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Everything posted by MadcatGTs

  1. Eve online, Pirates of the burning sea, Guildwars, For MMO's. if we are talking about anything with XP, then Cod, Tribes, battlefield, lol, dota, hon, so on and so on.
  2. WHY does everyone think its a nerf to pvp gear? all they said was they were closing the power gap. This can be done in SOOOOOOO many ways. there will be no nerf to pvp gear.
  3. lol, ************ about them fixing the game in a timely fashion, Really? If they patch fast you are like " y u half so much downtime?". If they patch slower you are like " y u no fix???!?!?". Stop ************, They are doing their job's. Plus, theres other MMO's out there that have Daily down times AND take 24 hours to put in patchs. No one in them games ***** about it, 'Cause its something thats required.
  4. the first sign of hope for this game. Maybe BW is getting their heads out their arses. Now, if they could only remove expertise all together and just make pve/pvp gear one and the same, just different ways to get it.
  5. The sad thing is... I think SoE could do better. At least they put out good games at first, then mess them up later.
  6. APB's forums were filled with all sorts of stuff too And that game holds the record for shortest run time ever.
  7. I think easymodeX got ***** in some hardcore pvp mmo, and is a bit sour. Its ok little buddy, you can have your carebear pvp where you never lose anything. PvP with Nothing at risk at all, is dull and unfun. Theres nothing there to get the blood going. Sure carebear pvp Might be fun for people that have not pvp'ed for long, or never played hardcore pvp games, or are just big carebears at heart. But for Hardcore PvP'ers it will never sate the thirst for blood.
  8. best long thought out strategic Pvp, Eve online Best 24/7 action with a fast pace, Planetside Best spur of the moment pvp, Darkfall Best small group with very high skill cap, Pirates of the burning sea Item loss adds risk to the game, its a focal point for excitement. Its the same reason people rock climb stuff they really should not, jump out of planes and other crazy stuff that risks life itself. It does not make one a douche 'cause they like that style of game. 'Cause anyone and every one that joins that style of game Knows what they are getting in to. Plus normally gear in those games is important but very easy to get and horde, so the loss is never anything too bad, unless they were stupid and went out with something they could not replace. Real MMO style pvp is of gain and loss. If you just want warzones with nothing else, then you might as well play any other FPS game, at least they are balanced, and require far more skill. Even a Dota style game would suit ya.
  9. For good PvP Tera will be coming out may 1st, it will be at least a hold over till GW2 comes out. It atleast has a nice combat system, but who knows how they will adapt it for Western play. Eve Online has TONS of content. Just because it does not hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do 24/7, does not mean it has no content. Its a sandbox game, so no, its not going to have a personal story line just for you 'cause you are the "chosen one" along with the other 100,000,000+ other chosen ones. In eve, you are just another joe blow in the world trying to make your mark, hard concept i know. Yes, we know eve has a grind, yes everyone grinds, but at the same time it does not feel like a grind. You are never in a rush to grind either, unless you need something now for a important fight. Theres no gear grind, 'cause even a frig is useful in fights, and even needed to be in the group most the time. Getting in to bigger ships only means more options, and is not something thats required to be useful. Oh, and good luck hitting the level cap in eve online, 7+ year old char's still have yet to come close.
  10. Stopped reading right about there. Anything you say is bad and should not be done. What bioware needs to do, is take away warzones, as instanced pvp is bad. remove expertise from the game and make it so pve/pvp gear are one and the same, just different ways of getting it. Then, expand open world pvp. Make it so the Uncharted space has planets you can control in parts or the whole thing, sectors of space you can make stations and so on and so on. This way, there can be massive fights over control over stuff, and factions will never be a problem since its outside of governed space. 'Cause its not outside of lore for sith to kill each other, or jedi to go rouge. That way everything is clan based, and not light/dark side.
  11. For strategic long thought out pvp, i would say Eve online For Spur of the moment and fast paced action, Darkfall For Small group pvp with a very high skill cap, Pirates of the burning sea For Massive battles with non-stop action 24/7, Planetside
  12. real crafting with full loot on death. yes, i know 2 things, but they Have to go together.
  13. I love all the people that say " i r hardcore pvper!!!11!!!" then they say they pvp'ed in WoW. Makes me giggle inside. Hate to break it to ya, but Hardcore is not how much you play a game. Its the difficulty of the game that makes it hardcore. 'Cause theres nothing hardcore in Wow, Aoc, War, Rift, Aion, or Swtor.
  14. GW2 will have this. Gear will mean nothing in pvp, its there for appearance. PvP will be purely skill based. Also to boot, there will be NO factions! Then with all the in server fighting, they will have server vs server vs server war, which will bring in each servers community together to fight 2 other servers! So, why worry about Craptastic pvp in swtor? The game was never made for it. It was a after thought to the PvE. Which even that is kinda sub-par but Thats a whole other rant.
