **** like this every time you try to have a discussion because all the trolls will be trolling that forum instead and saying how bad that game is and they can't wait for *insert game here*
  13. EVE is successful because it has NO competition whatsoever. It's the only space sandbox mmo with any substance out there. It's a niche market, and they own it.
  14. We get purple, you get cyan. Someone, somewhere decided this. Lore or further reasoning has nothing at all to do with it.
  15. Where have you been? There was one, but it closed REAL fast. Saying what is the best MMO is dumb because it's a matter of subjective taste. Some say Aion is the best MMO ever, I couldn't stomach it for more than 30 or so levels till I quit and never looked back. The whole arguing if this or that is good or not is so inane it makes me sad for the people who engage in it. If you do not like something, then do not play/listen/watch it. If you like something, then play/listen/watch it. Discussing the validity of something that is 100% subjective is pointless. The world would be a much better place if people would just shut and do or do not instead of getting angry because someone doesn't agree with their personal, SUBJECTIVE taste. I like this game, so I play it, simple as that. I'm not going to bash other games, and most importantly I'm not going to bash *you* for playing or liking other games.
  16. Yes. Also, you no longer need to load into a loading screens that turns into a loading screen halfway through. (Just saying that makes me laugh)
  17. I know, I played DAoC as well. That system, however, *requires* 3 factions to keep it interesting. It really is a shame there is no neutral faction, considering how prevalent "neutrality" is in the game. I mean, hutt space, which has multiple worlds, is neutral by default. I think the cost to making a 3rd faction time/money wise with all the VO work etc, was just too much. The reason you need 3 factions, is so the 2 factions with lower pops can gang up on the one faction. Also, the politics bring a very interesting aspect to it as well.
  18. They are pretty though. Sadly, they'll be gone tomorrow, if the patch actually fixes it.
  19. Your thread title says all it needs to. You don't like the game and will just play it till something else comes along, what more do you want to discuss? I don't give a **** if you leave today or when the next "best game ever" comes along for you to whine about. If you do not enjoy the game NOW then don't play it NOW. Come back in a few months to see how it's developed, or don't. Every single thing in your OP has been brought up multiple times, discussing it is pointless because you will A) Flame everyone who doesn't agree as a "mindless fanboy" B) Completely ignore any counter-points that rise up.
  20. So you just PvP to get better gear so you can stomp people without gear? Yeah, people like you are what's ruining PvP. The gear should NEVER be the reason you PvP. PvE is different, because you need the gear to actually beat an encounter. In PvP, there is no enocunter to beat. No scripted boss mechanics to overcome.
  21. I might get flamed for saying this, but they should *totally* rip off the WAR orvr system. Make a planet with multiple zones, just for pvp and, just like in WAR, make it a tug of war where the previous zones lock when you conquer a zone. Make every zone lock with a fort, just like in WAR as well, those battles were FUN! At least rip off the basics from it. Or, if you don't want a tug of war, make it have multiple zones, like a real map instead of a line where capturing a zone locks it for a day or something, and the closer you get to dominating the map, the tougher the NPC's get. But don't go overboard with the NPC's, just something to help the side that is the underdog. I don't know, I just really enjoyed WAR, the grind to rr80 was the problem for me.
  22. I hope these games come out FAST so you can go ***** and moan to their forums instead.
  23. The only way to encourage open-world pvp is to remove warzones. The reason why people do not participate in open-world action, is because warzones are more convenient and a more steady supply of valor/token, when you get into a game you know there will be opponents to kill. Open-world requires the other faction to voluntarily appear, and fight. The reason why people do not want that is because no one wants to fight a losing battle, which is what open world usually is as you cannot control the amount of players, if you do it's no longer open world-pvp, just a large warzone without a timer ticking/resources to cap to win. Make it so you can ONLY get the best stuff from open-world pvp and you'll get your pvp.
  24. This is completely irrelevant to the discussion, you know. Where is our cyan crystals?
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