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Everything posted by ProKsnNwk

  1. Your another one of these people who only plays OP class, aren't you?! Just stick to your Sentinel it's more OP than Shadow, you can choose beetwen 3 Skill Trees, while Shadow/Assasin is almost forced to play only that Shadow/Assasin Tank (Tank DPS)!!! Because all other Skill Trees suck for both PVP and PVE!
  2. This class dps is not dead!!!! You just have to learn to play it!!! I recently got kille dy soundrel in 3 seconds, while i am full wh geared! He did 20k dmg to me in matter of 3 - 5 seconds!!!
  3. /signed Nightmare Lands, is right now mostly populated by people who rolls the Powertech and Marauders just to be OP. and you can even face a group of 3 Powertechs and 3 Maras and then 2 random players, and you either play it to end, and lose the wz or just quit when you see the group up. Cause Marauders and Powertechs are just so OP, have so many abilites, that even if there are 2 healers healing you, 2 of them outdps that healing.
  4. /signed after the Character Perk, i dont delete the characters, cause i buy every char perk on characters, and to delete like used 8 mills. OH NO!
  5. BEFORE NERFING SHADOW KC!!! NERF THE Sentinels, Vangurds, and Scounrel healers!!! Then you can nerf the Shadow KC and power up Shadow Inf.
  6. You know, on Nightmare Lands there is decline of healers in Low Level PVP, because people play Leveling Specs, and they dont want to pay cost of respec just to spec healing, and heal in warzone cause after that they would been broke 0 Credits. That's where Dual-Spec is coming in, people could still play theirs Leveling Spec, while questing, and just spec healer in wz if they would like to heal. But right now, if you constantly re-spec, the cost comes to 100k and you have to wait long time, til the cost comes to 0 Credits.
  7. LoL, for Sentinel Watchman or any other burst DPS, 5 sec is enough to do 15k dmg or more and kill the guy during 2 x 4sec stunns. At least for me and my friends that's enough time to kill someone.
  8. Infiltration Shadow 1. How other perceive it? Easy kill, why is he still playing this class. Lack of DPS in PVE. 2. How I perceive it. I would had re-spec'ed long time ago, if I wouldn't like this class. I began with Infiltration Shadow, and I won't change that. Infiltration Shadow are squishy, and they lack DPS, both in PVE and PVP. After You disabled use of Relics and Adrenal in PVP, no burst, and still we have no sustained damage! AND You even NERFED; The Ability: Battle Readiness, which now Does NOT give Us, "Increase Damage by Force Attacky by 100%" any more. Right now If Ours hits does not critical hit: 1-nce out of 2 or 3 times; We are Easy Kill, in my opinion. We aren't, Burst DPS, not Sustained DPS and to boost We Are Squishy!
  9. Watchman spec. 1. How others perceive Sentinels. They perceive it as a OP class. 1. How I perceive it. I perceive Sentinels as Over-Powerd class, especially Watchman spec. Sadly most people doesn't know how to play Sentinels, that's why they don't notice how OP they are. But, WHY most of people changed to Guardians/Juggernauts and Sentinels/Marauders from they original characters? BECAUSE THE SENTINELS ARE OVERPOWERED, IT*S LIKE 1 MAN ARMY!!! You know, people who plays Sentinel or changed from other character to play Sentinel says that Sentinels aren't OP, because other people still kills them. But it's not a matter of being killed that means that class is not OP, it's the way you die and here, it just that most Sentinels doesn't know how to play! and it just that people found a way to kill the Sentinels/Marauders, which is: To Kill Sentinel/Marauder, 1 vs 1. 1. it must be BAD Sentinel/Marauder. or if not 2. You stun him, slow him and not let him hit you EVEN once for 4-5 seconds. That also means not to let him jump you!!! 3.Then you can pound him for around 4 seconds, and again run away. from him. 4. In the end he probably would be less health than you, You either stunn him before he uses the 99% damage reduction and kill him. or damage him , and stunn him at the same time when he uses 99% damage reduction!! 5. But it still comes to, if you got MedPack on you or your healer comes to heal you (if its good Mar/Sen), Because AT The END, Sentinel poped the 99% damage reduction!!!! and you wait eternity while your DOTED then you die by the DOTS, while waiting! and he got healed by his DOTS and goes to kill another helpless guy! If it would have been of course good Sentinel/Marauder, most of them don't know how to play so of course I (WE) kill them.
  10. My opinion: Infiltration 1. How others perceive it? PVE: Weak DPS, will rather have any other class as a DPS. PVP: You can ninja cap the doors, turret, etc. but they will rather have OverPowerd Sentinel or Guardian. 2. How I think about it? PVE: I like the Infiltration spec, thou, it lacks flexibility, and the DPS, your Out of Force quickly, and you also don't have sustained DPS. PVP: Good for normal group up (4 people), or solo queue, but for Ranked Warzones any other DPS class is better. Lack flexibility and is very squishy, out of Force fast. P.S. : If you want to have more Force on the DPS Shadow.
