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Everything posted by Jandi

  1. Well, courier is essentially activate an object quest, object being an NPC is irrelevant. You still go from point A to B and click a thingy. All these posts in the thread, yet not a single proposition, how... predictable.
  2. By all means, let's hear your great idea that can't be broken down to these 2 categories. I dare you.
  3. I was going to suggest 2nd life as well, but that would just be rude. No one should be subjected to that... thing.
  4. I haven't read the whole thread, obviously, but my point was never about what the end-game goal is. My point is that you need to have *A goal*, something to keep people playing, not just weeks or months, but years. Right now, the situation is horrible. The operations are too easy. In 3 evenings our 8-man team has cleared EV on normal and hard, in 2 nights essentially. This is 20 days after the official release man. There is literally no progression there. Personally, I have 0 issues with that as I love the game and am playing alts, but, others? I don't know. The "top players" might be hated for the way they conduct themselves or envied because they have more time than others but the ultimate point was that those people are what keeps MMO's rolling because they run the guilds, they keep the AH stocked, they lead the lower-level fp groups with their skill and knowledge so others don't have to keep wiping in instances for hours due to a lack of competent tank/healers. I'm not saying that these people are better human beings or that they, we, somehow "save" the "unwashed masses" from failure but they are an important part of a good community, whether you agree or not is completely besides the point. If you aren't a "hardcore", as you like to use the term as an insult, you do not spend so much time and effort in the game and as such, simply cannot understand the complexity of a healthy player-base. You log on for an hour and log off, you don't run guilds, you don't lead raids, you don't have to worry about filling raidspots, you don't have to consider things on the same level and that's completely fine, it doesn't make you a lesser gamer or a person. Stop getting upset and offended and instead, comprehend what is actually being said to you. Get past your previous experiences, not all of us "hardcores" think of you as the "unwashed masses that need to be ridiculed".
  5. You will reach the same point in the story (not a conclusion, mind you, this isn't a singleplayer, finite experience) but many conversations are widely different. When you complete all your class quests, the story doesn't end at all, it will be extended in the future so you can't say how will it affect down the line, as "down the line" isn't here yet.
  6. Simple answer? Tribalism. Long answer? Take psychology in a University.
  7. If what you said is all you're getting from this thread then you are either: A) Not actually reading any post that's longer than 2 sentences Or B) Trying to troll. I'd wager on option B, hence my reply.
  8. And then those people can play with the 5 other people on their server that are left because once the so hated "hardcores" leave, guilds fall apart and then people will start to leave because there isn't people to play with. Then more will leave because they can't get a decent flashpoint group together anymore. Then all that's left are the singleplayers, sitting in the imp fleet, showing off the gear you can buy for 10creds at a vendor for the last 2 weeks before servers shut down. Or it goes f2p (read: life support) for 6 months until all the spoiled brats have spent enough money to buy everything, including their characters, with real money and get bored of talking about how awesome it was to input credit card details to win the game. Then, the servers go down. That's the scenario that has happened many times, and will happen many times. I wish people would get it into their self-entitled heads that you need long-term goals to keep people paying. Through traffic is just that, through traffic and will not sustain a game for more than a year or so until everyone has played for a month, done everything and moved on.
  9. You should probably learn to read before you post. It's quite sad, really, as you can actually write.
  10. Instead of screaming "I WANT!" those people should think "what can I have?". They would be happier in life in general instead of being distraught that a virtual representation of numbers that they control with their keyboard doesn't look exactly as they want it to. I have a certain taste in appearance and I can understand the novelty of it, but, I would never ever cry that I can't get pvp gear if I liked the aesthetics of it. Hell, I went lightside on my character *just* because I like green lightsabers, but I would never whine that it's restricted to lightside. If you want something, get it instead of crying about it. Granting instant access to everything is a terrible idea. You should read my entire post to see why, as this relates to it. Without goals people get bored. Bored people don't subscribe to something which is intended to be fun and while some just want everything, now and screw the rest, the game as a whole would die as a result. Then you would have no one to show your gear off to, except to others who all have the same looking gear which, ironically, would make the whole point moot.
  11. Long post incoming, skip to the end if you can't be bothered to read it. I find it funny that people always need to get into this silly casual vs hardcore ********. The fact is that those that you vilify as "hardcore" are the ones who run the server economies and guilds, and your pug raids. The other thing is that you do not need to invest more than a few hours once or twice a week to clear raids, being bad and incompetent at a game does not make you casual, it makes you bad and incompetent. Playing 16h/day does not make you hardcore, it makes you a no-lifer, which I am and have 0 issues admitting. Being "hardcore" means you actually know exactly what you're doing, when to do it and why by making the effort to know your class and the content you are doing, not only that but understanding your class and the content you're doing. If you cannot put in the few hours it takes to clear everything then MMO's simply aren't for you. A game like this *must* have content that is enjoyable to those of us that enjoy a challenge and enjoy raiding for a few hours a night, do you know why? Because, as I said earlier, people like me form the core of the playerbase, not the majority, but the core. This game is still new and I'd bet that they will tweak the content difficulty as they get stats on how many people clear what and in what time, they monitor everything everyone does in-game, you know, and make adjustments based on that, not forum whining. The current EV operation is easy to the point of trivial, the only issue with it, apart from the many bugs, is that only half the encounters need 2 tanks, even on higher difficulties, this is bad designing. Either make it so all the bosses need 2 tanks or only 1, not half and half. People on my server were pugging it on normal a few days after the official launch date, that's too easy, that's like Naxx in wotlk where you could clear every boss on 1st try as soon as you had enough people at level cap, no other requirements were needed. We cleared it in leveling gear and oneshot everything. Yes, we were all experienced raiders but still, that's just terrible design. Those who prefer easymode were happy though, but the rest of us got real bored real fast and then what happened? People started to quit and guilds started to fall apart and then what happened? Those "casuals" had no guilds to go there with. Short version, stop this pointless arguing and play the way you can and want to and give them time to adjust the content difficulty. EDIT: If you don't want to raid then you have 0 use for the best gear, either; other than to flex your e-peen. That is a ****** reason to ruin a game for others. Stop being selfish and entitled.
  12. Good job being ignorant. Stims sell and the designs you loot from raids are really good as well. Not to mention that many people buy the orange, moddable gear you can make with sw etc because, while you might not give a ****, many people actually care about their characters appearance.
  13. Also 12th, 3 *********** hours! *YEARS* of waiting is finally over! I didn't even participate in the beta cause I didn't want to spoil the moment!
  14. Oct 12th. I doubt I'll get in till Friday. Ahh such is life.
  15. Awww, Sephiroth was taken? My heart bleeds for you, truly.
  16. Nope, I activated my key in early October and was fully aware I'm lucky if I get 1-3 days of EGA. I've waited for an SW mmo ever since NGE hit so a few days means *nothing*. Sure, some people are higher level and other crap but this isn't Darkfall or something, what other people do is completely and utterly irrelevant to your experience apart from PvP servers. On PvP servers, however, it's no different than leveling an alt, all the whining is just to mask their impatience. Someone took your very special name? Tough ****, make up a new one. If my preferred name is taken, boohoo, I'll come up with a new one. My whole life doesn't revolve around an internet identity, if you care so much about a fake name in a virtual world, get your head straight. If you're angry because you can't be a server first at 50, you should also get your head straight. It means *nothing*. Chilld the **** out people.
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