  15. easy fix. Make all gear in the game craftable, without having to do HM FP's and then when ya die, you drop everything on you! easy! oh wait.... this is carebear theme park land. nevermind.
  16. I'm not quite sure why anyone *****s about down times for patchs and so on. 4 hours is nothing. If anything, thats Fast for a patch. Say like, Eve online, Their server goes down every day at the same time for 1 hour, no one *****s about it, cause, its needed. Then, when they want to patch the game, the server comes down for 24 hours. Yes, thats right a FULL day, yet no one *****s about it. Why? cause its needed. So in short, get over a 4 hour patch time.
  17. With all the talk of this on the forums, i came to this fight expecting it to be hard. Completed it with ease with mako at lvl 48, with mostly green/blue gear that was not the greatest as a pyrotech PT. If you can burn the first one fast enough and just throw a stun or two at the other one, you can down them no problems.
  18. Who said this was a PvP centered MMO? its very much a PvE centered MMO. No clue what the Term PvE'er have Given PvP'ers cause really, this is the first MMO that i have tryed that was PvE centered. Now on warzones... Would you said COD is PvP? Or any other FPS game is PvP? how about LoL, or other games like it? mortal combat, is that PvP? How about Soul Caliber? is that PvP? Now looking at all those, What is different from them and warzones? nothing. Theres no true conflict in any of them games. You gain nothing, and Lose nothing. Despite that they are still fun, but not truly PvP in a MMO aspect.
  19. The term is common among PvP centered MMO's. Plus, who says you have to feel bad about it? Its a term to label people. If you take it derogatory then thats on you. Its like calling a white man "white", and then him getting pissed off at you for calling him white. Though you also have to understand stereotypes are stereotypes, not every soul will fit in to them perfectly. There very well may be carebears that like a challenge, but as a whole carebears do not. This is why and how a stereotype is born. So yes, theres always exceptions to the rule, as everyone should know. Though, you could be a hardcore carebear, where you love challenge, but hate pvp. These are rare beasts, but they do exist. Much like a crafter i knew of in darkfall. Dude didn't like pvp but he could craft anything and everything in the game. He was well known for it, and he liked that the game was hardcore.
  20. never once said Carebear = Casual. Casual is just a denotation to how much time you spend playing games. You can have casual hardcore players. Carebears are players that Only want PvE, And Hate PvP. They avoid it like the plague most the time. This is where warzones/battle front/ and what ever other queued for pvp instances are called come from. This is called the Carebear version of pvp. Cause its nice, and controlled, and does not have to be done if they don't want it. Carebears also hate challenges. This is where "raiding" comes from, Its a puzzle game in which people figure it out, and after that its simple as pie to do, so long as everyone does their part to spec. So no, your $15 a month means no more then mine and the same way around. the game is the way it is. Its not hardcore in any way, and never will be.
  21. Why does something like this enrage you? Simply cause someone is not pleased with how the gaming market in general is being dumbed down for the common denominator. Its a true statement, and even you say this is the truth. Though, us "hardcore" gamers understand why it is being done. Easy games that make every carebear feel "elite" equals lots of cash. That is the main driving force to most of the market now a days, Money. So if the Carebears Scream easier! then guess what, the game will become easier. Everyone understands this. Personally i don't mind that there are dumbed down games, everyones got to have some fun with this stuff, and not everyone is up to the challenge of "hardcore" games. So again, Why does hes statement enrage you? Though we hardcores do have our own games we can play. Where the dev's condemn carebears and we have a flourishing land of death and tears. Makes one happy to see such carnage. Plus, I think your idea of what a "hardcore" gamer is, is a bit flawed. Hardcore gamers are not people that play 24/7 grinding away like good little monkeys. Thats what we call basement dwellers. Hardcore gamers are people that love challenge and play games that are far less forgiving, and more of a masochistic thing, if anything. Such as like full loot on death, loss of xp and so on. So again, Why does he enrage you for stating the truth?
  22. Now see, mines the other way around. All the Good MMO style games have ruined swtor for me, and any wow based mmo. Its far too carebear for my tastes, heck its carebear heaven. There is no real pvp to be had. There is no loss. Gear means everything and Nothing at the same time, like you never lose it!?!? W.T.F.!!! Then ya got people ranting about macros equaling skill in pvp and how they should be added, That the game needs combat logs and damage meters ( no real clue what a damage meter is, but i kinda understand from reading stuff ). Then ya have expertise and "PvP" gear, both completely new concepts to me, Never heard of gear designed purely for pvp, much less a stat. Then theres "raiding", never did understand why people liked playing cleverly disguised puzzles, Then grinding them over and over again. Overall, sandbox-ish MMO's have ruined my taste for theme park MMO's. At least they keep the Sandbox ones mostly Kiddy free.
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