  11. I feel my Power going Back Online!
  12. I felt disturbance in The Force, but it seems that it was only Server going down.
  13. Hello. I'm playing a loot in SWTOR, especially my main character Jedi Shadow lvl 50. I'm wrote this thread, because in my opinion the ability of Jedi Shadow: Battle Readiness did not get adjusted to all Trees! As of the last patch 1.3, the skill: Battle Readiness got nerfed, for purpose of Jedi Shadow (Tank Speced. - Kinetic Combat). In my opinion the other spec. of Jedi Shadow weren't considered during nerf of that ability. Before the patch 1.3 the ability, gave you: 100% increase in damage done by Force Attacks and damage dealt by Techniques. and at the moment the ability were changed to: 100% increase in Damage and Healing done by all the >Techniques<. Technique = Stance F. example: Defensive Stance, Damage Stance, etc. While Jedi Shadow (Kinetic Combat ) are in benefit from this skill the Jedi Shadow (Inflitration and Balance Tree) are not! The reason is very simple, the Shadow Technique ability only does 300 damage and have 25% for doing it, and the Shadow Technique and Force Technique doesn't have any healing abilities (it doesn't need any) and that's also why it doesn't benefit it from it. While the Jedi Shadow (Kinetic Combat) have ability that heals them and deals damage, Infiltration and Balance stances doesn't have any healing abilities (not that they need it) ! I think that skill: Battle Readiness should be adjusted separately to all of the Skill Trees, since each tree differs from each other. The Infiltration and Balance tree, Battle Readiness skill need a damage boost, like from before the patch 1.3, because they differ from Kinetic Combat tree which is for tanking. They are DPS classes. Just because of the change the need to re-spec was big: My build for Infiltration tree: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601McMZGrbRkGMMtzZM.1 The Skill Tree ability in the middle tree the 5th row from the bottom on the left side (Situational Awareness), was especially adjusted to have faster cool down on ability Battle Readiness, because that it gave damage boost needed for BURST DPS, which Jedi Shadow (Infiltration spec.) needed to fight on even terms with your opponents. With nerfeding that ability, the perk in the Skill Tree is practically useless, also the Burst DPS changes to Normal (not even sustained) DPS! As a normal DPS, I meant that you DPS by the same amount as sustained DPS, but you don't have any Force to sustain it. I had to change to: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601McMZGGbRkGM0tzZc.1 but that re-spec won't really help much, because as it is now, the Shadow (Infiltration) lack the fast, co-ordinated Burst DPS. Like I mentioned before, I think that the ability Battle Readiness should be re-adjusted for Infiltration and Balance tree. and also instead of nerfing the Jedi Shadow (Kinetic Combat - Tank), you didn't do anything to them! but you actually nerfed the Jedi Shadow (Inflitration and Balance) DPS, which didn't need a nerf! You know what was the problem with the Jedi Shadow Tank, it was the SUPER BURST SUSTAINED DPS! THEY ARE TANKS BUT; THEY DO A DPS OF A BURST DPS, so instead of nerfeding the healing, you should have nefred the DPS OUTPUT of TANK DPS! (When they put on DPS gear, most Shadow Tank does that)! Instead you nerfed the DPS output of Shadow DAMAGE, and healing and armor of TANK. You should have nerfed the DPS of Shadow TANK and while NOT tougching the Shadow DAMAGE DPS! TANK are supposed to keep themselves alive, so I don't know why you nerfed the survivability while NOT touching DPS! and DAMAGE are supposed to do DPS and you nerfed that, while the DAMAGE SHADOW doesn't have survivability or anything other! With Regards Xibbias
  14. True, I also don't understand that. Because people spam AoE on Voidstar etc.
  15. Hi. Actually the Infiltration tactics doesn't work properly I think. Because It doesn't ignore 50% of enemy armor when using Shadow Strike and your Find Weakness buff is up. I checked it with a friend (he's Jedi Sage) Without Find Weakness buff I hit for: 1500 to 1800 damage (not critical hit) 3300 to 3500 damage (critical hit) With Find Weakness buff I hit for: 1500 to 1800 damage (not critical hit) 3300 to 3500 damage (critical hit) It proved that the 50% ignore armor part, doesn't work. Since If it would ignore 50% of armor, then it would hit for more damage than when Striking your enemy without the buff. Since 50% less armor is less damage reduction. If 50% ignore armor means that you have bigger chance to critical hit, then that would explain it! But otherwise, ignore armor means bigger damage, and that part doesn't work. My build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601McMZGRbRkGMMtzZc.1
  16. ProKsnNwk

