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Everything posted by YaddleTwo

  1. That's weird because all i see is praise and excitement for it. I will say as cool as it looks, somehow it doesn't, idk, have that Star Wars feeling to it somehow but /shrug
  2. Yeah but also there's always a choice to be kind, or just not say anything at all (i typed a few things here that would have made it clear which post it was over so i deleted it) Maybe there should be repercussions then? Yes we can report posts but unless they are egregiously horrible they get ignored. I'm not saying we need to be super happy all the time, just, i don't know, maybe not call people names or yell at them that they are stupid for asking a question but if they do, and they get reported, and after a couple warnings perhaps that person gets put in a time out or limited posting or something? Let people get warnings and maybe a chance to delete the post, it doesn't need to go from full freedom to banned forever, there's plenty of room in between.
  3. I've noticed an uptick in people blatantly and purposefully being nasty to fellow players who might be reporting something wrong or asking for help and then someone else comes in sniping at them for no reason. Calling them names (stupid/lazy/ect) Really need this behavior to go away especially when the op's are never anything but pleasant Devs is there something we can do about this?
  4. Thank you, just maybe next time please give us a heads up, I thought Theron was angry with me!
  5. Evey time a new project/ show comes out i feel the urge to start a game on how many things from swtor, and the old republic in general, did they lift lol But yes it looks intriguing!
  6. Yep it's so much harder to hit conquest now unless your playing how they play at least 6 days a week and most of us can't do that even if we wanted to
  7. I was doing heroics on dk on Shae Vizla and all of a sudden the lag spiked to over 8k, i checked my internet, it was fine, i tried to ask in gen chat if anyone else had the issue but it wouldn't display anything i typed, game booted me so i re-logged the ping went back down to more normal levels but still couldn't talk in gen chant, re-logged again and it resolved itself This happened about 10 minutes ago or around 9:25am eastern/8:25am central
  8. Saaammme and i made idk what number she is, agent, 3,4th ...something like that a Chiss just so she'd get those even sweeter lines...
  9. This bug is older them some people playing the game at this point. I let him live every time and yet after the cut scene there he is splayed out on the floor on Ziost. Please fix this already
  10. The letter set after is cute too! From Theron, but i'm confused arn't i supposed to get a deco or something?
  11. Just did the one with Theron my love and yeah it was short, but it was so sweet imho! Although not sure on the setting, maybe a dive bar on Alderaan or something might be better but I liked it! Just needs to last longer *eyes Theron lovingly*
  12. I understand why they did it initially, they were afraid people would do a sort of 'review bombing' of posts but since they edited dow to just heart, trophy, sad, confused, and happy honestly can we have too much love around here? ❤️
  13. Lol! You made me actually "laugh out loud" 🤣 You'd think they'd be on board with this as it would cut down on posts and be easier to navigate. Dropping a little like is just a nice and tidy thing. Also it's not like there are middle finger type reactions anyway!
  14. We are having to resorting to quote posting to get around the really low allowance of reactions. Please at least to 15 a "day" 25 would be a better amount if you still feel the need to limit us Devs, thank you!
  15. I miss heroic's being useful and fun too but *waves hands* all of what you said ^ Agree with pretty much everything you said
  16. Yep they didn't drop with every thing and some nights it would take a while indeed
  17. YaddleTwo

    Shae Vizla pvp

    Quoting because out of "reaction" emojies for the day again
  18. I think i just say Jackie say elsewhere that if you are having an issue with the transfer to contact support
  19. Yeah i think the point that the person is actively trolling while being in stealth and not fighting is getting missed again. Honestly someone go back in time to before 7.0 and tell everyone, probably myself included, complaining about pvp then to hush because we had it so much better
  20. Same on my Inquisitor back in January, first i'm seeing this and now i'm super tee'd
  21. Yes as someone who's been around this game for umpteen years i have more cartel coins then a newbie whoever i also use those here and there for fun or quality of life upgrades. Blowing 1,500 cartel coins for one dye that can only be used on one character is ridiculous. However if you made them legacy wide or, better yet put them in collections that i would be fine with, thank you.
  22. I ran out of reactions so have to resort to quoting (that needs to be increased too btw) I'm a mostly solo player also with ghost town guilds that i keep going for memories sake and the fact that once in a blue moon my other friends pop in too. But i also cannot play for 12 hours a day several days a week either! Reputations were never an issue At this point i say just undo every change since 7.0 and lets retool everything, including getting rid of GS altogether because this is getting ridiculous. GS are not stories, new dialog boxes are not stories either for that matter and this is just not making anything better. Sorry, i apologize, i'm a little frustrated atm I just want to play and have fun not constantly feel like i have to play how you want me to play in order to do stuff. And this game was getting a lot of traction again and people were coming back and new youtuber's were making videos about it again just before the 7.0 drops and then suddenly millions were left with saying "wut". I would much rather go back to having to kill x amount of something and getting new armor that actually makes me better that i can also actually get and not just drool at looking at a vendor for an op that i can never do being a mostly solo player.
  23. Well that's an unnecessarily confusing way of doing it on their part. if so. Why not make them currencies that only appear in your currency tab like they have with so many others then?
  24. I hope you get a reimbursement once they realize this!
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