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Everything posted by Fenshire

  1. The only people talking about "super servers" are presumptuous players on the forums. I don't see how some random dude taking a quote out of context and making up their own buzzword is a marketing ploy.
  2. You think you sound cool, but in reality, you make yourself sound very pathetic.
  3. My server has a healthy population, so I'd rather have 1.3 first.
  4. I don't understand this. Do you not have friends to play with? I've played the game almost completely multiplayer. In fact, the social points and getting the social gear has been a nice motivator to get people to group together on my server. You can't solo flashpoints or heroics at the intended level, nor can you solo warzones or operations. I really don't understand why people keep calling this a 'singleplayer' game. Maybe if you spent some time socializing and making friends, you would find people that would actually want to group with you.
  5. For people expecting there to be a new community manager: you don't lay someone off and then replace them. People get laid off because the position has been eliminated. Honestly, I hope this spells the end of the forums. There is nothing positive here. I go in game, have a great time and have never heard a complaint about this game. I come here and the trolls would have you believe it's the worst game ever created.
  6. I have found two 'secret' locations in the game. One is an empty droid factory on Nar Shaddaa. Huge area not on the map, no mobs at all in the area. The other is a large cave system on Voss. This one does have a map, but the entrance is not marked on the world map. Again, there are no mobs inside at all. Both are just big, empty spaces, however they are fully detailed environments. I kind of laugh when people say there isn't any place to explore in this game... then I bring up these two locations and without fail, they've no idea where they are or how to get to them.
  7. Didn't bother to read the post, as I figure it's more of the same tripe being spewed on this forum. I have no reason not to trust Bioware. They delivered the game they promised, and I've been having a blast with it. However, I will admit that I couldn't care less about PvP and I'm not an endgame-focused player.
  8. Doubtful. Local gaming store near me was selling their last one for $200 USD.
  9. I'd love to see more variety in gear across all levels. Group finder's a biggie, but that's coming. More animated emotes, user-defined idle animations, and the ability to sit in chairs.
  10. My answer is no. I have not even set foot in an operation or hardmode flashpoint. They just don't interest me. I tend to focus on alts and RP.
  11. Fascinating. I've been playing since day one of early access, and before that in beta. I've also been playing MMOs of all kinds for years. And yet... I fail to see how SWTOR is 'epic fail'. For me, it's the MMO I've been waiting for. Finally, an MMO that focuses more on the RPG portion of the game than lolgear.
  12. I already had a 50, so I wasn't worried. However, I think this is really awesome that you guys listened and reacted to some of the community's valid concerns about this promotion. Mad props to you, good doctor.
  13. I'm not reading that nonsense. This has been an awesome patch. I've had a lot of fun playing today.
  14. Sorry you don't like it. I think this patch was amazing.
  15. MK's one sexy beast. Thanks for the info dude!
  16. I finally got my Korrealis Commander! 1.2 may be released at your earliest convenience.
  17. PvP is just a side thing to do when group PvE isn't an option. Nothing to get worked up about.
  18. It's been changed on PTR. Surprised no one has mentioned it. You get points for completing quests while grouped now. It's much easier.
  19. At what point did you think clicking the "New Thread" button was a good idea?
  20. Haha, you're cute. 1.7 million subs and growing... yep! Total flop! Here's an idea for you people on standard-load servers: How about trying to make a desirable community? Instead of being full of vitriol and bile? My server is thriving, and it has a great community. I would never even know people were unhappy with the game, if I didn't come to the general forums for a good laugh.
  21. Definitely more content. Good, quality content will fill the servers up. People asking for merges don't understand how business works. That should be an absolute last ditch plan.
  22. That reasoning I can actually understand. It would just seem foolish to me to merge servers, only to have to open up more as the population grows. Right now, it seems like they're focusing on getting people into the game first, which is a good thing.
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