    Skilled players

    I was just saying about low lvl pvp, but on lvl 50 pvp I'm still able to kill 1 vs 2, and maybe sometimes 1 vs 3.
  17. ProKsnNwk

    Skilled players

    Yep I also stopped reading when I saw what the guy wrote in the 1st 3 sentences. BTW Lacedeamon, Donnie, Hozzke, etc. are'nt bad players on Frostclaw. They played with their alts, lvl 30 to 40. I was lvl 40, and I facerolled them 1 vs 3, and I won!!! The Sentinels are total OP, if you can't win against Sorcs with your Sentinel or MArauder then man YOU SUCK! Even if your Abilities are on CD, you make BURST SUSTAINED DPS, MAN! ALSO YOUR ABILITIES ARE "ONLY" THE DEFENSE ABILITIES (99% damage reduction for 6 second, and Force Camo (stealth))! AND YOU SAY THAT SENTINELS HAVE BAD UTILITY! WHICH IS TOTALY EYE-WASH!
  18. ProKsnNwk

    Skilled players

    Hey. I'm going to start more discussion on the forums about the OP classes and the to much Nerfed class for PVP! Because, It saddens me watching as community doesn't take any initiative to make the PVP more balanced and fun! If you won't announce that something went wrong with the changes, then how Devs will know that classes need changes! Also I would like to see more actions from the Devs side too, because you implemented the changes to classes for PVE, and the feedback for PVP of it didn't interested you! There are always problems when you want to change the class PVP or PVE wisely, bacause if you change something for PVP, the PVE part can surfer on it, and vice versa.
  19. ProKsnNwk

    Skilled players

    Hey! I read your post about you saying that Sent/Mar not being OP. In my opinion, the Mar/Sent are totaly OP, the same as the Operative/Scoundrel (healer spec). You just don't want your Mar/Sent nerfed, since your one of these guys that like to play only OP classes. Think, why most of people stopped playing Sorcs/Sages, Commandos (healer). It's because these classes are broke and not OP anymore! At the moment at my server, just like on many others servers people started rolling Sentinels/Marauders, Scoundrel/Operative (healers) since they are OP classes. I personally have Sentinel lvl 50 (Alt), on low lvl pvp I'm able to kill 1 vs 3. It's not 1 vs 3 noobs, it's 1 vs 3 good players who are very skilled, and I kill them. Since DoT spec is BURSTY SUSTAINED DPS, and you also have 4 defensive abilities, and to BOOST a ability that DAMAGE TAKEN REDUCED BY 99% for 6 SECONDS and FORCE CAMOUFLAGE! Also in my opinion it have SUSTAINED BURSTY DPS since it hits like a truck without using any buffs. Jedi Shadow have to use buffs to get hight damage and you get hight damage without buffs, but also you can sustain it since you build Focus, and Sentinels/Marauders builds it so fast it's ridiculous! Also talk about Sentinels/Marauders not having any stuns is a eye-wash, since you have AoE stunn, Choke and Force Leap!!! If it's not OP, then I ask you !.! is it then!?!?!? Also you talk about Sages/Sorc not kiting. You know even if they kite, they die in 5 seconds!!! They only survive if they have at the same time Guard on them and they are Guarded by other people! That kills all the fun in playing Sorcs/Sages! Sorc/Sages got total Nerfed in 1.2 for healing, and even in DPS spec, they have it hard!!! Why do you think all these people stopped playing Sorcs/Sages, from half population of Sorcs/Sages to almost non-existent! It's because the class suck! Why Scoundrel/Operative (healer) are OP?! It's because they can out-heal like almost 2 burst dps attacking him at the same time!!! To kill a Scoundrel/Operative healer, you have to spend every CD and and experience from gaming you have!!! Even that gives you only 30% to 40% chance to killing the healer!! I don't really know the Scoundrel very good yet, but when I see people who suck in playing doing GODLIKE things then I just feel like crying because of the unbalance in the PVP! Also I'm quite good player, my main is Jedi Shadow, and I can be a nightmare to other players. Because of the my experience of playing with it, I got the rotation in my instincts!
  20. Hey. In my opinion the word hacking/cheating is wrong. People just uses the glitches that are in the game (Yes, it can be cheating). For example, there is a glitch in which when scoundrel use the ability to stealth his party members while their are planting, the party member becomes invisible while planting.... Happened to me and my teammates often on a Frostclaw server, Imps use it quite often. I personally don't have Scoundrel and didn't made use of that glitch. Also people aren't cheating, because the Jedi Sentinel are just so DAMN OP and Operative Healing specc is OP!!! Jedi Sentinel/Sith Marauder: Personally have a Jedi Sentinel (alt), and have lvl 50 on him now, on low lvl PVP I was able to kill 1 vs 3 (me 1). I don't mean killing noobs, since Bradley, HozzkeJr, Lacedeamon etc. aren't noobs (they were playing on their low lvl alts). I was 1 vs 3, and I won (many times) on Frostclaw server!!! The point is, this class is OP!!! and the Seninels/Mar have SUSTAINED BURSTY DPS (without using any buffs to have big hits) and to boost they have like 5 defensible abilities, also *** A FORCE CAMOUFLAGE AND 6 SECONDS 99% DMG REDUCTION. This class have actually many stunns, FORCE LEAP 12 cd, its imobilize you for 3 seconds (even if your resolve is full), Choke and AoE stun. Scoundrel/Operative (healer): They can outheal almost any dmg. To KILL a scoundrel you have to get 2 or 3 people (even if your full WH geared, and the Scoundrel/Operative is only full BM geared). I actually don't really know the system, but if a guy who play normal plays it, ITS already then OP. WHY! do you people think that the people who played Sages/Sorcs, Commando stopped playing it and changed to SENTINELS/MARAUDERS or Operatives Healers, cause since these classes got NERFED (Sages/Sorcs healing TOTAL nerfd for PVP), the people CHANGED to OP CLASSES like Sentinel/Marauder, Operatives healers! AND I'M NOT WHINING BECAUSE I'M NOT A GOOD PLAYER, if your on Frostclaw, then my Jedi Shadow is Xibbias (lvl 50). My Sentinel is Ododo (lvl 50) My Sorc is Kariks (lvl 50) and I'm not a noob. With my Infiltration spec (burst dps) on my Shadow, I can give a nightmare to some players, the same on the Balance spec (DoT spec). Not to mention the Kinetic Combat tree (defense tree). BTW the Hybrid Tanking tree (defense) for Jedi Shadow should also be nerfed, well not the CC, cause if the CC for Jedi Shadow would be nerfed then Shadow would be worse than the Sages atm. Well, if you play tanking spec with the Stalker gear your just like a Guardian with almost the Sentinel DPS. Inflitration spec is very hard to play, cause your survivability got nerfed at patch 1.2, it's hard to play now. But after some practice, you should be able to play it, Balance tree is also good as it is. The CC's for Shadows are everything, if you would nerfd that, then Shadow would be plain usless. Sorry for so long post... Regards Xibbias
  21. You didn't get what I meant, in this age there are so many different species of games that you want to puke from it. And people get bored FAST!, so they can just go and play something else... Almost everyone have Xbox 360 or PS3 or WII etc... That's why I meant SWTOR have bigger competition, and I don\t mean competition over time, I mean competition in the 5 first months of making the game
  22. Don't compare WoW to SWTOR, it's 2012 not 2000. Most of the community already left. Even if SWTOR would try to make a SPLASH save at the last moment later on, it wouldn't help It's cause people got disappointed by the: ¤end content ¤not balanced PVP ¤Non cross server PVE or PVP ¤that EA/BW didn't listen to the people ¤ Bug factory probaly some more. People won't forget about this. If EA/BW want to save SWTOR, It must be NOW!!! EU servers from 1 heavy and 8 standards in total, gone to 1 standard-middle heavy, to 4 - max 6 standard in total out of all XX servers. - WoW didn't have the possibilities at that time, which SWTOR have now (so many more, that if I would be mentioning them right now. I would probaly be writing 2 sided post). - WoW didn't have so big competition as SWTOR have right now, people were "made" to play on WoW. Now we can choose from so many types of games, that you want to puke... - SWTOR made a good start (would probably had long last profit), if they didn't run on the gaming Engine which is a what you call "PROTOTYPE" (No offence, freedom of the word. Just saying my thoughts). That's why we probaly got the Bug factory of SWTOR for last 5 months. They even made Sound Bug, even thou there wasn't almost any style music before the Bug. Probably programmers weren't accustomed to such a Engine or even worse EA/BW is "testing" the Engine in SWTOR, (only speculating). EA/BW should have made SWTOR on a already proven Engine (so the programmers would have easier job therefore more content in the game), but still at that time continuing testing the Hero engine... That's my 5 cent.
  23. Hey. I hope BW won't make the same idea of how you buy next tier gear after WH. I mean like when you have to have the BM gear to buy the WH, cause I already put the WH mods in crafted gear with Augments, and I thrown away the original WH gear (I mean i took out the mods, and thrown out the Robe etc.), which I bought. So I hope BW won't make the next tier after WH, cost: 1 WH Robe and 3200 ranked comms, cause when I put the WH mods inside the crafted gear, I casted the Robe etc. away.
  24. Hey. Well in my opinion the Jedi Sentinels/Sith Marauders got overpowered, because right now Watchman (DoT spec) spec rocks, cause when Sent/Mar goes into a fight: 1st he want to gain focus then he get a Bursty sustained DPS, and the Sentinels/Marauders (DoT spec), can just keep up this Bursty Sustained DPS until they dies (if the Sent/Mar is keeped up by a healer) then he's practicly un-killable (because of the mountains of the Defensive skills they posses). If a Shadow DPS (burst spec) goes against a Sentinel (DoT spec) 1 vs 1, the Sentinel gets the same amount of burst like the (burst speced) Shadow, and also the Sentinel can keep up his burst until he dies, and Shadow can do it only for 10 seconds, cause Shadow can't get more force, and Sentinel can just still build it up (also get more from bleeding etc.) , and have the same burst as in the beginning. That's why I think that the Sentinel is OP (watchman/DoT spec) cause he gets the sustained Bursty DPS, while other classes gets only Burst or Sustained DPS, so atm the Sentinels/Marauders (DoT spec) are OP. I personally don't have any problems with other classes than DoT speced Sentinel/Marauder. Also Sages/Sorcs healing class got nerfed too much (they needed a nerf), but thats too much nerf for them. I know what I'm writing, have LVL 50 Shadow (Burst spec), Sentinel (DoT spec) and Inqusitor (healing spec).
  25. The macros would also suck, because in SWTOR you can't evade things. I mean like for example, if someone would shoot a bullet in you, but then you move left to evade it, it still gets you. The Macro would be drastic BOOST to Ranged DPS and the Healers, well macro already works in SWTOR with the Razor mouse. I already expirienced it myself, when a ranged DPS use macro, he just click 1 button, and the computer do all the rest, doing his full rotation, so quick that the melee, wasn't even able to come closer to the ranged. Also for healing, the Healer would be super boosted, and if healers is boosted, then the whole team is boosted, cause in PVP the battle is all about the speed you do your rotation. So the healer wouldn't need to pay attention to his healing, but he could just run away from the people who are attacking him, while the macro would heal him and his teammates. That would just kill the PVP!
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